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I’m trying to embrace Fall, I really am. I made pumpkin brownies, had a bonfire at a friend’s house the other night, and have made the pretty big switch from cool, crisp white wines to our seriously never ending collection of Cabernet Sauvignon. We went a little Cab crazy over the past few years, and now it’s everywhere! I’m loving the brightly colored mums I see around town, and I really like the creepy feeling that happens around Halloween. I am a big fan of ghost stories, scary movies, and other chilling things.

But I am already over the very dark mornings, being freezing during the work day (I literally wanted to put my feet in the oven after baking the brownies the other day.), and being hungry all the time. And when it comes to food, I never got my fill of tomatoes, fresh salads, cucumbers, and grilled vegetables. With the desire to start eating more healthily (again!), I visited The Fresh Market this Sunday after we dropped the boat off nearby for winter storage (sniffle). I  love The Fresh Market and take any chance I can get to visit.

I have been enjoying quinoa lately where I have not in the past. The difference? I really dislike any dry foods like rice and grains, but if I add some sort of nice sauce, I can eat them just fine. With this easy, healthy lunch recipe, I crossed over two seasons and came up with a beautiful result.

pattypan squash

A few cups of mini patty pan squashes, cut in half.


Three cups quinoa, juice of one juicy lemon, and 1/4 cup of fruity olive oil

olive oil and lemon

Lots and lots of fresh cilantro


1/2 chopped white onion

cilantro and onion

grape tomatoes

A pint of grape tomatoes

quinoa salad

Quickly cook the squash until tender while quinoa is cooking according to package directions. Once done, toss all ingredients together. I topped mine with kalamata olives and goat cheese and enjoyed every healthy bite. Yum.

This solved our lunch dilemma for a few days at least, and it was a valiant effort at bringing some fall flavors into our repertoire. Since discovering ways to make myself like quinoa and the like, I am really looking forward to incorporating more of these healthy things into my life.

Do you have any ingredients that you used to dislike that you have changed your mind on?

Tags: Food, Lunch, recipe, salad, vegan, Vegetarian

Fall seems to officially be here, and we have definitely started to make a shift in our eating habits. Gone are the heirloom tomatoes (I had some AWFUL ones earlier in the week!). Brussels sprouts are back with a vengeance, and I have been loving pears, apples, and butternut squash. Fall can be the best time of year to make salads, mixing it up from those tomatoes, cucumbers, and corn and adding a little sweetness from pears, apples, and beets, and that’s just what I did the other night.


I started with three blushing pears and three large, earthy beets.


While I got the beets cooking in a pot of boiling water, I cracked open a bottle of wine for the dressing, a Zinfandel from our visit to Amista. The dressing for the salad? A simple Zinfandel reduction, made by bringing the Zinfandel up to a boil, then reducing it and keeping an eye on it so that it doesn’t reduce too much. You want it slightly syrupy, but not completely stuck to the pan. The smell of simmering wine is pretty darn delicious!

Amista Zinfandel

clearly fresh bags

The salad base was a wasabi arugula which promised to have a kick. Sadly, it did not. However, I did try a new product I received to review, Clearly Fresh BreatheWay bags, and they made a HUGE difference in how my greens kept throughout the week. I tend to buy a ton of greens like kale, spinach, lettuce, and arugula, and since I can’t eat them all immediately, they often get black and rotten very quickly. I transferred each group of greens into its own Clearly Fresh bag, pushed out the air, and sealed them up. A few days later, the leaves were dry and perfect. I am pretty excited about these bags and being able to preserve expensive produce a little bit longer.




Once the Zinfandel was reduced and the beets were peeled and cooled, I just tossed everything together and topped with crumbled honey goat cheese.

autumn salad

I love how a simple, easy-to-make salad can make a meal feel special. Even with just a few ingredients, this delicious combination was kind of spectacular. The fact that it was a healthy addition to our main course, an AMAZING chicken tortilla soup, made it even better.

I guess I can say that I am starting to get into the whole change of seasons thing. The food, and of course three new pairs of boots (Have you tried ShoeDazzle yet?! The shoes I got definitely aren’t the best quality ever, but they are so inexpensive, making it a fun place to shop for trends or short-term use/seasonal shoes and boots. ) make it a little more appealing!

How do you keep your diet healthy and full of veggies and fruits once the summer starts to wane?

Tags: Amista Vineyards, arugula, beets, fall, pears, salad, Vegetarian, wine

Planning your Thanksgiving menu yet? I know it might be early for some, but I am actually cooking Thanksgiving dinner in Ireland, so I have to plan ahead, keeping in mind ingredients I know I will be able to find there. Brussels sprouts are one ingredient I LOVE cooking when in Ireland, and since I absolutely adore these little green globes of goodness, I am always dreaming up new Brussels sprouts recipes (How ‘bout Bacon Brussels Sprouts Mac and Cheese? Or Sriracha Maple Brussels Sprouts?) For lunches this week, I whipped up a giant batch of a recipe I am calling a salad because it is really delicious at room temperature. Call it what you like, but be sure to make it soon because it is delicious and healthy. Brussels sprouts

I started with about four cups of sprouts, all cut in half except for the mini ones at the bottom of the stalk. I also chopped four apples and half a sweet onion.


Before I got cooking, I rehydrated about a cup of golden raisins in some hot water so they would be sweet and plump in the final dish.

golden raisins

A good glug of olive oil got the whole thing started. The onions went in first so that they could caramelize.

olive oil

Shortly after, I added the Brussels sprouts so that they would get nice and brown. Nom nom nom.

Brussels sprouts

Once the sprouts and onions were getting browned, I tossed in the apples and raisins, gave it a stir, and let it all simmer together for a few minutes.

Brussels sprouts

Served alongside some spicy chicken sausage, this salad made a perfect veggie side dish, but I think it’s hearty enough for a light meal as well.  I’ll be eating it for lunch topped with crumbled goat cheese or blue cheese. And I will definitely be adding it to my repertoire of fall recipes. Bring on those Brussels!

What’s your favorite fall/winter food or ingredient?

Tags: brussels sprouts, recipe, salad, side dish, vegetables, Vegetarian

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