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What a difference a couple of years makes. Back in early 2011, we were pretty crushed to find out that the Farragut House, a South Boston institution, was closing. We loved the Farragut House. They poured a perfect pint of Guinness, made some delectable seafood, and offered a cozy, down home atmosphere that was as close to feeling like Ireland as I have seen in the US (we also really like Mr. Dooley’s in the Financial District for a real Ireland feel, FYI).

To top off our disappointment at the closing of Farragut House, we had a fairly awful first experience at its replacement, Local 149. We actually vowed to never go back, which is pretty rare, especially considering how often we pass it on walks to and around Castle Island.

This past Friday, after trying unsuccessfully to get into Lincoln Tavern in Southie, we decided to give Local 149 another try. We could not believe how different, in a very positive way, our experience was this time around. It looks like they have settled in and worked out all the kinks.

Local 149 Chalkboard Table

The last time we visited Local 149, the atmosphere was awful. It felt chaotic, messy, and unpleasant. This time, even though we were seated in the middle of the room, it felt cozy and relaxed, warm and friendly.

Our server was welcoming and attentive and gave us plenty of time and space to go over the extensive beer menu. I decided on a cocktail whose name I now forget, but I do remember I absolutely loved it.


Local 149’s beer menu is pretty impressive, and my husband took full advantage of the variety.

Local 149 beer

Our food was fantastic. To start, we split the Fried Brussels Sprouts, obviously. They came with a chipotle lime sauce and a house-made blue cheese. We ate every last crumb and probably would have ordered more if we were just there for beers and appetizers.

fried Brussels sprouts

Since I like a little balance in my life, I decided on the roasted acorn squash for dinner. It came with cranberries, “good” blue cheese, and greens, and it was the perfect, hearty veggie plate dinner.

acorn squash

We really couldn’t get over how much we loved everything about our visit to Local 149, and the fact that it’s close to home makes it even better. It just goes to show you that you definitely can’t always judge a restaurant when it’s still fairly new and to not completely rule places out after one visit.

Do you like to visit restaurants immediately after they open, or do you wait a couple of months for them to settle in?

Tags: beer, Boston, cocktails, Dining out, dinner, Food, restaurant review, Restaurants

You can’t love them all. Local 149, a restaurant by the Biltmore Bar and Grill’s Jason Owens has opened up in the former location of South Boston’s much-loved Farragut House.

The Farragut House offered a cozy, unpretentious atmosphere with surprisingly good quality food, a perfect pint of Guinness, and authentic, friendly service. The Farragut House was perfect for what it was, a neighborhood joint that drew people who lived in the area. It was for all ages,  reflected its proximity to the sea, and poured one of the best pints of Guinness in Boston. And they made a perfect fillet of salmon.

Local 149 is a little different, and to be brutally honest, reminded me that change is not always good.

I had high hopes for Local 149 when I heard it was going to be a beer and oyster place along South Boston’s waterfront.

The outside of Local 149 features shiny wood and metal, modern, simple, and while nice, completely out of place in this salty, down-to-earth neighborhood. And nothing, inside or out, would tell you that a beautiful ocean front is a block away.

Local 149 South Boston

Once inside, we were informed of a 15 minute wait. The ladies at the hostess stand were very welcoming, and they ushered us to the bar to wait with drinks. Local 149 has an extensive beer menu, and I had a hard time deciding before finally settling on a Pretty Things Jack d’Or.

Local 149 beer menu

So here’s where I started to get a little annoyed. The bar crowd, at 6:15, was obnoxious. I literally wanted to put my fingers in my ears because of the people around us. There were lots of sleazy men in business clothes loudly hitting on women, who were equally loud. It was not my favorite atmosphere ever. Add in four TV’s and really loud music. We should have left then.

My beer and the bar staff were great.

Pretty Things

After about 15 minutes, the very lovely hostess came to seat us. The first table she brought me to was literally right behind the loudest of the loud obnoxious men, and when I asked for another table, she was more than happy to move us further into the restaurant. It was very much appreciated.

Local 149

Once we were seated, we looked around at the décor which is just busy. I can’t pinpoint a theme, with the glowing bottles and metal cattle horns, brick fireplace, and studded chairs. Coyote Ugly?  I can’t help but say I completely missed how cozy the Farragut House was. I just don’t know what’s going on in this place.

Local 149

But I had high hopes for the food. Again, we had a hard time deciding as the menu offered many great choices. We decided to start with oysters.

raw oysters

The oysters, as I understand, were supposed to be a big part of the restaurant’s Southern-influenced cuisine. They arrived, placed like they were thrown, on a plate of ice, and when I say I have never seen an oyster quite so mangled in my life, you have to believe me. I feel mean even writing this, but it looked like someone took an ice pick and just stabbed them a bunch of times. They were still completely stuck to the shell and a complete mess. To the oysters’ credit, they were deliciously briny, but I was so put off by the appearance, I started to not feel well.

fried Brussels sprouts

Fried Brussels sprouts to the rescue! Perfectly fried globes of green with a slightly spicy dipping sauce and a blue cheese-like dip were fantastic. These would probably be even better if they were smaller sprouts, as we had at the Four Seasons,  just to make them a little easier to eat. We polished off every single Brussels sprout, and things were looking up.

Until our shrimp tempura arrived. Look closely, my friends, at the presentation. Why would smearing sauce all over a bowl be appealing? It looked like someone had something they needed to get off their hand, so they wiped it on the bowl. I didn’t touch this dish, simply because of the way it looked. The husband, never one to care about such things, said the shrimp were great, but the tempura batter was cold and soggy.

shrimp tempura

At the very start of our meal, due to the fact that our table barely fit two beers, two waters, and a candle, we asked that our food be staggered as best as possible which didn’t really happen.

I just wonder if restaurateurs choose tables with actual food and actual people eating in mind. I was so uncomfortably squished and dropping things that I just wanted to go home.

Local 149 South Boston

Our final course, the beet salad with truffle vinaigrette, was a much needed saving grace. It was a stunning dish, dotted with quail eggs, candy cane beets, and topped with an earthy, fragrant truffle dressing. We gobbled this up, loving every bite. Isn’t it so pretty? It was a really nice bridge between winter and spring.

beet and quail egg salad

We also ordered the “spicy” pimiento fries which were just soggy, and never photographed. Not good fries, not at all.

Our meal was about half and half as far as things we liked and things we couldn’t eat.

And here’s where I get a little picky, because it annoys me when restaurants open without editing things. I am by no means perfect, by the way, and everyone makes mistakes. But when you have a menu that is a two sided document, it probably wouldn’t take 10 minutes to have a couple sets of eyes look at it. The menu had many misspelled words, including their ($6!) Guinness (Guiness to them) and tried, perhaps, with the below, to appeal to the Irish neighborhood they are in, with their usquebaugh, the phoenetic spelling of whiskey in the Irish language.


For the record, the correct Irish spelling is Uisce beatha.

In addition to all of the above disappointments, this place just felt very ingenuine, like they didn’t try at all to think of the neighborhood, history, or people of the location. I actually finished writing this post this morning, and I have to say the overall experience made me sort of sad as I thought more about it.

I rarely say this, but I would definitely not return, which is unfortunate because of Local 149’s close proximity to my house and to the Castle Island beach and walking area that we visit almost nightly in the summer.

You can’t love them all.

Have you been disappointed by a restaurant or other business that you had high hopes for lately?

Local 149 on Urbanspoon

Tags: beer, disappointing, Food, Local 149, restaurant, restaurant review, South Boston

Hello to all of Meghan’s readers! This is Julie from Savvy Eats and I am pleased to be guest-posting while Meghan is away.

Today, I am reviewing Bluephies, a restaurant in Madison, WI that just celebrated its 15th birthday in December.

I have been to Bluephies countless number of times. It is where we take visiting family and friends, celebrate birthday, and even get our wedding cake substitute!

The interior of the restaurant is filled with primary colors and brushed metal, giving it a warm and modern feel. I have never had a waiter/waitress who wasn’t helpful and friendly, and the prices are reasonable.

The key part of any restaurant review, though, is the menu and the food. Which are, unfailingly, fantastic.

The menu is filled with creative twists on old classics. Conveniently, dishes that are, or can easily be made to be, vegetarian or gluten-free are clearly marked on the menu.

Some of my favorite dishes at Bluephies?




Butternut Squash Soup.

Creamy, sweet, and smooth. Lovely.


Butternut Squash Soup



Ooey Gooey Pasta.

From the menu: “roasted chicken, crispy bacon, mushrooms and spring peas tossed in a rich gorgonzola cream sauce with jumbo corkscrew pasta.” Clearly, I ate this in my pre-vegetarian days. While it is not remotely healthy, I nearly cried when I saw this labeled as a gluten-free dish on the menu. For six months last year, I was eating gluten-free due to an allergy misdiagnosis, and was so happy when I found a gluten-free pasta dish!


Black Bean & Goat Cheese Enchiladas + Spinach Enchiladas


The idea to put goat cheese in an enchilada was brilliant. Creamy and tangy and delicious! And the spinach enchiladas practically melt in your mouth.


Oreo Ravioli


The name says it all, doesn’t it?


Oreo Ravioli

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Egg Rolls.


Oreo Ravioli 2


I would have never thought to make a sweet egg roll, but these are rich and gooey and delicious. In fact, we like them so much, we are serving these instead of cake at our wedding this spring!

If you are ever in the Madison area, I highly recommend you check out Bluephies. Or, you can find their cookbook on Amazon so that you can recreate some of their dishes from the comfort of your own kitchen.

Tags: Food, restaurant review

new restaurant
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