Red Fire Farm

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That very sad time has come. Our 2014 Summer CSA from Red Fire Farm is over. The 20 weeks flew by in a flash, as does the best season.  Fall and winter produce don’t excite me nearly as much as what we get in spring and summer, so we opted not to do a share again until next year.

Red Fire Farm CSA Our final share included lots of greens like lettuce, kale, and dandelion greens, along with carrots, onions, garlic, sweet potatoes, and pie pumpkins. One of the things I do like about fall produce is that it tends to be heartier and doesn’t need to be eaten right away. Mid-summer, with delicate tomatoes and squashes was a little more difficult and required planning on being home many nights when we might have spontaneously gone out.

We are trying really hard to eat better, move more, sleep more, and drink less, so we have been all about salads, and since I am always cold, I love to introduce some warm ingredients into salads.

This warm autumn salad is just some lettuce topped with roasted carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash and a quick vinaigrette made from balsamic, olive oil, mustard, shallot, and a dollop of honey. Some goat cheese made it a little more filling and fun. I love easy dinners like this, where I can get the veggies in the oven to roast and move on to doing other things around the house.

warm autumn salad

Another go-to fall dinner is stuffed acorn squash. There are a billion recipes for stuffed acorn squash, and I love it. It’s a way to have a fairly easy and healthy dinner that you can mix up every time. Our latest stuffed squash creation involved apples, spicy chicken sausage, cornbread, spicy peppers, and onions.

chopped apples

Typically when I am making a stuffed squash, especially a hard squash like acorn, I cut and clean it and get it started roasting, then prepare the stuffing separately. This time around I cooked down some hot peppers and red onion from our CSA in a little coconut oil. I then added in some apple pieces. Once everything was starting to soften, I started the chicken sausage in a separate pan so that it browned. Over the apple mixture, I crumbled some large chunks of cornbread, toasted that up a little, and added some flavor and moisture to it all with chicken stock.

peppers and onions for stufffing

Once that was all settled, I pulled out the acorn squash and stuffed the mixture in, cooking it all together for another eight minutes or so, just until the squash was nice and soft and the filling hot. This stuffed fall squash dish was a huge hit and made for some leftovers the next day.

stuffed acorn squash recipe

Now that we’ve made it through a full 20 week CSA, here are a few observations:


  • We got to support a Massachusetts farm for a season.
  • We really got to know the growing season in Massachusetts. I loved our weekly email from Red Fire Farm letting us know what was happening in the fields.
  • We ate a MUCH larger variety of vegetables than we usually do. Dandelion greens and kohlrabi are just two items we probably wouldn’t have purchased otherwise.
  • We always had vegetables on hand. Grocery shopping was a quick pickup of some proteins, yogurts, and work snacks.
  • We had SO MANY VEGETABLES. Many people commented on my Instagram that their CSAs did not send as much. Red Fire Farm is pretty awesome, and we are grateful for their hard work.


  • The payments were in installments early in the season, and they were pretty large chunks of money at once, understandably as it is supporting the farm for the season.
  • We had SO MANY VEGETABLES. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Some weeks we shared, others we learned to eat what we were given so we didn’t waste. Still, my compost heap saw a lot of lettuce!
  • Pickup becomes a weekly constant. My poor husband was usually the one stuck with this chore since he has the car. It’s not a huge deal, but there were definitely nights it got in the way.

We will likely join a CSA next year, but I am also going full speed ahead with gardening. I am going to double the size of my garden and have already planted garlic and shallots. I have seeds for broccoli, kale, sunflowers, radishes, beets, and kohlrabi. I may have accidentally purchased 900 kohlrabi seeds, so I will be sharing if we end up with a huge crop! I will also plant potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, summer squash, and basil.

I am grateful that we have access to fresh local food in so many ways and from so many places. Our CSA was a great adventure in learning more about those opportunities!

Tags: agriculture, autum recipe, autumn salads, CSA, farm, farms, Food, Massachusetts, Red Fire Farm, stuffed acorn squash, stufffed squash

It’s always been my dream to have a midsummer party, complete with fairy lights in the trees, small bites made with locally grown ingredients, and lots of chilled Champagne. I would love to add in a fire pit and lots of comfy seating and friends laughing and talking into the night. We now have the yard for it, but this year it doesn’t seem like we have had the time. We’re bogged down with some house projects and some major stress with a crooked former contractor (there will be SO much more on that when I am allowed to discuss), so entertaining hasn’t been a top priority.

Midsummer’s bounty from Red Fire Farm has buoyed my spirits during this past week, which was particularly tough. Our CSA share this week included carrots, sweet corn, celery, watermelon, cucumbers, zucchini, two cartons of blueberries, sage, basil, chives, green onions, kale, and lettuce.

Red Fire Farm CSA

While we’re not entertaining large groups, we did make time on CSA day for a family barbecue, My father-in-law is visiting from Ireland, and casual back yard get togethers are an easy way to enjoy our yard, family, and great food. We grilled the sweet corn right in the husks, along with some carne asada and buffalo burgers. A grilled Japanese eggplant from an earlier CSA share and a huge salad rounded out the meal.


sweet corn

I received a sweet surprise when I cut into the CSA watermelon; it was yellow! And it was so incredibly sweet and juicy and good. I love being messily covered in watermelon juice. Smile

yellow watermelon

I wanted to do some prepping of veggies from our share so they didn’t go bad quickly, so I decided to make an oven roasted salsa. I used CSA heirloom tomatoes, peppers, and an Aisla Craig onion along with a red tomato and red hot chili peppers from my own garden. Roasted up and blended together, the salsa is actually great cold with chips or hot as a sauce over chicken and veggies. I love how simple and healthy it is.

oven roasted salsa

I took the sage and oven dried it at 180 degrees for a few hours. Sage to me smells like instant Thanksgiving, and sadly I am already thinking of the stuffing I will make that chilly morning in November. At least I will be able to bring a piece of my favorite season into it!

The rest of the week will include lots of salads and kale smoothies along with stuffed zucchini. I feel so grateful that we have amazing Massachusetts farms to bring food to our tables, and I look forward to sharing more!

Have a great weekend!

Tags: CSA. farm to table, Food, fruit, Red Fire Farm, salsa, summer produce, vegetables

I don’t even want to think about the fact that this is my last CSA Friday in July. That thought literally makes me want to cry, to feel a little panicked. I noticed one night this week that I needed to turn a light on earlier. I am trying to savor each moment of this magical season without thinking of the inevitable hell that is some of fall, all of winter, and much of spring, but it’s hard not to.

At any rate, our CSA share is showing its own love for summer in the bounty we have been provided. The past couple of weeks have introduced tomatoes, potatoes, garlic, lots of squash, and fields full of cucumbers in addition to various herbs and lettuces.

Red Fire Farm CSA

The new potatoes in our CSA last week were some of the most delicious potatoes I have ever tasted. Tender and buttery, they were perfect boiled up, then smashed with sautéed CSA onions, garlic, parsley, and butter. I let them sit until browned in the butter, and we ate them with a big salad. Simple, fresh, and local, this was one of my favorite dinners of the summer so far.

smashed potatoes

The arrival of heartier vegetables like carrots was more than welcome; these keep for longer than a few days and can still be eaten, lessening the frenzy to eat allthevegetables in one day.

local carrots

Simple weeknight meals have included CSA carrots and squash mixed in with jarred sauce. I love this Golden Gravy, picked up at Fruit Center Marketplace in Milton. You can read about their amazing wine dinners here.  This butternut squash based gravy helped to turn our field veggies almost into a stew. It was perfect for some cooler nights.

Valicenti Golden Gravy

A crazy abundance of cucumbers resulted in easy pickles. I simply cut the cukes into chips and set them aside while I boiled white vinegar, onion, garlic, sugar, and crushed red pepper. Once cool, I poured the vinegar mix over the cucumber chips and refrigerated. The end result was perfectly crisp, tangy pickle chips. The garlic from our CSA is something else. It is sweet and mild and easy to eat all on its own. It lends beautiful depth of flavor to dishes.


Finally, the last few weeks we have been devouring blueberries from our CSA. I planned rustic pies, but these are best eaten by the fist full. Sometimes they don’t even make it home. . .

local blueberries

My husband points out almost daily how my soul shines in the summer, and I am feeling it fully, from the tips of my sunbleached hair down to my bare toes. It’s been amazing to enjoy our CSA and the fruits of local farmers’ labor this year, summer coming inside our kitchen and staying, at least for now!


What summer foods have you been loving lately?

Tags: CSA, farm to table, farms, healthy eating, local food, recipes, Red Fire Farm, summer food, vegetables

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