
You are currently browsing articles tagged ravioli.

I have been spending quite a bit of time in the kitchen lately. I think since I have so many weekends away coming up, I am just enjoying hanging around the house and cooking up a storm. Earlier this week, I had the bright idea to make homemade ravioli, perhaps a lofty goal for a weeknight after a day of work, a run, and some blogging, but it turned out okay.

I looked at a bunch of random online recipes and got the gist of the ingredients involved. Since we only had wheat flour in the house (I will remedy that soon!) I was stuck making wheat pasta.

I used three cups of flour, two large eggs and enough water to turn it into dough. It was a messy mess.

eggs and flour

I used my fanciest of rolling pins, an empty wine bottle, to roll out the dough. I do have a pasta maker, but I didn’t set it up for this venture. Probably a bad idea. . .

pasta dough

I let the dough sit for awhile while I mixed up a quick, simple filling of goat cheese, shrimp, and garlic powder.

shrimp and goat cheese

I added scoops of filling along the dough, placed the other layer of dough on top, and used a glass to cut the ravioli out. Finally, I used a fork to seal the ravioli, making sure the filling didn’t fall out.


Totally rustic, right? My dough was a little too thick, and I will  most definitely use the pasta maker next time and probably more water. It kept ripping when I tried to get it thinner 🙁

I planned on making a homemade heirloom tomato sauce for the ravioli, but by the time I was done rolling out the pasta dough and all, I decided to use another of the samples that Lucini sent me, Spicy Tuscan Tomato Sauce. It ended up being the perfect choice. Once the ravioli were cut open, the goat cheese and spicy sauce sort of combined to make a nice, creamy sauce.

Lucini spicy sauce

As we get closer to the holiday weekend, I will be taking a break from my kitchen adventures. I am exhausted!

I am going to a wedding in the Berkshires for our friends’ wedding this weekend, and I can not wait to break out of the office Friday at 2. It has been quite the week!

What are you up to for this unofficial last weekend of summer?

Tags: cooking, pasta, ravioli, recipe

Happy Sunday! First, if you were interested in the Coconut Curry Scallops I posted about last week, please check out the Travessia Wine Blog for the official recipe card. 🙂

Second, there are TWO giveaways going on, one for Harvard Sweet Boutique cookies and another to help Taza Chocolate recover from last week’s flooding. . . Check em out!

A long time ago, Foodbuzz sent its tastemakers a coupon for a free Buitoni pasta or sauce. Unfortunately, since we rarely shop at “regular” grocery stores, it took me months to actually come across the pasta while shopping. I was at Market Basket, a store whose prices bring a little bit of heaven and obnoxious crowds bring a little bit of hell, and found Buitoni’s Chicken and Four Cheese Ravioli, perfect for a quick dinner after a long day in the sun.

Buitoni Ravioli

I also picked up Buitoni’s alfredo sauce. I rarely buy pasta sauces, but with the tiredness setting in, I decided to go for it and to doctor up the sauce to make it my own creation.

dinner ingredients

I started by sautéing thinly sliced zucchini, onion, garlic, and mushrooms in a tiny bit of olive oil. In the meantime, I started water boiling for the ravioli and got the sauce into a little pan of its own.

zucchini, mushrooms, onions

To jazz up the alfredo sauce, I added fresh ground nutmeg from the never ending nutmeg supply we bought in Grenada on our honeymoon. I also added ground black pepper.

nutmeg from Grenada

Once the zucchini had softened, and the ravioli were done, I drained them, mixed everything together, and added the sauce.

ravioli with cream sauce and veggies

I was surprised at how good the ravioli and sauce were. I am pretty wary of packaged sauces and pastas, but I really liked these and would buy them again in a heartbeat for a quick meal. Thanks, Foodbuzz, for the opportunity to try Buitoni products!

Do you tend to make your own sauces/pastas, or do you prefer store bought? If you are more “semi-homemade” what are your favorite tricks for jazzing up a packaged food?

Tags: alfredo sauce, Buitoni, pasta, primavera pasta, ravioli, recipe, sauce, zucchini

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