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Muahahaha. . . would my husband notice if I replaced the chicken in our chicken salad with Quorn meatless chicken cutlets? Would I notice a huge difference? Let’s find out!

Quorn chicken cutlets

As many of you know, I am a former vegan and vegetarian who has, in recent years, discovered the deliciousness of humanely raised, organic meat. But, for our health and the environment, I have been returning a little to my vegetarian ways and have been looking to get enough protein while eating more meatless meals.

Quorn chicken cutlets

With a plan to make a sweet and spicy chicken salad in mind, I decided to just substitute Quorn chicken for the real stuff.

For my salad, I started with about a cup and a half of grapes, cleaned and cut in half.


I also cleaned and chopped three stalks of celery, including the leaves.


And about two tablespoons of ginger


I mixed up the faux chicken, celery, ginger, and grapes with a sprinkle of salt, several spoonfuls of curry powder, and about a cup of Greek yogurt.

chicken salad ingredients

chicken salad

I served the salad on homemade focaccia bread, the easiest yeast bread I have ever made, and one that I will be making again and again, maybe even several times a week. Interested in the recipe? Read my afternoon post!


The sandwich was, perhaps, a little unseasonable for a snowy night, but it was delicious.

The look? Just like chicken salad. The taste? Pretty darn close. With all of those ingredients mixed in the chicken took a back seat. It provided a nice, chewy texture and mild flavor and I had to ask my husband later if he noticed anything different about the chicken Smile To his credit, he had worked over 14 hours after four hours of sleep, so I can’t blame him for missing the change. I have to say, I might have been fooled myself!

Do you have any healthy substitutes that you just love?

Tags: focaccia, Food, grapes, healthy recipe, meatless, Quorn, salad, Vegetarian

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