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Reverb is back! Back in December, I committed to writing blog posts based on creative, thoughtful prompts as part of Reverb 2010. I was not as diligent as I could have been, but I did have fun writing a few Reverb posts:

5 Minutes


I was very excited a few days ago to discover an email in my inbox from Reverb with a prompt for February and the promise of one prompt a month going forward. Once a month I can do.

One month into 2011, what question(s) are you living? Are there any prompts/questions that arose during #reverb10 that are still resonating in your life? Are you living new questions?

Wow. Reverb has some good timing. I am definitely living different questions in 2011. The biggest question of 2010 was “Should I quit my job?” The answer was yes.

After some part time work and freelance work and blogging and vacation time and travel, then more freelance work and more part time work and meetings and calls and emails and kicking off a little Marketing Consulting biz, my new question is “What direction am I going in?”.

There have been days where it felt like I would never work for pay again and days when I have felt overwhelmed by opportunities coming from different places and wanting to do everything. I wonder if I will become a permanent freelancer, enjoying the flexible but busy work from home lifestyle, able to take on project after project and to dabble in a little bit of food, wine, travel, and other interests as they come along.

This lifestyle creates another set of questions in itself. Will I make enough money freelancing? Will there be enough work to keep me busy enough consistently? How will I choose which jobs I take on and those I have to pass up?

Or will I find a great office job that I can’t turn down? Will the economy turn for the better, creating more traditional jobs that are right up my alley?

I don’t have any answers! But I can tell you how I have been managing living with constant questions because that’s what life is all about!

  • One minute, one hour, one day at a time. You don’t have to be everything always or to say yes or no right away.
  • Exercise! When I get overwhelmed with questions, a short, sweat-inducing workout does WONDERS. If you can’t work out, wine helps too Winking smile
  • Organize, organize, organize. Then make some lists, weigh pros and cons, and remember that most decisions are not the be all and end all for your whole life. They just might seem that way!

If you were to write a post on the Reverb prompt, what questions would you say you are living? Have they changed recently?

Tags: employment, questions, reverb, work

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