Puerto Rico

You are currently browsing articles tagged Puerto Rico.

We fell in love with Puerto Rico on a visit there this past week, and this is the first of many posts on this enchanting island. Warm and vibrant, welcoming, and stunning,  Puerto Rico was exactly what we needed after some very stressful work months and losing our cat and having a car accident in the same week. My car is going to take almost two weeks to fix!

With winter creeping back in here in the Northeast, I thought that a peek at Old San Juan’s colorful architecture would be a good place to start. Old San Juan offers colorful facades, catchy music, smells of food and tropical flowers, and a variety of accents, languages, and more around every corner.

As I catch up on work and life I hope you enjoy a bit of a mental getaway through travel photos. More to come!

Cathedral of San Juan Bautista


Cathedral of San Juan Bautista



Old San Juan Old San Juan El Convento Old San Juan Old San Juan Old San Juan Old San Juan Old San Juan Old San Juan Fort

Old San Juan Old San Juan art gallery door Old San Juan Old San Juan Old San Juan   Old San Juan flowers Old San Juan flowers Old San Juan

Tags: architecture, Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, san juan, Travel, travel blog, travel blog posts

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