Tomatoes and basil galore! If you are what you eat, then I am definitely a tomato with a side of basil this week. Tomatoes and basil are available in several of the farm stands at the Copley market, and I have been enjoying them in a variety of ways, including all by themselves.
Tuesday night, I was in the mood for something light, but the hubs was hungry so I whipped up two quick meals that showcased the tomatoes and basil that I bought at the market.
I had a quick salad of chopped tomatoes, shredded basil, honey goat cheese, olive oil, and ground pepper. Then I had another bowl of the same for dessert. So fresh and flavorful, this combination is a winner and will be on my menu until the last tomato is picked Love.
For a slightly more filling meal, I thawed some frozen shrimp (a staple in our freezer), then whipped up a quick pesto using a handful of basil, 2 cloves of garlic, and some olive oil. I tossed a whole chopped tomato and the shrimp with the pesto. Once the shrimp and tomato were evenly coated with pesto, I baked them at 375 until they were pink.
This filled the kitchen with such an incredible garlic and basil aroma. I snagged a couple of shrimp from my husband, and they were perfect. The best part? This dinner took about 15 minutes.
I love the simplicity of summer eating. Great local ingredients truly do shine.
If you have a roommate or significant other, do you always eat the same dinner, or do you sometimes find yourself cooking for a couple of different moods? We usually eat the same thing, but sometimes I just want boatloads of salad!
Don’t forget to enter The Secret Ingredient cookbook giveaway. It’s a good one!