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We have all been there, and some of us spend more time there than others. You know, completely stuck with a house full of somewhat random food, no desire to go shopping, and a growling tummy.

This was me two nights ago. My post-marathon legs did not want to carry me to the grocery store, and my poor husband is working 90 hour weeks, so I didn’t even want to ask him.

Enter the cabinet prowl. I pulled out the trusty old garlic, crushed red pepper, a box of whole grain spaghetti, a can of crab (I know, fresh is better, but I did have this on hand for crab cakes or salad. It’s actually quite tasty!)

crab, garlic, pepper, pasta

I also had some capers left from my delicious Mediterranean bean dip, so I also got those out along with a can of tomatoes and a bottle of olive oil.

Mezzetta Capers

Crushed red pepper makes everything better.

crushed red pepper

Into the pan went the olive oil, several cloves of chopped garlic, and crushed red pepper. I sautéed those ingredients together until the garlic was soft and fragrant, then added the drained tomatoes, drained crab, and capers. 

impromptu pasta sauce

I simmered the sauce for about 10 minutes while I cooked the pasta, then drained the pasta and mixed it into the pan with the sauce so that the flavors could mix and mingle. Topped with crumbled goat cheese that melted throughout, this meal was so delicious! It tasted like something that I had actually planned 🙂 and I would make it again. Zingy capers, sweet crab meat, and garlic went well with the slight acidity of the tomatoes.

A pasta dinner

Since I recently received a couple bottles of Laurenz V. Grüner Veltliner to sample, I thought that the sunny spring evening we were having would be a perfect time to pop one open.

Here is a little bit of information about Charming Grüner Veltliner from the Laurenz V. website.

“Charming Grüner Veltliner” by LAURENZ V. is not just another Grüner Veltliner from the Kamptal. It has its own wine personality; one that is beginning to take the world by storm! This wine calls up the strengths of its origins and expresses them clearly and distinctly. Its refreshing aroma seems almost light and airy, but in fact exudes depth and richness in finesse. On the palate are attributes of a wonderfully developed Veltliner: spicy, harmonious and structured – elegant, and with refreshing green notes (not overripe!) and a range of subtle nuances. A fresh and animated wine right through to the charming, delicately sweet finish.


I chilled this wine for only about an hour which ended up being a really good decision. I have been drinking white wine at a warmer temperature than I used to. Drinking it too cold can hide some of its flavor because it numbs your taste buds. Drinking the wine only slightly chilled allows for all of deliciousness to come out 🙂

When I first opened this bottle I smelled lots of crisp Granny Smith apple. The taste is so lovely, not too acidic and not too sweet. It went well with the pasta and also with the curry crab dumplings that I had the next night 🙂 I think this wine would be excellent with Thai food, Indian, sushi, or even a nice grilled fish this summer.

Have you created any really surprising dishes just by rooting around in your cabinets or freezer? We would love to hear them!


Have you entered my Cabot Cheese giveaway? What are you waiting for??

Tags: Austrian wine, Food, food and wine pairing, giveaway, Gruner Veltliner, pasta, recipe, wine

Happy Patriot’s Day! Not that anyone outside of New England is celebrating, but here it’s a day off of work for many, a Red Sox home game, and most importantly it’s Marathon Monday! Shortly after this post goes live I and 24,999 others, give or take a few, will be running or wheeling the 114th Boston Marathon. Everyone talks about how daunting the marathon day is, and trust me, I am nervous, but really more than anything it is a celebration and culmination of months of work and dedication. The hard part is over, and today is our chance to shine!

Yesterday was spent mostly resting and preparing with a stop at the MSPCA to walk a few of my favorite four legged friends like this little lady. I wanted to stick her in my bag and bring her home. Look at that face!

Pit Bull Terrier Picture

I got my bag and bib number ready.

Boston Marathon number

And my wonderful friends Meghan and Raija came by with a good luck basket.

gift basket and beer

Stocked with homemade salsa, gypsy juice from Gypsy Kitchen, 3 different chocolate bars, two types of beer, and Lush bath products, this gift is me to a T! I am lucky to have such great friends and can’t wait to celebrate with them post marathon.

chocolate bars

And then we headed to the Tennis & Racquetball Club on Boylston Street for The ALLY Foundation pasta party. 

Founded in 1902, the T & R is truly old Boston. I couldn’t even believe they fit a tennis and racquetball court in there! The building does not look that big from the outside.

Tennis & Racuetball Club

The room that the pasta party was in overlooked the tennis courts and was decorated in The ALLY Foundation’s signature pink and green, a color combination that I love!


The room was also decorated with photos of past marathoners, speaking engagements that Andrea, Ally’s mother has done, and a few of Ally as well.

Ally Foundation

And of course, as it was a pasta party, there was food, and lots of it! I started with an Izze sparkling juice which was perfectly light and refreshing, like sparkling water with a nice hint of natural fruit flavor. It was the perfect pre race drink.  Izze is a sponsor of The ALLY Foundation, so they are also doing good while making a tasty product, perfect!

pasta party food

I didn’t get the name of the caterer, but the food was excellent. There was an artichoke spinach dip that I would have eaten a lot more of if it weren’t for the whole marathon thing! I also had some pesto tortellini, chicken parmesan, and penne with peppers and sauce.

It was a lovely, early dinner which made it easy for us to head home and get some more rest before the big day. Since I am not sure he will be able to get a photo of me tomorrow, I asked the hubs to take a photo at the corner of Boylston and Hereford Streets.


Next time I am at a computer I will be writing my post race recap! What a journey. Spending last evening with people who knew Ally really brought this entire training and fundraising period together for me. They are all so kind and full of excitement and determination for the work that the foundation is doing. Being around them was a perfect, life giving reminder that despite the really awful things in the world, goodness and hope prevail in people like them.

Good luck to all of the other runners today, and I will see ya all later! 😉

Tags: Boston, Food, marathon, pasta, Team ALLY

After my shortbread disaster on Tuesday I wasn’t sure that flour and I  should be in the kitchen at the same time ever again. . .

But I had planned on making homemade pasta last night and since our delicious Coppa visit got in the way, tonight I was determined to make pasta.

Starting out with a recipe I found on the blog Sugarlaws, I gathered the very simple ingredients required, whole wheat flour, cage free eggs, salt, and water and nervously started making my pasta, hoping to avoid disaster but confident knowing our favorite sushi spot was just a speed dial away!



Making the dough was as easy as mixing the eggs, flour, and salt, then slowly adding water in a spoonful at a time until I could knead it gently into a neat little ball.



I’ll tell you a little secret. We don’t own a rolling pin. A wine bottle works quite well though. 🙂

We took turns rolling out the dough, then rolled it into a coil to cut the pasta into ribbons.


Once the pasta was all cut, we set it aside for awhile so that I could make the spinach pesto. This wintry pesto is an absolute favorite of mine. I used 3 cups of baby organic spinach, 1/2 cup chopped walnuts, 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese, 5 cloves of garlic, 1/4 cup olive oil, salt, and fresh ground black pepper to taste. All whirled around in my food processor and ready to go!


Once the pesto was ready, we got the pasta water boiling complete with a few teaspoons of olive oil and a liberal sprinkling of sea salt. The pasta only took five minutes to float to the top of the water, and it was ready.


In addition to the pesto, I topped the pasta with a scoop of low fat ricotta cheese to add a bit of calcium to the dish. The heat of the pasta melted the cheese and pesto together for a creamy, garlicky sauce. The pasta was good! It was a little too thick and would be better rolled out more next time, but overall I am pretty happy with myself, especially after a killer workout this morning and a busy work day. I am looking forward to making pasta again and to adding flavor to the dough. Trader Joe’s has a lemon black pepper pasta I would love to recreate!

Tomorrow is F-R-I-D-A-Y! I am very excited for the weekend despite the fact that I have a 7.5 mile run on Saturday and it is meant to be bitter cold out! We are going to get our Christmas tree and to do some cooking, shopping, family visiting, and resting! Have a great Friday everyone, and I will “see” you tomorrow!

Tags: Food, pasta, recipe

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