
You are currently browsing articles tagged Mendoza.

Next to Sicily, Mendoza and Buenos Aires Argentina are at the tippy top of my travel must-visit list. I love wine from Argentina, and Mendoza looks like heaven from photos I have seen.

Bodega Norton Chardonnay

This week’s Wine of the Week comes from Bodega Norton in Mendoza, and it is a cheerful, bright, and delightfully tart value Chardonnay, perfect for stocking up on and drinking with friends.  This Chardonnay is 100% fermented in stainless steel tanks, meaning it is not at all oaky, and there is no trace of the buttery notes that come with malolactic fermentation. It’s super crisp, light, acidic, and summery with notes of lemon and green apple. It is yummy. It would pair great with seafood or spicy food; we had Afghani food the other night, and I think this would be a perfect match.

Through wines from afar and dreaming of warm travel to places like Argentina, I am trying to stay out of a weather-related funk, but it is hard. Are you as over the snow as I am, if you are stuck in an area that’s been hard hit?

Tags: Argentina, chardonnay, Mendoza, value wine, white wine, wine, wine of the week, wine tasting, Wine Wednesday

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