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Eggplant Lasagna

There’s food in our kitchen again! Summer definitely kicked my love of cooking out the door for awhile, but I have been slowly meal-planning again, looking forward to spending time in the kitchen chopping, combining flavors, and looking forward to something delicious.

I’ve also been trying to create meals that are both comforting and healthy. As I round the bend to the final stretch of NYC Marathon training, I am feeling exhausted, and I could just chow on fries for all meals. Add in some coffee and maybe a little cake, and I would be all set.

Thankfully, there are lots of great blogs to inspire me. I’ve been loving the Detoxinista, and recently I made an eggplant-based lasagna based on her eggplant and goat cheese lasagna.

The cheese filling in this lasagna, a goat cheese and cauliflower puree, is the creamy, delicious highlight, sneaking in nutrients and fiber without taking away any scrumptiousness.


I started by prepping my eggplant. I cut it into thin slices (they should have been thinner), and marinating them in balsamic vinegar.


Next up, I prepped my “meat”, chopped mushrooms sautéed with garlic and onions with a bit of pepper and salt.


Then came the goat cheese and steamed cauliflower, which I mixed with oregano, basil, and garlic. Then I had a big spoonful before adding two eggs to bind the mixture together. I think these would make a great pancake appetizer with the eggs or a great veggie side dish on their own.


When all of the pieces were ready, I started to layer, first some Bobby D.’s Angry Sauce (which was not at all spicy, sad), then eggplant, cauliflower cheese, mushrooms, sauce, repeat. I baked the whole dish at 425 degrees for about 50 minutes, keeping an eye on it until the sauce was bubbling nicely. The final layer of cheese on the top should be nicely browned; if not a few minutes under the broiler can help.

Bobby D's Sauce

A side note about the above sauce: after getting soaked on a bad run, freezing to death in the air-conditioned grocery store, and ruining my phone and a paycheck in the downpour, I was walking home with this sauce and it crashed through my grocery bag and hit the ground.

Thankfully it didn’t break; the bottom cracked and the lid was crushed. The worst part? The college kids walking behind me laughed at me! The day of this dinner didn’t start very well, but luckily it ended with a cozy dinner.

This lasagna is definitely something I will be making again. Even though it was noodle-free, the cheese and mushrooms really made it satisfying and filling.

How are you warming up your kitchen on these first days of Autumn?

Tags: dinner, eggplant, Food, healthy cooking, lasagna, Meatless Monday, Vegetarian, vegetarian recipe

Is it really Monday already? Raise your hand if you are just not ready to face the week. I kind of feel like the weekend never happened. The initial plan was to do some boat work, which we did, and it was glorious. Seriously. It started out feeling like winter, but by mid-afternoon on Saturday, we were working hard to take the shrink wrap and frame off and to finally open the cabin after so many long months. It was amazing to be back on board, even without water underneath quite yet.

The plan after that was a date night and a lazy Sunday before having friends over for a Rioja tasting, but my husband was asked to babysit very early Sunday morning. Out the window went our date, so cooking up something delicious was the next best thing.

As you know I often use cook books for inspiration rather than to follow recipes by the book, and Saturday night was no different. I grabbed one of my favorites, a book  from Sally Bee, The Secret Ingredient and found a recipe for Healthiest Ever Lasagna. I changed it up ever-so-slightly making it likely a little less healthy, but overall I think it packed a good punch of protein and nutrients. We both had two servings for dinner, I packed the rest for weekday lunches, and on Sunday morning I made another lasagna, so yeah, it’s good.

I totally eyeballed everything, so I apologize for not having exact measurements. I used the following ingredients and ended up with enough filling for two lasagnas. I love when that happens.


Lasagna filling

lean ground turkey (about a pound)

baby bella mushrooms, crumbled (about 4 cups)

carrots, chopped (about 4 cups)

large yellow onion, chopped

4 cloves garlic, minced

2 cups chicken broth

1/2 cup red wine – I used a Coteaux Sauvages Rhone blend from Michel-Schlumberger because it was opened already. It’s an amazing wine, and it cooked down , giving the lasagna great flavor

12 ounces of canned chopped tomatoes with juice

5 teaspoons tomato  paste

a few pinches of ground oregano, basil, and black pepper

Lasagna sauce

1 cup skim milk

flour and butter for the roux

a cup shredded aged cheddar

Giovanni Rana no-boil lasagna noodles (from the fresh pasta section of the store)

Michel Schlumberger Coteaux Sauvages

To make the filling, I started by cooking the onions down in a tiny bit of oil, then layering in the carrots, garlic and turkey until the turkey was browned, then mixing in the rest. This filling may seem like it has a lot of liquid, but it simmers for about 45 minutes, resulting in a rich, thick, and aromatic mix. I am kind of glad it’s still cool enough for recipes like this.

While the filling was simmering, I made a quick white sauce for the topping. First up was a roux of flour and butter which I cooked until nice and brown, adding skim milk and stirring away until nice and blended. I added a pinch of nutmeg and then started to layer my lasagna, topping it with the white sauce and then the shredded cheese.


I popped it into the oven at 400 for about 20 minutes, finishing with 2 minutes under the broiler on high to get the cheese bubbly and brown. Gorgeous.


We really, really loved this dish. The wine and mushrooms added a ton of flavor, and it was filling. I often find myself hungry after dinner, but this was really satisfying. It was healthier and cheaper than going out to dinner and resulted in great lunches for the week. You can’t beat it.

Making lunches and breakfasts ahead of time and eating well are two big goals for this week. Last week was kind of chaotic getting used to a new schedule, and I felt like every day all I could think about was crashing in bed. Hopefully this week will bring some extra energy.

What are your mini goals for the week?

Tags: dinner, Food, healthy, lasagna, recipe

Make this recipe ASAP. No really. It is an incredibly delicious comfort food that contains a good bit of healthy, making it one of my favorite dishes that I have ever made. On Friday afternoon I went to get my hair cut and colored (slow work day, not good!), and on my long, sunny walk home, tried to decide what to make for dinner. I had mussels and grilled bread on the brain, but at that very moment, I got a call from the hubs telling me he would be at work until 10. Since mussels don’t reheat well, I decided to make something that would. Despite the soaring temperatures and strong sun, I was craving butternut squash and pasta and decided to quickly Google a butternut squash lasagna recipe on my phone as I entered the store.

I decided to go with a Food Network recipe by Giada De Laurentiis. I love Giada, and just about everything she makes looks mouth-watering. I changed up the recipe by using about 2/3 of the cheese her recipe called for and adding pureed white beans in since I had a bunch left over and didn’t know what to do with them.

I started with a few cups of butternut squash.


butternut squash

I learned last winter at a cooking demo from Chef Corey Comeau how to make perfect butternut squash. . . by NOT adding water. I sautéed the squash in oil with a generous grind of black pepper. As it caramelized, the smell was tantalizing and incredible. Before it started to burn, I added a tiny bit of water and let it cook off. The result was tender, addictive squash.

butternut squash

I decided to puree it up with the beans to create a creamy, healthy lasagna filling, and boy was it a good idea!

butternut squash

It’s also my new favorite bean dip. Grilled bread plus this mixture, and you have an amazing, healthy appetizer.

butternut squash

Once the butternut squash was all set, I got started on the white sauce for the lasagna.

The sauce is simple, a butter and flour roux, four cups of whole milk, and a giant handful of basil. This beautiful, fragrant organic basil is nestled in a little jug that used to belong to my nana. My nana is in a nursing home, so I have some of her beautiful vases and dishes. She has had some health scares recently, including a bad fall last week, and I have been treasuring these items more than ever. She will be 97 on November 6, and I am so lucky to have her in my life.



Definitely be sure to add fresh basil to this dish. It made all the difference in the sauce. Smelled amazing.

lasagna noodles

For my lasagna noodles, I used these Culinary Circle noodles from Shaw’s. I kind of love it when a store brand has a fancy label, and these noodles were of good quality and very inexpensive.

lasagna noodles

white sauce

Once I had the sauce bubbling, I added the bit that is so important in a white sauce, fresh ground nutmeg. Thank you, Grenada honeymoon! We seriously have a never ending supply of nutmeg, and it’s as good today as it was five years ago. It makes such a nice addition to a cream or milk based sauce.


Putting the lasagna together was easy. I simply added some sauce to a casserole dish and started the layering, noodles, butternut squash puree, mozzarella cheese, sauce, repeat,

butternut squash lasagna

I wrapped the lasagna tightly in foil and cooked it for about 30 minutes at 375. At that point I removed the foil and added a generous sprinkle of grated parmesan and put the lasagna back in the oven for about 15 minutes to get all brown and bubbly.



butternut squash lasagna

Yum. I can’t even describe how good this dish was. It was so rich and creamy with lots of different flavors from the sweet butternut squash, the basil, and the cheese. It was excellent reheated the next day as well. I loved being able to sneak an extra bit of nutrition in with the white beans, and they definitely made it more filling.

It still feels like summer (and I am a-okay with that!), but it was nice to delve a little bit into fall with a seasonal dish.

What’s your favorite butternut squash recipe?

Tags: butternut squash, dinner, fall, lasagna, recipe, Vegetarian

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