Jackson Cannon

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Monday morning seems to come even more quickly when you have been out late on a Sunday. Thanks to some cold medicine, I spent Saturday completely out-of-it while my dear husband tackled our taxes. When you have worked for about 12 businesses throughout the year, it turns out to be quite the task. Luckily the taxes are about 90% done and my cold/flu, after about nine days, seems to be giving up on me.

Sunday we had a successful trip to Wrentham Village to do some clothes shopping. Since I work from home, I almost never buy clothes, and with more and more meetings outside my house, I needed a few things. It was insanely crowded, and I hate clothes shopping, so I was happy to be done.

The highlight of the weekend was definitely the very end; a Sunday night cocktail class at The Urban Grape.

The class was taught by Boston’s best-known mixologist, Jackson Cannon from Eastern Standard and now The Hawthorne, along with his Hawthorne partner, Nicole Lebedevitch.

Throughout the evening, we learned how to make a classic rum punch, a French 75, and a Vieux Carre, and of course got to sample all three. I also ate about a dozen deviled eggs from The Hawthorne; they are topped with pickle and bacon. Need I say more?

The Urban Grape Sunday night events are a fantastic deal and a great way to spend a Sunday night, even if they leave you exhausted the next day. While I caffeinate and kick off a very hectic week, I leave you with some cocktail class images.

cocktails at Urban Grape

{Bar setup}

The Hawthorne

Masciarelli Trebbiano d'Abruzzo

{Masciarelli Trebbiano d’Abruzzo}

cocktail class

{Rum Punch}

Jackson Cannon and Nicole Lebedevitch

{Stirring Vieux Carre}

deviled eggs

{Deviled Eggs from The Hawthorne}

How was your weekend? Are your taxes done, or do you wait until the last minute?

Tags: Boston, cocktails, events, Food, Jackson Cannon, The Hawthorne, Urban Grape

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