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Ever since the delicious blogger dinner at Vlora last weekend, I have been thinking about the traditional Albanian watermelon and feta combination, and I knew that I would have to try it in some capacity at home. And that’s just what I did for dinner.

But first, lunch. We got off to a late start on the 4th. My husband was kind enough to drive our friend Kari to the airport for her flight to San Diego, and while he did that I went back to sleep. . . until 10:30! I never ever sleep that late, and it felt soooo good.

I woke up, blogged, did some cleaning, and then we headed to Yankee Lobster for a little New England seafood lunch.

Yankee Lobster is a cute little place for fresh seafood down by the Seaport area of Boston. They have great, fresh, cold, Harpoon beer on draught (the brewery is something like .1 mile away!), and in addition to all of the prepared foods, they also sell fresh fish and lobsters to cook at home.

We shared the fried oysters and a lobster roll with fries and coleslaw. The oysters were a hit with a crunchy, light batter, and bursting with briny ocean flavor.

fried oysters at Yankee Lobster

The fries were excellent, but they don’t serve Heinz ketchup. . . next time I will bring my own. The coleslaw was really good as well, but the lobster roll was a little disappointing. The lobster was really dry, and while I used to love my lobster rolls with lobster salad: lobster, celery, mayo, I think I have become a devotee of the hot lobster roll with just lobster and butter. Decisions, decisions.

Yankee Lobster lobster roll and fries

After hitting up a completely empty Trader Joe’s- apparently grocery shopping ON a holiday is a good idea- we had a relaxing afternoon at home and eventually decided to just stay in for the evening.

I cooked up some tofu hot dogs and then got started on this splendidly simple salad.

Chunks of cool, sweet watermelon, crunchy yellow bell pepper, creamy, salty feta, and a dash of olive oil and balsamic were all I used.

watermelon feta salad

And next time, I think I would leave the olive oil and balsamic out and just let the flavors of the fruit shine through. Maybe a tiny handful of chopped fresh mint? All I know is that I am hooked on watermelon as part of a salad (or eaten by the bowl full for snack), and you will likely be seeing it here again.

After dinner, I ran into the living room to get something and discovered this:


Smuckers and Scout, sleeping together on top of the wine fridge. These two usually play and fight with each other, but I haven’t seen them sleeping together, and especially on such a small surface, in a long time. It was adorable.

Yes, that plate is theirs. They have their own plates in addition to their regular food bowls. Cats run the house, I tell ya.

The rest of the night was spent making chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches and watching Shutter Island: cookies from store-bought cookie dough and Trader Joe’s brand chocolate ice cream which is the best ice cream I have had in a LONG time. I am always disappointed when we go out for ice cream, but this has just that perfect chocolate flavor and rich, creamy texture.

Looking back and feeling rested and refreshed, I am glad we decided to spend the holiday together, at home, relaxing.

Do you ever feel pressure that you HAVE to do something on holidays like New Year’s Eve or the 4th of July?


Don’t miss my guest post on The Daily Craic, my Top 5 Things to Do in Ireland

Tags: holiday, recipe, salad, summer

How many of you were at the stores at 5 am for Black Friday shopping? I definitely wasn’t! One of my favorite parts of this long holiday weekend is sleeping, and there aren’t many deals out there that would have me waiting outside all night long! Free airline tickets maybe. . . I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. Our weekend started off with LOTS of traffic as I left home two hours later than planned because of a few work crises. The usual four and a half or five hour trip took over seven hours. It was brutal, but apparently those who left later in the day had it much worse. I can’t imagine. My mom greeted us with one of my favorite dishes.
Simply delicious, it is just chopped bell peppers sautéed in garlic and olive oil. Once they are softened, shrimp is added and cooked until pink. At the last second, she adds green olives and a little bit of olive juice. Served over pasta or with bread for dipping, it is a perfect weeknight meal. On Thanksgiving morning, I made a super healthy smoothie of regular skim milk, 2 cups steamed red chard, 1 cooked sweet potato, cayenne pepper, a banana, and cinnamon. Yum. The addition of cayenne to my smoothies has really added a whole new flavor to them and has helped me get over my smoothie boredom once and for all. After spending some time visiting my nana, we all reconvened at my uncle’s house for dinner. I started in on the appetizers right away. My sister brought olive tapenade from Wegman’s with a crunchy crostini. I like making my own olive tapenade, but this store bought version is excellent. There was also spinach dip in pumpernickel bread, one of my favorites.
My cousin brought their new family member, Cody, and I spent a lot of time chasing him around the house. He’s still a baby and tuckered out easily!
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 Dinner was amazing as usual. For wine, we served Nashoba Valley Winery Vidal Blanc and Gundlach Bundschu Pinot Noir. Both paired very well with the meal and kept white and red drinkers happy. We had turkey, various types of stuffing including one with sausage, sweet potatoes, corn, rolls, and garlic mashed potatoes. What I ended up eating most of were the two raw side dishes. I don’t know if it was the unseasonably warm weather, but the two dishes I want to focus on are a celery slaw and a cranberry orange relish. The slaw was simple and crunchy, made of celery, cabbage, red bell pepper, vinegar, some sugar, salt, and pepper. It was festive and looked like confetti. image

A recipe that I found online that sounded very similar is from Rachael Ray’s website: Ours was made of celery, green cabbage, and red peppers, but I am pretty sure that any crunchy veggies can be substituted. Its seriously addictive and filled me up without being heavy or making me feel sluggish. The second dish that I filled my plate with was cranberry orange relish. image

Another easy dish that packs a lot of vitamin deliciousness. It is made of a bag of cleaned cranberries pureed with juice, pulp, and zest of two oranges. Add sugar or honey to taste, and just whirl it around in the food processer until everything is chopped and combined. After my healthy-ish dinner there was dessert of course.

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It was not the traditional pie fare (Hey, where was the pie?!), but there were lots of yummy options including cheesecake bites, Italian cookies, and a strange but good strawberry jello pretzel salad. I did not eat the jello part, but the layer of cream cheese and pretzels was really delish! After dinner we spent time visiting with everyone and then headed home for more relaxing and to sleep! I know my schedule is going to get busy again as soon as we get back to Boston on Saturday, so I am just enjoying the down time that I have now with my family. I hope you all are doing the same! P.S. If you have the time this weekend, check out my cousin’s website: He is a great cartoonist, illustrator, and fine artist.

Tags: Food, holiday, recipe, Thanksgiving, wine

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