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Was that weekend just a dream? I must have said it at least 10 times throughout that it just didn’t feel real. We spent most of it on Boston Harbor, enjoying the unseasonable temperatures and sunshine.


Boston Harbor

Really, I think this weekend was actually more gorgeous than any day over the summer. On Saturday, we took the boat out by ourselves, and we didn’t crash into anything coming back in! It was a pretty amazing day and something I hope to do a lot more of next summer.

boating in Boston


We made our way down to Hull and bobbed around taking in the sun. It was so strong and perfect and blissful.


We debated on going out for dinner in the North End Saturday night, but the sun and salt got the best of us. Once darkness set in, I made some turkey subs, and we ate while tiredly watching Black Swan again.


And on Sunday, we went out on the boat with Michelle and her fiancé. Somehow we coaxed him into swimming so that I could go in too. I didn’t want to swim in freezing cold water alone! Really, I was afraid that something would grab my leg and drag me under, so I held onto the ladder. It still counts for a swim though!

swimming in Boston

After boating and swimming, we made our way once again to Savin Bar & Kitchen, our second time in one week, and 15th time since they opened in March, give or take a few visits when I forgot to check in or Tweet. Everything is always SO good.  Seriously, it is an awesome neighborhood spot, and I have tried just about everything on the menu. I pretty much want to eat there all the time, and since it’s so close, it is even more tempting. Great cocktails too.

In addition to outdoor fun, I did lots of cooking for the week, including making butternut squash lasagna, a delicious warm Brussels sprout salad, and a few other things. Blog posts coming soon! We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect, relaxing weekend. It made it really difficult to come back into the work week, especially since a few of the projects I have been working on have slowed down or come to an end. Eeep! In all of my busy-ness I forgot just how scary it can be to work as a consultant. Hopefully I will find some more work to fill those gaps soon.

And in the meantime, I’ve got a Wines of Argentina wine tasting this week, dinner with Ted Allen at Nespresso, and some prep to do for a TV show I may or may not be on next week. I’m also working with Kitchen Play and Calphalon, so there will be some good recipe posts very soon. And I promise this will be my last summer post! Winking smile

Did you have a long weekend? How do you deal with end-of-weekend blues?

Tags: boating, Boston, Food, holiday, October, Savin Bar & Kitchen, sunshine

October is a wonderful time for events in New England. Apple picking, hay rides, and just wandering around in the cool, crisp air make it one of my favorite times of year. As a kid I always adored Halloween, the mystery and fun surrounding it. I’ll even admit that I still love ghost stories and scary movies, as long as I am not going to be home alone after!

As you might know, I am working with Shops at Prudential Center on the PR for their fun holiday events. While I don’t know how many of you reading have kids, I thought I would share the details of Pru Boo, just in case there is a little on in your lives who might be interested in this trick-or-treat for charity event. Details are below, and if you have any questions, you can feel free to email me at meghan (@)


Pru Boo

Pru Boo is a day of trick-or-treating and fun for the whole family AND the $4 donation benefits a great cause, Room to Grow, an organization dedicated to improving the lives of infants born into poverty. Come for store-to-store trick-or-treating to over 50 of the stores at Prudential Center, and stay for face painting, a magician,  and sing-alongs.

Please see below for more details, and feel free to share with your readers. We hope to see you there!

Pru Boo

When: Sunday, October 30, 2011 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Where: The Shops at Prudential Center (800 Boylston St., Boston)

Trick-or-treat bags can be picked up for a $4 donation to Room to Grow. Bag sales begin at 9 am on the day of the event, and bags can be picked up at the Customer Service desk starting October 1. Parking for the event is $16 for the day to allow you and your family to plan a fun day in the city, if you wish.

Tags: Boston, events, Halloween, holiday

Yesterday was pretty much a bust. I couldn’t swallow solid foods because of the pain in my throat, I had a fever, and even reading blogs and studying for my wine mid-term made my eyes hurt. Still, I felt like I had to do something, and since I had planned on making a sweet potato custard, I got out of bed long enough to do just that.

I started with a recipe for Sweet Potato Custard from Everyday with Rachael Ray but ended up changing the recipe up to make it a little lighter.  My ingredients?

About 2 lbs sweet potatoes

3 eggs

2 cups skim milk

lots of freshly grated nutmeg and cinnamon

I started by boiling the sweet potatoes, then peeling them once they were cool to touch. While they cooled, I whisked together the eggs, milk, and spices, then added in the potatoes.

sweet potato

I used my new immersion blender to turn the ingredients  into a frothy, creamy mix.

sweet potato custard mix

Once the mixture was smooth, I poured it into a greased baking dish and set it to cook at 350 for 45 minutes.

sweet potato custard

When the custard came out, it was like smooth, creamy sweet potatoes with a firm top. I ate a little bit, and it was love at first bite. Very light, fluffy, with the cinnamon and nutmeg offering subtle flavors. Because I didn’t add any sugar, it isn’t at all sweet.

sweet potato custard

Once the custard cooled, it was much firmer, less like mashed potatoes and more like actual custard. It is delicious hot, cold, or at room temperature and could be a versatile holiday dish, either in lieu of old school candied sweet potatoes or served with caramel sauce or maple syrup as a dessert course in place of, or in addition to, pie. Since it is crustless, it is a good option for anyone who might be watching their calorie intake but who still wants to enjoy the flavors of the holiday season. I will be making it again!

What is your favorite holiday food?

Tags: dessert, holiday, recipe, sweet potato

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