healthy eating

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Trying to drop a few pounds and to feel a little more energetic (hopefully) does not need to be hugely expensive and always labor intensive. I am hoping to set out to prove that over the course of the next few weeks and months while getting back to being the fit girl I used to be.

After our glorious and indulgent day out on Saturday, I spent the evening in bed, propped up with lots of pillows, and surrounded by cookbooks, ready to plan the week’s meals. It was a blissful evening. It didn’t hurt that Sex and the City II was on. I know most people hated it, but I thought it was cute. It was nice to hang with my old friends for awhile.

I got a lot of inspiration from the books, especially a book I reviewed last year, The O2 Diet. My eyes were made wide open to the need for antioxidants, Omega 3’s, whole grains, water, and all of those other things I probably don’t get enough of.

salmon salad ingredients

Somewhere in my head, I took about four different recipes I read and created something all our own for a filling Sunday lunch. I started with a favorite cheap ingredient, canned Alaskan red salmon from Trader Joe’s. I initially bought this as a treat for my cats but found myself stealing bites and realizing it had a ton of flavor. It is a bargain and can be the base to salads and pasta dishes.

Alaskan salmon

Other ingredients included a large jalapeno, diced finely, a few teaspoona of non-fat Greek yogurt, a teaspoon of hot and sweet mustard, and a large handful of dried cranberries.


All mixed together to make a pretty pink and green salad.

salmon salad

To serve, I spread the salmon salad on whole grain bread and topped with slivers of Kerrygold Killaree cheese. This cheese has a nutty, salty flavor, and a little goes a long way, making it a top choice for trying to cut back a little while still enjoying real cheese. I just can’t do the low fat stuff.

salmon melt

I popped the open-faced sandwiches in the broiler for a few minutes until the cheese had started to melt. . . then got too hungry and decided we needed to eat them just the way they were!

salmon melt

Sweet, spicy, salty, soft, crunchy, and chewy, all in one meal. A success, if I do say so myself! Ever since the Oldways “For the health of it” event last year, I have been striving to add another salmon meal to my diet every week. With a simple, inexpensive recipe like this, I definitely think it is possible!

Is there something missing in your diet that you would like to get more of? Maybe we can help!

Tags: Food, healthy eating, healthy recipe, recipe, salmon, weight loss

In keeping with the week’s simple and healthy theme, I decided to unearth some of the many dried beans I keep in the pantry for a comforting soup. Though Friday’s weather made it seem like spring was near, I couldn’t get warm this weekend and needed something hearty that could bubble away on the stove while I was working.

black beans

I soaked about two cups of dried black beans in plenty of water overnight, then drained and rinsed them before prepping the rest of the soup ingredients.

I smashed six cloves of garlic and minced them, then added the garlic to some olive oil, starting it on low heat.


To the garlic, I added my soup’s secret ingredient, Howard’s Hot Pepper Relish. I love the sweet and spicy flavors of this peppery relish, so I put in three heaping tablespoons.

Howard's Hot Pepper Relish

Howard's Hot Pepper Relish

Once I could smell the garlic starting to cook up, I added the softened beans, two cups of water, and half of a bag of frozen sweet corn.

organic sweet corn

I brought everything up to a boil, then brought the heat down to low, letting the soup simmer for over an hour, checking to see if water was needed. You will want to eyeball it and taste the beans to make sure they are cooked all the way through.

black bean soup

To make the soup an even more complete meal, I cooked up some al fresco spicy jalapeno sausage, sliced it into small pieces, and added it to the soup.

spicy chicken sausage

And finally, I added a dollop of Fage 2% Greek yogurt to the top of the soup. This would definitely be fine without the chicken sausage for a vegetarian soup, maybe even with some quinoa or brown rice added to bulk it up.  Delicioso!

I am in a serious weather funk. I can’t warm up, even when I am dancing to my Ke$ha Pandora station or lifting weights, and I feel tired all of the time. I just want to open the windows and to be able to sit in my house without my coat! Can it be spring yet?

Hot pepper relish is a condiment that I love to have around the house. What is your favorite condiment?

Tags: beans, black bean soup, black beans, chicken sausage, cooking, corn, dinner, easy recipes, fiber, garlic, healthy comfort food, healthy eating, healthy recipes, hot relish, Lunch, peppers, soup, vegetarian soup

Clean Eating

Now that the Christmas holidays are over, I am back from vacation in Ireland, and I have a few days off of blogger events, our focus has turned a little more to “clean” eating. I sometimes wonder, when I am writing a lot about wine, big meals, events, and baked goods, if people think I am just on one big unhealthy eating spree after another.

In reality, about 90% of our diet is pretty healthy, but there are definitely those times we overindulge and don’t feel great as a result. My renewed focus is on eating foods that provide us with tons of energy; I do have the Napa Marathon in less than a month, in addition to a few exciting work-related things keeping me busy.

For me, clean eating is not about choosing the foods lowest in fat or calories, but it is about adding as many nutrients as possible into what we eat for each meal while also making sure things taste delicious.

blueberry oatmeal

Most days, though I don’t photograph it Smile I eat oatmeal for breakfast. I have many variations, but it usually starts with a fantastic Trader Joe’s mix of barley, oats, and rye, mixed in with Silk Vanilla Almond Milk (the only almond milk I can drink on its own, SO good!) and topped with some sort of fruit and/or peanut butter. Part of my clean eating goals is adding antioxidant-rich foods into the mix, so we stocked up on frozen blueberries this week. Oh, how I long for fresh blueberry season!


Breakfast is usually a one-two punch. I follow my oatmeal, maybe an hour later, with a green smoothie. Depending on the day’s activities, I may or may not add almond butter and oats to the smoothie, but a typical day includes almond milk, banana, microwaved spinach, a little bit of water, and a glug of flax seed oil.

spinach smoothie

My favorite peanut butter is from Trader Joe’s. Their Valencia Peanut Butter with Roasted Flaxseeds is roasty and a little bit salty, making it perfect for my smoothies but also an AWESOME topping for vegetables, along with some sriracha.

Peanut Butter with Roasted Flax Seeds

And speaking of Trader Joe’s favorites, their Organic Flax Seed Oil is, as I have mentioned above, is not only a key ingredient in my smoothies for those Omega 3’s, but it has become my all time favorite moisturizer. My skin is AWFUL in the winter, extremely dry and dull, and putting this oil on twice daily, including on my face, has made my skin feel so much better. I swear by it.

organic flax oil

Lunch can be pretty random. In the case of yesterday, which is when I photographed all of these meals, I went for a 20 mile run. After I run, I am often nauseous, and eating can be difficult. Yesterday, all I wanted were nachos, so I whipped up some healthy ones using Trader Joe’s flaxseed tortilla chips (seeing a trend here with TJ’s and flax?!), a bit of shredded Kerrygold cheese, Greek yogurt, homemade salsa, jalapenos, and hot sauce. the nachos didn’t stand a chance and sadly did not make it into a photo Smile I was just happy to have an appetite after running for so long!

For dinner, I always try to have a good mix of vegetables and protein. I don’t always succeed; there are definitely nights where roasted potato wedges and ketchup are all I can muster. But with the warm weather we have been having, and inspired by all of the gorgeous salmon we ate in Ireland, last night’s dinner was a super energy salad, dubbed such because of all of the healthy fats in it.

super energy salad

This beauty featured baby spinach, avocado, red onion, and smoked salmon, topped with a lemon juice, olive oil, and sea salt dressing.

super energy salad

It was delightful. When it is warm enough out, clean eating means lots of salads with great, varied toppings so they never get boring. I can not wait until salad season!

And what would a great, healthy dinner be without an antioxidant-packed glass of red wine? I love Pinot Noir with salmon, and a small glass of Michel-Schlumberger Dry Creek Valley Pinot Noir was just the thing to pair with the meal.

Michel Schlumberger Pinot Noir

What is clean eating to you? Did you make any changes to your eating habits at the New Year, and have you continued them?

Tags: antioxidants, blueberries, clean eating, flax, flaxseed oil, Food, green smoothies, healthy eating, healthy food, healthy recipes, oatmeal, Pinot Noir, recipes, salad, smoked salmon, spinach, Trader Joe's, wine

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