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Emily Starbuck Gerson is a journalist and copywriter who lives in beautiful Austin, Texas. She is obsessed with travel, so she runs a blog, Maiden Voyage (, in her free time as a fun excuse to spend more time thinking and talking about travel. Emily is also an avid photographer.

I adore travel, and while I do not consider myself a foodie, I certainly love a great meal! Both this past summer and the one before, I traveled throughout several countries in Europe. One of the main things I learned through eating abroad is that the food you order abroad is not always what you expect! Here are some of the highlights (and lowlights) of my adventures in food around the world.


Two summers ago, I spent several days alone in Paris. I arrived from overnight train from Germany, and I was ravenous. I found a cute restaurant near the Eiffel Tower with a great spot for people watching. I quickly realized it was a tourist trap and had more American food than French food, but I was so hungry I didn’t care. I ordered a hamburger, so you can imagine my surprise when it was served as a cheese-covered patty without a bun! I later found out this is normal in France. They did serve it with a piece of baguette on the side, so I sliced it in half, put the meat in between it, and stuffed in some lettuce from the side salad. While it kept falling apart, it was delicious on this authentic French bread.


Several times when I was in Paris, I stopped at a boulangerie, which is a traditional French bread shop. The city is covered in these adorable little shops, which are filled to the brim with croissants, baguettes, brioches, pastries, and other baked delights. I loved trying the offerings at various shops around town. At one tiny and charming boulangerie in the 7th arrondissement, I bought this delicate Mille-feuille pastry and ate it on a nearby park bench. It was so flaky and layered with a rich and tasty cream. I was in dessert heaven.



I knew that Australia served meat and vegetable pies, but I didn’t realize until I arrived in Scotland that they are extremely popular items there, too. I couldn’t escape them. Pork pies, steak pies, mutton pies, and even haggis pies were at every storefront, grocery store, and even at convenience stores.


At the grocery street around the corner from where we were staying, I purchased a pack of minced steak and onion slivers, which were essentially flat pies. I baked them in our oven, and the crust became flaky. The insides were warm and juicy. The best thing about these pies is that they are very portable and hand-held.


One fun food fact from here: a common dish here, besides haggis, is “neeps and tatties.” This is simply turnips and potatoes.



I love Greek salads….in America. I quickly found out that they are not the same in Greece. This summer, I was in the mood for some fresh greens with some feta crumbles, so I ordered a Greek salad in Athens. When it arrived, it was a bowl full of vinegar-soaked onions, olives, and tomatoes, topped with a humungous slab of feta cheese on top. There were a few tiny shreds of lettuce somewhere in there, but so few it almost didn’t count.


The next day, I was at another Athens restaurant, and wanted to give the Greek salad another try (and was curious to see if this was the norm). Sure enough, it was. Another bowl of veggies with a big ol’ chunk of feta and no lettuce. I’m not a big fan of olives, or large slices of onions for that matter, so I asked the waiter for some lettuce. He was confused and told me to just drink some ouzo, a popular Greek liquor. I told him I really wanted some lettuce, so he brought me a small bowl of finely shredded lettuce. Not exactly what I was expecting, but it did the job!



I love Italian food, so I was thrilled to dine in Italy. I was traveling with my sister, and our first stop was Rome. I was disappointed when I ate at several restaurants that served greasy and low-quality dishes. We realized we were visiting areas with too many touristy restaurants, so we began looking for more authentic Italian food.

One evening we found a hole-in-the-wall restaurant on the way back from Piazza Barberini. I excitedly ordered the shrimp risotto, but was not pleased when it arrived. The risotto was bright orange, and sitting atop it was a massive shrimp still in the shell, with its antennae straight up in the air and its black beady eyes staring right back at me. I nearly lost my appetite. I pushed the shrimp carcass aside and just ate the pasta, which was surprisingly tasty despite the odd color.

Our next stop was the small college town of Perugia. After a few more mediocre meals, I gave risotto another shot at a beautiful trattoria overlooking the city’s main square. This time I ordered the truffle risotto. Jackpot! This was the Italian dish I had been dreaming of. It was cheesy, thick, rich, and oh so yummy.


Whether our meals were good or bad, we ended every evening with a cup of authentic gelato. My favorite flavor was stracciatella, which is a creamy, milky gelato with chocolate chips sprinkled throughout.

Thanks, Emily for sharing some of your delicious travels with us!

Tags: Food, global dining, guest post, Travel

Hello from Arizona! I hope you are all having a great weekend. Today’s post is a guest post from Raija, one of my dearest friends and one of my favorite people to eat and drink with! I hope you enjoy her post on mouthwatering Hollandaise sauce. Have a good day!

Hollandaise is a sauce that seems very fancy — the key to Eggs Benedict, a sauce for asparagus, and the basis for Bernaise Sauce, so luscious over a good steak (which uses tarragon vinegar, or white wine, tarragon and vinegar instead of lemon juice for the acid).  But its really not too difficult to make, and you can do it without a double boiler pretty effectively (or at least I’ve had luck!).  I looked up online “hollandaise sauce” and used a Food Network recipe to get the right ratios of egg yolk, lemon juice and butter. 
The ingredients for hollandaise are as follows per serving (let’s say one yolk = one serving…you may have a little over one serving, depending on the size of egg, etc.)

One egg yolk
About 3 1/4 teaspoons of lemon juice
2 tablespoons of melted butter

Melt the butter and set it aside to cool just slightly — you don’t want it so hot that it will cook the egg yolk.  Use a metal bowl that is not too much bigger than the saucepan you are going to use as your make-shift double boiler (unless you have a double boiler).  Put just enough water in the pan so that when you place the bowl on top of the pan that the pan does not directly touch the water.  I put about an inch of water in the sauce pan and get it to a boil.  Once its at a boil, I turn the heat down, and put a dishcloth over the sauce pan (be careful so it doesn’t hang over and touch the heating element or flame of the burner).  In the metal bowl, whisk vigorously the egg yolk and lemon juice together until it becomes thicker and increases in volume.  Place the bowl over the towel and the barely boiling water, while still whisking.  The dishcloth helps hold the bowl in place while whisking and makes sure that the water doesn’t touch the bowl.  This is where its a little bit tricky – keep whisking quickly while slowly drizzling the melted butter into the egg yolk and lemon juice.   You have to whisk rapidly so that the egg doesn’t cook.  Keep whisking.  The sauce should continue to thicken and double in volume.  Once at this point you can take the sauce off of the heat and either serve immediately, or keep in a warm spot off the heat, covered.  If you wait a bit to use it and it starts to cool, you can still keep it together with whisking rapidly. 


This sauce stuns me each time I make it — it is so rich and delicious — I often end up using my fingers to get every last taste from the bowl.  Mmmm…  Its also very quick and uses very few ingredients.  Its a great way to make a dish very decadent. 

I hope this recipe works for you — please give feedback if it doesn’t work.  I’ve made Hollandaise twice recently and both times with great result.  Next I need to find a way to successfully make poached eggs! 🙂

Tags: guest post, Hollandaise, recipe, sauce

Happy Friday! While you are reading this, I am on my way to Arizona to work for the weekend. Only one more week until some relaxation in Ireland!

Today’s Friday Foodie Feature is a blogger a lot of you may already know, Brandi from the blog Bran Appetit. Brandi always has great food posts and from reading her blog for the past six months or so, I have gotten the sense that she is just a great person and a lot of fun to be around. Prior to the Foodbuzz Festival, Brandi was chosen as a Nature’s Pride Brand Ambassador, and I couldn’t have been happier for her and her delicious recipe! I even got to  meet Brandi when she was cooking in the Nature’s Pride kitchen at the Festival. Hope you all enjoy the Friday Foodie Feature, and you should be seeing some pictures of sunny Arizona soon!

How long have you been blogging?  One year as of January 14th (coming up soon!)

What is your favorite thing about blogging?  I love making new meals and showing new ideas..and making friends with some amazing bloggers and readers. Least favorite? Having to deal with technology when it’s not cooperating :/

What has been your most fun blog post to write? Although not food related at all, I think my recap posts from my trip to Honduras this summer were the most fun to put together and share. It was an amazing trip, and it was awesome to be able to relive it. There’s a few posts:

Where do you see your blog this time next year? Oh, I don’t know! Hopefully going strong and still just as fun as it is now. I just want to be sharing stuff with my family and friends, creating new recipes, and finding good ways to write about it and remember all these experiences.

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share? 
I was reading blogs for a few years before I jumped in with my own. I’m just so happy to be part of a growing community – I get so much inspiration and support from other bloggers, and I’ve made some amazing friends in the past year. I hope it continues!

Thanks, Brandi!

I am seeking foodies to feature in upcoming weeks. Interested? Email me at with responses to the questions in this post!

Tags: blogger, foodie, guest post

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