guest post

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Happy Friday! With the New Year upon us and so many people looking to add a little more health into our lives, I thought today would be a perfect day for a tasty guest post from a fellow Boston area food  blogger who is also a registered dietitian. I first saw Janel Ovrut speak at the Healthy Living Summit in 2009, and between her session there and her blog posts, have come to love how balanced she is. She shares great recipes and is all about healthy food that is delicious. She may be a dietitian, but hers does not come across as a diet blog.

Janel’s baked chickpeas are perfect for a snack-lover like me; I would definitely add chili powder for a little kick.

We are supposed to be getting some more snow here in Boston today, and O am thinking about making up a batch of chickpeas in addition to some homemade habanero hot sauce. What are you looking forward to on this lovely Friday?

chickpea snack

Are you a snacker, or can you get through the day with three solid meals and nothing in between? I am a serious snack-lover, for sure. Oftentimes when I meet with clients or chat about food with friends, I find out they’re not enjoying snacks between meals to stave off hunger. I’m always shocked by this as I see snacks as an opportunity to add in more nutritional powerhouses to my diet, and well, enjoy more food! Who doesn’t love eating more?! But when planning snacks, I always make sure to keep satiety in mind – I need something that’ll satisfy me between meals without causing me to crave more, and taste great as well!

One of my favorite flavorful and filling snacks to make is baked crunchy chickpeas. Chickpeas in any form are by far my favorite legume. Also known as garbanzo beans, they can be added to soups and stews or blended to make hummus. Chickpeas are very low in fat, contain no cholesterol, and are a good source of protein and fiber. That filling fiber and hunger-blasting protein are the two key components to picking a satisfying snack.

Baking chickpeas brings out a nutty flavor, and slightly chewy texture with a little crunch. Whenever I’m in a snack rut, I’ll bake a batch or two and will keep them on hand in an airtight container for a few days (if they last that long in our home!) to grab and go between meals. My favorite thing about this snack, besides how satisfying it is, is the multitude of different flavor combinations you can use when baking a batch. For my latest batch, I kicked up the heat by sprinkling the chickpeas with a spicy buffalo wing seasoning from The Meat House. In the past, I’ve kept it simple with just salt and pepper, or an Italian seasoning blend. This snack doesn’t always have to be savory. I think next time I’ll try sprinkling on some cinnamon and sugar for a sweet treat.


1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas (garbanzo beans), rinsed and drained

1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil

¼ teaspoon garlic powder*

⅛ teaspoon Italian seasoning blend, or chili powder, etc.*

Salt to taste

1. Preheat oven to 400°F.

2. Drain canned chickpeas and rinse in a colander under running water. Pat chickpeas dry with paper towels to remove as much moisture as possible. Transfer to large mixing bowl. Add oil; sprinkle with spices/seasonings and salt. Stir to coat.

3. Spread chickpeas on nonstick rimmed baking sheet; bake 20 minutes. Stir; then roast 5 to10 minutes longer, checking frequently, until crisp but not burnt. (Cooking times may vary). Allow to cool before eating. Will keep several days refrigerated in a covered container.

*Here is where you can get creative with any spice or seasoning combo you’d like!

Have you ever made baked crunchy chickpeas? What’s your favorite flavor combo?


Janel Ovrut is a Boston-based registered dietitian and food blogger. She writes about her kitchen creations while following a primarily plant-based diet in her blog Eat Well with Janel. A nutrition consultant to a variety of companies, institutions, and clients, Janel uses her nutrition expertise to help others make healthy changes, one bite at a time.

Tags: chickpeas, cooking at home, Food, guest post, healthy, healthy snacks, snacking, Vegetarian

Happy New Year’s Eve! Are you ready for an evening of fun and/or relaxation? I am very much looking forward to what is our third-annual New Year’s Eve at home. In past years, snow storms have kept us in, and we have ended up loving those nights much more than any NYE out.

Whatever you are doing tonight, be safe and have fun. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming back here to read this blog everyday. It has been quite the year!

Today’s featured foodie is a good friend of mine and a daily read in my blog lineup. Alicia, from The Clean Plate Club, shares fun recipes, restaurant reviews, and other great posts, and over the past few months I have gotten to know that she is a ton of fun in person as well. We have traveled to King Arthur Flour together, attended many blogger events, and even had an amazing holiday potluck celebration together.  Alicia recently moved to Hartford, CT, and the Boston blogger scene definitely won’t be the same without her. I am hoping to be able to discover more of the CT food scene through Alicia and to have lots of visits from her!

The Clean Plate Club

How long have you been blogging?

I started The Clean Plate Club in January of 2009 – so I have been blogging for nearly 2 years!

What is your favorite thing about blogging?

It’s pretty hard to narrow it down, but I would say that one thing that keeps me going is the community that blogging gets me involved in. I have always had a love of cooking and writing. My blog brings the two together, and also gives me a space where I can receive support, constructive criticism, set goals for myself and be constantly learning from the people around me. It’s opened me up to meeting some of the most interesting, talented and passionate people I’ve ever encountered. And although everyone is so incredibly talented, I’ve only run into a small number of people who are not in it to strengthen the group as a whole.

Least favorite?

I’m my own worst critic. Sometimes it is REALLY hard to maintain a consistent momentum in my posting because I’m always striving to improve, and I can sometimes get caught up in self editing and second-guessing myself. The “is anyone really going to care about this” mentality really slows down my writing. Blogging can sometimes bring out that negative little voice in my head – which is challenging!

What has been your most fun blog post to write?

I’m breaking the rules because I can’t pick just one!

One of my favorite posts to write was about my trials and tribulations about trying out for Master Chef last year. When it happened I was so sad, almost devastated. But after I thawed out I could finally see the humor in the situation.

The most fun I’ve ever had in relation to this blog – was the trip to King Arthur flour. I had so much fun learning to bake, and learning from a real instructor – my face hurt from smiling all day. Then when I made my own bread – alone in my kitchen, I felt like the King Arthur training really did its job to make me more comfortable baking.

The post I am most proud of is the one about my grandmother after she passed away in July. It was probably the hardest thing I had to write, but I think I did her proud. It felt like the right thing to do – since knowing & learning from her shaped a lot of what I do in the kitchen. I thought it was an appropriate tribute. If there had been blogging in her day, she would be giving Molly Wizenberg a run for her money!

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

Now that I’ve relocated to CT – I have so much more spare time. I hope that in a year, I’m posting a more frequently. Also I intend on using my blog and food to get to know my new surroundings.

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

When I started writing – it was just a journal of what I was creating in my own kitchen. I never imagined I would be going to VT to take baking classes, or attending special restaurant dinners or going to book signings to meet Joanne Chang or Amanda Hesser. These experiences have exposed me to new people, new methods, and new ingredients and have resulted in me being more outgoing in my own kitchen. And I also want to thank anyone who reads and comments. EVERYTIME I get a new comment I get SO excited. Keep ‘em coming!

You too could be a Friday Foodie Feature or a guest blogger! Email me for details! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Tags: bloggers, Boston, Friday Foodie Feature, guest post, Hartford

Oh sweet Friday! I have been waiting for you since. . . last Friday. Another trying week but one with a little light at the end of the tunnel, the Newport Mansions Food and Wine Festival. I went to this fabulous Newport event last year, and of all of the wine and food events I have attended over the year, it is hands down my favorite. The food is great which isn’t always the case at wine events, the wines poured are diverse and wonderful, the tent is not that crowded, and it is at a beautiful Newport Mansion overlooking the ocean. And the crowd last year was polite and seemed to be experienced wine tasters who understood the whole personal space and stepping out of the way thing.  It can’t be beat.

I also plan on doing some major relaxing this weekend, might sneak in a trip to the new Bliss spa in Boston, will do some volunteer dog walking, and will hopefully end the weekend with the final Boston Wine Week event at Bin 26 Enoteca. Interested? You can sign up here:

Today’s Friday Foodie Feature is Emily from A Cambridge Story. I love reading Emily’s blog, which I found when she commented on mine. I am glad she did because she has some great photos and food adventures. Since she lives in nearby Cambridge, we have a lot in common and both love to explore our area. Whether you live in the Boston area or not, her blog is a delightful read, and you will definitely enjoy it.

And if you are a blogger who hasn’t commented, I want to read your blog, so say hi! 🙂

A Cambridge Story

How long have you been blogging?
I started a blog last summer, but a year later, I changed the entire thing, adopting a new layout, a new URL and a new focus – FOOD. A Cambridge Story is relatively new, but I am hooked! The other bloggers that I interact with on a daily basis assure me that this is definitely the right blog for my personality, skills and interests. So far, I am having a great time doing it!

What is your favorite thing about blogging?
Preparing a meal (and eating it!) is immensely satisfying. Because my blog focuses greatly on food – in and around the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts – I not only get to enjoy trying new recipes (and reinventing old ones), but I also have the opportunity to tell a story through words and photos. There’s nothing better than a great meal followed by a blog post that successfully captures its essence and allows others to experience the same joy in the kitchen!

Least favorite?
It sounds silly, but blogging can be a lot of work! Bloggers never seem to tire, and it can feel tough to  “keep up.” I try to remind myself that it’s ok to be too busy – or lazy – to cook after work or photograph the scone you had one morning. Not every meal can be a masterpiece and you have to blog at a pace that works for you and your life!

What has been your most fun blog post to write?
It’s hard to choose just one but, if I *had* to decide, it would be Adventures in Pasta Making. One Sunday night, my husband and I dusted off the KitchenAid and accompanying pasta extension and made a great fettuccine and bolognese sauce. It was definitely a multi-hour project but eating an entirely home made pasta dish was soooo rewarding!

Where do you see your blog this time next year?
I hope to be writing just as frequently and discovering new culinary and photography skills. I also hope to become more comfortable with – and good at – baking. With cooking, I can add a little of this and a little of that, and it will still turn out just fine… but the precision to baking is something I strive to master. Maybe next year!

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?
Blogging has been such a great creative outlet for me, and I can only hope that my recipes and stories have the ability to pass along the fun that I experience in the kitchen to other readers. I love to hear from other cooks and photographers. You make blogging feel REAL, and I hope to see some old and new “faces” at a A Cambridge Story soon! 

Thanks so much Emily! I hope to meet you soon, and I look forward to continuing to follow your blog.

If you are a blogger, what has been your favorite post to write? Feel free to share a link, and give us all some fun blog-reading to do this weekend!

Tags: blogger, Boston, Food, foodie, guest post

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