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Our  Red Fire Farm CSA is in its third week today, and we are trying to get into a groove of receiving ALL the vegetables at once on a Friday night (not our best move during boat season).

Our second week of our CSA produced lots of greens, as the first one did. This week we had spinach, mixed greens, pea tendrils, garlic scapes, cabbage, zucchini, cilantro, and strawberries.

Red Fire Farm CSA

Everything is so fresh, which is amazing, but it also goes bad pretty quickly, and we have found ourselves in a race to try to eat as much as possible. Red Fire Farm doesn’t offer a half share option, so I would definitely look into sharing with a friend next time around.

What have we done so far with our second week of our CSA?

We made smoothies! The strawberries and handfuls of spinach and salad greens went into a blender with ice, coconut milk, and chia seeds for refreshing breakfast treats.

We made grilled salmon with garlic scape butter melted over top. Garlic scapes are so full of garlic flavor with a nice green flavor as well. Be sure to have mints on hand if you are eating this!

grilled salmon with garlic scape butter

I worked some of the zucchini and cabbage into veggie scrambles. A few eggs, some grated Kerrygold Dubliner, salt, pepper, and veggies make for a really filling and healthy meal.

veggie scramble

I’ve also made tons of salads with the veggies. Our salmon was served atop massive bowls of lettuces, spinach and sweet pea tendrils (so good!), and I made loads of a simple, crisp, refreshing cucumber salad. This salad is as easy as thinly slicing cucumbers and red onion, then tossing them in a mix of rice vinegar with a pinch of sugar and adding crushed red pepper and salt. I came to crave this salad on warm days during the week, and vinegar helps to make it last a few days. It’s best super cold.

cucumber salad

We’re still tossing some wilted produce on our compost, but I am hoping that as the weeks go on I will be able to get more creative in either using or preserving all of the goodness these wonderful farmers bring!

Suggestions on how to squeeze more produce into our diets, especially on weeks when we are barely home, are always welcome!

Tags: cooking, CSA. farm to table, farms, fruit, greens, organic food, recipe development, recipes, vegetables

The past week has left me feeling slightly better. I don’t know where this cold came from, but it really wants to hang out with me. The good news is that my appetite has slowly returned, and I have gone from wanting to eat nothing but bread, soup, and tortilla chips to having major cravings for all things green. I’ve munched on kale chips, roasted dozens of Brussels sprouts, and added fists full of cilantro to the last bowls of hot and sour soup. Tonight we’ll be dining at Van Shabu, and I am already planning on multiple orders of seaweed salad.

Bring on the green!

This week I also thoroughly enjoyed our first visit to The Regal Beagle in Brookline. We joined Lin and Jon Saturday night for a truly delicious dinner, where I was, unsurprisingly, all about the green (and cocktails, of course).

kale salad

The Regal Beagle stole my heart with a simple, crispy kale salad special. I wanted this dish times ten. I usually don’t order a veggie starter and entrée, but I couldn’t resist. I was a vegetarian for about 10 years in the days when vegetarian food at restaurants often meant an iceberg salad with some carrots and cucumbers and maybe a pasta primavera, so I continue to be impressed with restaurants that offer creative food for veggies.

acorn squash, lentils, greens, cider cream

Though the photo is horrific, this dish of grilled acorn squash, warm mixed grains, dried fruit, greens, and cider cream was absolutely amazing. There was so much flavor, from the soft and sweet squash, to the crunchy hazelnuts that topped the whole thing off.  And cider cream should just be on everything, I am convinced. This dish epitomizes fall/winter comfort with lots of healthy elements. It just felt good.

broccoli and Brussels sprouts

Also enjoyed this week was a broccoli pesto inspired by my review copy of Carla Hall’s Cooking with Love: Comfort Food that Hugs You. I plan on doing a complete review soon, but I love the writing style in the book, the fun stories, and most of all, the homey, tasty-looking recipes. The vibrant green pesto was a fun twist on a classic and something that can be made all winter.

Broccoli Pesto

And while my palate is definitely craving green still, I think it’s my heart and soul that might be craving it the most, which is handy, since we are off to 40 shades of green tomorrow. It’s been a year since our last visit to Ireland, and it’s time to go home. The excitement on my husband’s face this week just says it all. We get to see my in-laws, my husband’s sister and brother, and our nephew who was just a couple of months old the last time we saw him. I can’t wait.

The Burren

I have some guest posts coming up, and I will be checking in from time-to-time, especially before Thanksgiving with a recipe roundup.

What do you have planned for the holiday week? What have you been craving?

Tags: brussels sprouts, Food, green food, greens, Ireland, kale, squash

Happy Sunday! I am quickly learning there are no weekends or vacation days when you work for yourself. Which isn’t really that different than working in the corporate world, you just get to do it on your own schedule and in your pajamas.

The theme for this week is simple, healthy foods. Friday night we did a massive grocery haul at Market Basket. It was awesome to have that big task checked off before the weekend even began.

I have had a craving for homemade pizza for awhile but have had no desire to mess with dough. I just don’t have it in me to have another pizza disaster.

So I went the very easy route, Boboli whole wheat pizza crust for our lunch pizza yesterday.

Boboli pizza crust

You know what? I really liked it. Like I said, I am just in the mood for simple food these days. I don’t care that it wasn’t a hand-tossed dough or made in a pizza oven or on a special stone.

Instead of a red sauce, I decided to use my winter pesto, also known as “poor girl pesto” as the base. Winter pesto because it utilizes spinach instead of basil, and “poor girl pesto” because it uses walnuts, which are cheaper than pine nuts, and there is no parmesan cheese. To tell the truth, I love it just as much as traditional pesto.

Start by adding a bunch of baby spinach leaves to the processer.

baby spinach

Top with a handful of walnuts, 4-6 cloves of garlic, a grind of sea salt, and enough oil to cover the top. Because my pizza was cheese-less, I added a little extra oil to my pesto to make sure it was not a dry sauce.


Voila! I always make enough pesto so that I can eat a spoonful or two right out of the bowl. It’s garlicky goodness never fails.

spinach pesto

Next up, I chopped a head of broccoli into florets. We certainly got our greens in at lunch!

broccoli florets

I didn’t get a photo of the process, but I smothered the Boboli pizza crust in pesto and a little basil oil, topped it with broccoli, and popped it into the oven at 420 degrees for about 10 minutes.

While the pizza was baking, I quickly stir fried bits of chicken breast with some olive oil and garlic.

chicken and garlic

When the pizza came out of the oven, the chicken was perfectly cooked and ready to join the rest of the ingredients.

pesto broccoli chicken pizza


pesto broccoli chicken pizza

This was an awesome lunch that didn’t take more than 20 minutes to make. In the middle of a busy weekend, it was nice to stop for a healthy meal with all sorts of flavors.

pesto broccoli chicken pizza

This would definitely be something you could easily wrap up in foil and bring into the office for a lunch you would look forward to.

I am going to dinner at Beacon Hill Bistro tonight for a friend’s birthday. Do you have any fun Sunday plans? Do you have tomorrow off?

Tags: Boboli pizza crust, chicken, cooking, cooking at home, dinner, easy pizza, garlic, greens, health, healthy recipe, healthy recipes, Lunch, pesto, pizza, spinach, spinach pesto

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