Before I dive into my local favorite review, I just wanted to share that I used frozen spinach- about half of a bag – in my Green Monster this morning. I threw it in frozen, but I may thaw the rest out tonight and quickly steam it in the morning. Anyway, it was a stellar GM, VERY green, and despite the very long day I am having, I feel great. I have some Amazing Grass samples on the way, so check in later this week or early next for a review on those!
Local favorite: Joanne Chang
About:Â (of note, she ran every Boston Marathon from 1991-2006!! My 3 marathons pale in comparison. I guess I can’t complain that I don’t have time to run!)
I first discovered the incredible work of Joanne Chang about a year and a half ago while working in Boston’s Seaport District right next to her Flour Bakery. Having just changed jobs, I was on a tight budget and held off on visiting Flour, despite the incredible smells emanating from it, until I started training for the Boston Marathon.
Those who know me well know that I am a hobbit. I can eat 10 small meals a day when I’m not working out a lot, and when I am training for a marathon, my food intake becomes mildly ridiculous. Flour Bakery became my treat of the week. While Ms. Chang is famous for her sticky buns, and they are gooooood, my favorites are Flour’s sugar brioche, banana chocolate bread pudding, and Scharffenberger chocolate cookies. With a café au lait, one of these treats became a weekly Friday ritual. . . until my mileage increased and I decided that banana chocolate bread pudding was a suitable lunch item because it contained fruit. I never went for baked goods more than twice a week, but I soon discovered Flour’s melty grilled sandwiches, homemade soups, and homemade raspberry seltzer which, for a bubbly fiend like me, is about the best thing you can come across.
Just for the sake of research, I stopped by Flour’s South End location on my walk home today and picked up this gorgeous chocolate cupcake, which I guarded with my life on the rest of my walk home. I also ordered a deliciously refreshing, slightly spicy ginger lemonade which reminded me of the beloved Trader Joe’s lemon ginger tea that seems to no longer exist. . .

The cupcake will be a special hump-day treat for the hub and I later this evening, but without even taking a bite, I know it will be incredible.
Ms. Chang’s other well known establishment in Boston is Myers + Chang, a funky diner-like space that offers fresh food full of a variety of amazing Asian flavors. My first trip to M + C did not go well, and I made a point of Yelping about it. To my absolute surprise, I received a personal email from Ms. Chang, apologizing, and asking us to give it another try.
I am glad I did. My husband and I have been to Myers + Chang at least ten times, and to me Myers + Chang = Saturday lunch. We have only tried a few things on the menu, and I can’t seem to change it up because I CRAVE the grilled homemade 5-spice tofu banh mi and the Thai ginger chicken salad. These flavors are alive, fresh, crisp while also being filling and leaving you with a little pep in your step. I always feel good after eating here, and after my first experience have been delighted by the attentive and pleasant staff. They offer date night specials from Sunday-Tuesday with a specially priced menu – $40/couple plus $25 bottles of wine! It’s not often we drag ourselves out on a weeknight, but this will be worth it!
Boston Center for Adult Education is offering a class with Ms. Chang (!!) later this summer, and I am hoping to be in attendance to meet this brilliant baker, businesswoman, and fellow Boston Marathoner!
If you live in Boston or are just visiting, don’t miss Flour Bakery (Washington St. in the South End or Farnsworth St. in the Seaport) and Myers + Chang (1145 Washington St. South End, Boston).