Friday Foodie Feature

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Enough snow for ya? I think I have officially had enough. It’s not really the cold or snow that bother me, per se, it is the conditions of the sidewalks and the inability for Boston’s public transport to work, even in the best of weather. It makes running outside impossible and going out at night less than attractive. I am 100% ready for spring, so if the universe is listening, no more snow in Boston, please.

Since I have been baking more and more these days, I am excited to feature Jen from the blog Beantown Baker for today’s Friday Foodie Feature. I met Jen briefly at this summer’s Stop & Shop luncheon, and since I got to spend more time with her on the big King Arthur Flour blogger weekend, I thought the below photo was appropriate. Most recently, I saw Jen at the Guinness dinner at the Landsdowne Pub and realized that I hadn’t featured her yet. I don’t know how that happened! Her blog is full of beautiful photos and delicious dishes, but what I love most about it is, of course, her baking. She makes bakery-worthy treats that are beyond my wildest baking dreams. You may have already checked her blog out, but if you haven’t, make sure to visit Jen’s favorite post, mentioned below.

Happy Friday, everyone! And don’t forget, if you would like to be a Friday Foodie Feature, just send me an email!

How long have you been blogging?

I started Beantown Baker in August of 2007. In the beginning I didn’t blog regularly, and you couldn’t schedule posts on Blogger so my posting was sporadic at best. After three and a half years, I’ve gotten into a groove and post on a more regular basis.

What is your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?

Choosing one thing as a favorite about blogging is tough. Really tough. So I’m picking three favorite things. First of all, I’m very proud of the progress I’ve made not only in my cooking and baking skills but also my photography skills. If you look back at some of my old posts, I used a lot of shortcuts (including cake mix from a box!) that I would never use now. I’ve also tackled my fear of yeast because of my blog. Now I am proud to admit that yeast doesn’t scare me at all anymore. My photos have also improved. Not only in the food styling and composition but I’ve come to realize the importance of natural light on my photos. I’ve always said that my blog is for me and it’s been a great ride so far.

Another thing I love about blogging is hearing from my readers. When I started my blog, I didn’t expect to ever get comments or emails from readers. Every time I get one, I get very excited and try to write everyone back who writes to me. I love to hear what my readers enjoy or what they’d like to see more of.

And the last thing I love most about blogging is meeting other bloggers. Boston has a great blogging community and it’s fun to meet other people who “get” this crazy little hobby of mine.

As far as my least favorite part of blogging, that has to be the mean-spirited people out there. Whether they’re leaving nasty comments or whatever the case is, they’re no fun. I know you’ll find them anywhere on the internet, but it’s not cool.

What has been your most fun blog post to write?

These are tough questions Meghan! For me, the writing isn’t the fun part, it’s the fun in the kitchen that I enjoy the most. My favorite post therefore is something that I love to make. You see, I have an unhealthy love of Oreos. I really try not to eat processed foods, but if there are Oreos nearby, I can’t control myself (so we never have them in the house). I had made a couple variations of a cookies and cream cupcake and finally developed my own version of an Oreo Cupcake ( It’s by far the favorite cupcake in our household and it’s one of very few desserts that I have made multiple times. I enjoyed baking these cupcakes and taking some photos during the process. If you like Oreos, I highly recommend trying this recipe out. You can thank me later 😉

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

This time a year ago, I hadn’t met any other bloggers and could not have guessed that I would call some other bloggers friends at this point in time. This time next year, I just hope that I’m still challenging myself in the kitchen, learning when I’m behind the camera, and having fun with my blog.

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

I feel very fortunate to have found a hobby that I’m truly passionate about. As I mentioned, I never imagined that I would have opportunities to try new things and meet new people just because I write a blog, but I’m so grateful that I have these opportunities.

Tags: baking, blogger, Boston, Boston Food Bloggers, Friday Foodie Feature, Guest Blogger

Happy New Year’s Eve! Are you ready for an evening of fun and/or relaxation? I am very much looking forward to what is our third-annual New Year’s Eve at home. In past years, snow storms have kept us in, and we have ended up loving those nights much more than any NYE out.

Whatever you are doing tonight, be safe and have fun. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming back here to read this blog everyday. It has been quite the year!

Today’s featured foodie is a good friend of mine and a daily read in my blog lineup. Alicia, from The Clean Plate Club, shares fun recipes, restaurant reviews, and other great posts, and over the past few months I have gotten to know that she is a ton of fun in person as well. We have traveled to King Arthur Flour together, attended many blogger events, and even had an amazing holiday potluck celebration together.  Alicia recently moved to Hartford, CT, and the Boston blogger scene definitely won’t be the same without her. I am hoping to be able to discover more of the CT food scene through Alicia and to have lots of visits from her!

The Clean Plate Club

How long have you been blogging?

I started The Clean Plate Club in January of 2009 – so I have been blogging for nearly 2 years!

What is your favorite thing about blogging?

It’s pretty hard to narrow it down, but I would say that one thing that keeps me going is the community that blogging gets me involved in. I have always had a love of cooking and writing. My blog brings the two together, and also gives me a space where I can receive support, constructive criticism, set goals for myself and be constantly learning from the people around me. It’s opened me up to meeting some of the most interesting, talented and passionate people I’ve ever encountered. And although everyone is so incredibly talented, I’ve only run into a small number of people who are not in it to strengthen the group as a whole.

Least favorite?

I’m my own worst critic. Sometimes it is REALLY hard to maintain a consistent momentum in my posting because I’m always striving to improve, and I can sometimes get caught up in self editing and second-guessing myself. The “is anyone really going to care about this” mentality really slows down my writing. Blogging can sometimes bring out that negative little voice in my head – which is challenging!

What has been your most fun blog post to write?

I’m breaking the rules because I can’t pick just one!

One of my favorite posts to write was about my trials and tribulations about trying out for Master Chef last year. When it happened I was so sad, almost devastated. But after I thawed out I could finally see the humor in the situation.

The most fun I’ve ever had in relation to this blog – was the trip to King Arthur flour. I had so much fun learning to bake, and learning from a real instructor – my face hurt from smiling all day. Then when I made my own bread – alone in my kitchen, I felt like the King Arthur training really did its job to make me more comfortable baking.

The post I am most proud of is the one about my grandmother after she passed away in July. It was probably the hardest thing I had to write, but I think I did her proud. It felt like the right thing to do – since knowing & learning from her shaped a lot of what I do in the kitchen. I thought it was an appropriate tribute. If there had been blogging in her day, she would be giving Molly Wizenberg a run for her money!

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

Now that I’ve relocated to CT – I have so much more spare time. I hope that in a year, I’m posting a more frequently. Also I intend on using my blog and food to get to know my new surroundings.

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

When I started writing – it was just a journal of what I was creating in my own kitchen. I never imagined I would be going to VT to take baking classes, or attending special restaurant dinners or going to book signings to meet Joanne Chang or Amanda Hesser. These experiences have exposed me to new people, new methods, and new ingredients and have resulted in me being more outgoing in my own kitchen. And I also want to thank anyone who reads and comments. EVERYTIME I get a new comment I get SO excited. Keep ‘em coming!

You too could be a Friday Foodie Feature or a guest blogger! Email me for details! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Tags: bloggers, Boston, Friday Foodie Feature, guest post, Hartford

Happy Christmas Eve, everyone! I hope you are having a fun and festive day if you celebrate, and if not, I hope you get some time off work. I am in NJ with my family, running a speed workout at my high school track, visiting my nana, and spending dinner at my uncle’s house as I have for countless Christmas Eves in the past.

Today’s Friday Foodie Feature is Bianca from Confessions of a Chocoholic. Bianca’s blog is delicious and delightful, full of chocolate-y treats, indulgent meals out, Boston events, with a little bit of health and fitness thrown in for the perfect balance. I met Bianca over dinner at Mistral this fall, and all I can say is that she is fun, genuine, and fabulous, just like she comes across in her blog. Once you are done reading Bianca’s Friday Foodie Feature, be sure to check out her favorite posts, especially the Caramel Pecan Shortbread Cups!

Confessions of a Chocoholic

How long have you been blogging?

I started Confessions of a Chocoholic in 2008 but only a few close friends knew about it. I started getting more serious with it – writing more often, publicizing my blog, and becoming more active in the blogging community – earlier this year.

What is your favorite thing about blogging?

I love to write and I love food, and with blogging I can combine my two passions. I am able to share my favorite recipes, food items, restaurant reviews and other activities through my blog. I think food, love, and memories are always intertwined, and with blogging, I can document and chronicle a lot of great moments. I also adore the sense of community and the extremely supportive, inspiring, and fun group of fellow bloggers and readers I encounter every day.

Least favorite?

The bad lighting in my apartment makes it challenging for me to take great pictures for my blog. But I make do with it!

What has been your most fun blog post to write?

This is a hard question; it’s like asking a parent to choose a favorite kid! Haha. I have a few favorites (blog posts, not kids): I really enjoyed recapping my Italy trip (Part 1: Milan, Part 2: Venice, Part 3: Tuscany) – it was my first time to visit Europe and I had a wonderful time with my parents. I also had a terrific time writing Nose To Tail Eating: A Long Hard Look at The Food Trend Sweeping the U.S. – that was originally an article for one of my classes at Harvard and I put in A LOT of work researching the topic. Most recently, I’ve been going back to my post for Caramel Pecan Shortbread Cups – I’ve made them a couple more times again and I really think they are the perfect holiday treat!

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

I predict better food pictures in my future… I also would love to have more regular readers and commenters, and for my blog to be featured in other publications as well.

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

It’s important to write about things you are passionate about, and to let your personality shine. Confessions of a Chocoholic is primarily a food blog, but at the end of the day, it is also a personal blog so I write about my other interests too, like running and Bikram yoga (in fact, my Tips on How to Survive and Love Hot Yoga is the most shared post on my blog). Readers not only appreciate the variety, but it gives everyone a glimpse into your life as well. Also, I think blogging has benefitted my immensely – I get to write regularly, meet new friends, appreciate food even more, and share my culinary experiences!

Thanks for a fun feature, Bianca! Smile 

One of my goals for 2011, in the spirit of the Friday Foodie Feature, is to open up even more space for guest contributors. I love being able to introduce new bloggers (or readers!) to the blog-o-sphere, and I love having perspectives and experiences other than my own. I have tweeted about it before, but if you are seriously interested in contributing a post or several posts on food, wine, travel, or a Friday Foodie Feature post, please just shoot me an email! All appropriate posts will be welcome Winking smile

Happy Christmas Eve! Don’t forget to catch It’s a Wonderful Life if you are home tonight.

Tags: blogs, Boston, cambridge, Confessions of a Chocoholic, Friday Foodie Feature, Guest Blogger

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