Friday Foodie Feature

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It’s Friday, and you know what that means, Friday Foodie Feature time. As I mentioned yesterday, I am still pretty behind on blogging and just about everything else, so I was excited when Megan from the blog Cooking Whims agreed to be the Friday Foodie Feature. Megan started out as a baking blogger, and, as a result has some great baking posts, but I also really love her other recipes. Definitely check out the link to the Roasted Garlic Soup below. It looks divine!

Thanks, Megan, for being featured, and for the rest of you, remember I always welcome guest posts and participants for the Friday Feature. Just send me an email to let me know you are interested!

Have a great Friday morning. I’ll be back later with some more wine country fun!

Cooking Whims

How long have you been blogging?

I’ve kept an online journal ever since I was a teenager. But I became serious about food blogging after I started a baking club with my friends after we graduated from college about two years ago. As an excuse to hang out, two of my best friends would come over once a week and we would whip up something tasty. Then I thought, “Hey, why don’t I blog about these?” So I started “Baking Whims”. But once I moved out of my parents’ house, I discovered I had to cook for myself. But I didn’t want it to be a chore, I wanted it to be fun! So I got a ton of cookbooks out of the library, started following blogs, and decided to add onto my baking escapades–so expanded “Baking Whims” into “Cooking Whims”. And that happened about a year ago. 🙂

What is your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?

My favorite thing about blogging is being a part of the food blogging community. When I first moved to the Boston area, I was a bit lost. I moved away from all of my friends, so my baking club get-togethers stopped. I didn’t know how to meet people and felt isolated in my little apartment. But once I joined up with the Boston Food Bloggers, I discovered a whole new world of friendships and activities I never would have found out about if I wasn’t blogging!

My least favorite part about blogging? That’s hard to say because I love all things about blogging! If I had to pick something, though, I would say it’s the dim light in my apartment. I live in a basement with little natural light, so it’s really challenging to capture a well-lit picture of my food.

What has been your most fun blog post to write?

I think the blog post that was the most fun to write was my Roasted Garlic Soup recipe. I was meeting up with some Boston Food Bloggers for a soup swap back in January, and I wanted to try something I never tried before. I love taking on challenges like that and stepping out of my comfort zone because then I actually learn something about cooking. Before I made the garlic soup, I had never roasted garlic, or even bought more than two heads of garlic at once in the store. I bought six for this recipe! (and had some left over).
I love writing about my learning experiences, whether they are good or bad, and hoping others can learn from what I learned–and that they’ll go out and try these recipes on their own too! Cooking for me is fun because I’m always finding things I don’t know about. And the blogging is a great way to log what I have done 🙂

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

Hopefully next year I’ll actually buy a domain for my blog and give it a redesign!

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

I look forward to blogging about my cooking adventures every night, and I would have to say it’s become my favorite thing to do outside of work. It’s much more than just a hobby, it’s become a part of who I am, my identity. If people ask me what I do and what I like to do, I always mention my food blog and my love of food! 🙂

Tags: blogger, Food, Friday Foodie Feature, Guest Blogger, guest post

It’s Friday afternoon and time for the Friday Foodie Feature! It’s been awhile since I have gotten a foodie to feature, but I am happy to say I have a few coming up, and I always welcome more. I love sharing this spot with other bloggers!

Today’s featured foodie is Stephanie from The Cookie Battle. I discovered Stephanie’s blog, like many other wonderful things, through the magic of Twitter, and I have enjoyed reading about her food and exercise adventures. I also really enjoy her writing style, and she’s a Boston girl. What’s not to love?

I am off to Napa tomorrow, but I will be blogging my wine country adventures whenever I can. Be sure to check in! And have a wonderful weekend, friends!

The Cookie Battle

How long have you been blogging?

I started my blog on February 17th, 2010, so I just had my one year blogiversary! I took a long hiatus in the middle, but have been blogging consistently since August. It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year! I had a few short lived blogs before The Cookie Battle, one fitness related and one entertainment related, before I discovered my true blogging passion of food (specifically cookies). And so The Cookie Battle was born 🙂

What is your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?

My favorite thing about blogging is the comments. I love hearing what people have to say when I ask questions at the bottom of my posts. I love getting other people’s opinions and thoughts about what I write, and to know people can relate to me and what I’m writing about. I still get excited every time I get a new comment!

My least favorite thing is there are times when I feel as though all I do is focus on the blog…whether it be writing, photographing, promoting, etc. and it takes away from my 9-5 job and my relationships. It’s all about finding a balance though. I’ve gotten a lot better at juggling.

What has been your most fun blog post to write?

My favorite post to write was My First Race ( just because it was a moment I was proud of and a great memory. It also kickstarted this lovely little habit I call running 😉

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

It’s hard to say where my blog will be next year, because I never would have imagined I would be where I am now with it. Over the next year I hope my blog and my readership will continue to grow and I will evolve as blogger and improve my recipes, my photography, and my content.

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

Blogging has become so much more than just blogging to me. I have made some great friends through my blog and continue to be inspired by this incredible community that I’m proud to be a part of.

Tags: Boston, Boston blogger, Food, Friday Foodie Feature

I am back! We tried to get stuck in Ireland for longer, but our flight took off from Dublin on time yesterday afternoon, delivering us from a sparkly island of green to mounds and mounds of snow. You should have seen our car!

In addition to dealing with the snow and jetlag, I am just a little overwhelmed with getting back into blogging, blog reading, catching up on emails, and developing a schedule for myself to manage (hopefully) the many freelance projects coming up. But, I am looking forward to reading what you all have been up to, and I have more Ireland posts, including one on our visit to Derry in Northern Ireland later today.

It is Friday, and that means Friday Foodie Feature time! Today I am happy to bring you a fellow Bostonian, Amanda from The Kitchen Misfit. Amanda’s blog is full of deliciousness, both things made at home and meals eaten in restaurants, in addition to blogger events. My favorite recent post on Amanda’s blog is a post about Cracked Wheat Loaf, one that might inspire some bread baking as soon as I have my act together at home. If you live in the Boston area, you may have met Amanda or checked out her blog. If you haven’t I would definitely recommend heading over to learn more!

The Kitchen Misfit

How long have you been blogging?

I’m still a newbie and have only been blogging since June of 2010. I started my blog after getting married in April and realized that I had so much more time on my hands. Wedding planning takes up a lot of time! I have a couple of hobbies but nothing that I was really passionate about. After reading so many fantastic food blogs I decided to try my hand at it and absolutely fell in love with it and haven’t looked back since.

What is your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?

When I started my blog I never thought I would be exposed and be able to meet such amazing food bloggers, especially right here in Boston. It’s great to be able to share your love of something with people who really appreciate it. I don’t think there is one least favorite part of blogging, unless you count the lack of sunlight in my apartment and trying to take good pictures as a result!

What has been your most fun blog post to write?

That is a tough one. I joined the Daring Baker’s and have been exposed to some fantastic challenges. I learned how easy it is to make homemade donuts and have tried my hand at canning. What amazing to me is that I’m making recipes I thought I would never be able to make a few years ago!

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

I’m hoping to get a redesign in time for my one year blogiversary. I also want to learn how to use my camera to create better pictures. I’m also hoping to try to attend some blogger conferences since they are such a wealth of information. I also want to start experimenting more and coming up with more of my own recipes.

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

It’s been quite a rollercoaster! I never thought I would be where I am now, in blogging and in cooking/baking. I’m looking forward to doing this for a long time!

Interested in being a featured foodie? Email me! traveleatlove (@)

Tags: Boston, Boston bloggers, Food, Friday Foodie Feature

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