
You are currently browsing articles tagged Eversave.

Summer is just around the corner, although it really doesn’t feel like it here in Boston! I really have to say that I love that it was 90 degrees for the Boston Marathon, and now in May I am using my electric blanket and tempted to turn the heat on. That all worked out well.

Eversave Boston is going to be making summer a bit more delicious for a couple of lucky members. They are giving away two BBQ bashes, either from Dickey’s Barbecue Pit or, if the winner does not live near a Dickey’s, $250 to Omaha Steaks.

Just click on the below image for details and to enter to get your Memorial Day BBQ started.

BBQ Bash


And because Eversave is so nice, they are giving me $10 toward the next save of a lucky reader. Just leave a note in the comments letting me know what your favorite BBQ food or drink is. I’ll choose a winner on Monday. Not a member of Eversave? Join now!

Have a great Thursday. . . we are almost at the weekend!

Tags: BBQ, Eversave, giveaway

Thanks to everyone who entered and many thanks to Eversave for an amazing giveaway! The winner is comment #4, Melissa!

Have a relaxing Labor Day weekend, everyone!


I love Eversave Boston! It’s Friday, we have a long, beautiful weekend ahead, and they are allowing me to choose one lucky Travel, Wine, and Dine reader to win a voucher toward a massage at Keepers Therapeutic Massage in Lexington, MA. How wonderful is that?!

I wish I could win it!

You’ll have your choice of an hour of Swedish, deep tissue, myofascial release massage, or trigger point massage.

To enter?

1) Make sure you like Eversave Boston on Facebook and follow them on Twitter:

Facebook http://eversave.com/go/8Zy0

Twitter http://eversave.com/go/GZy0

2) Leave a comment here letting me know why you absolutely need a massage.

3) Tweet “I want to win a massage from @EversaveBos and @traveleatlovemm”

This will be a quick one. I will choose a winner tomorrow morning. I’ve got the voucher handy, and I will send it on its relaxing way.

Massage is my absolute favorite thing ever, and I can’t wait to read your responses and award one of you. Thanks, Eversave!

Tags: Eversave, giveaway, Massage

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