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I know many people in the blog world have had pumpkin overload, but I actually haven’t been cooking with it much this season. After being away for a few days and not eating my best, a quick, healthy, and delicious homemade meal was necessary. Inspired by my veggie burger at Hubert Keller’s      Burger Bar, I decided to make pumpkin lentil “falafel”.

I started with 2 cups of lentils that had been soaking in water forever. I planned on using them on Sunday, but a brand new nephew got in the way Winking smile 


I measured out a tablespoon of curry powder and set that and the lentils aside.

curry powder

I chopped a small yellow onion and a couple of jalapenos and sautéed them in some olive oil until the onions were very soft.

onions, jalapenos

Then I added in a half can of Libby’s canned pumpkin, the lentils, and curry powder.

canned pumpkin

On the side, I boiled a few potatoes until they were mashable. Once ready I mashed them into the pumpkin and lentil mixture.

pumpkin and lentils

Once cooled, I formed them into falafel-like patties, then baked them at 380 for 15 minutes.

pumpkin falafel

Baking them didn’t give them the golden crust on the outside that I hoped for, but it did dry them out on the outside and seal in lots of flavor. Maybe next time I will roll them in bread crumbs.

pumpkin falafel

The pumpkin falafel was very spicy, even for me, so we cooled the dish down with some Greek yogurt. We didn’t have many great falafel toppings, but I plan on making these again and covering them in pickles, red onion, tomatoes, lettuce, sriracha, and Greek yogurt with garlic. Definitely one of my favorite things about falafel is the toppings. Have you ever been to a Maoz? I dream of Maoz in Boston.

With this spiced curry dish, we drank our newly arrived La Naris from Sheldon Wines, one of the wines that we picked up during the Wine and Food Affair. La Naris is one of my new favorite whites and one of the best wines I tasted during the Wine and Food Affair. A Rousanne/Viognier blend, all I could say after tasting this wine was how beautiful it is. It has both floral notes and some lush fruit flavors, think juicy apricot and white pear along with a distinct (for me) white pepper taste on the finish. It seems at first to be very light, but offers a smooth, almost light oil like sensation in the mouth. It was complete perfection with the flavors of our dinner and on its own after dinner. And the winemakers have a beautiful, adventurous, love-filled story for each other, for wine, and for life. I am sort of in love with this wine.

Sheldon wines

I miss my nephew and niece, but it is good to be back home. I have a TON of cooking to do today and tomorrow and lots of other fun stuff going on. I can’t wait to share with you as it all happens!

Back to the pumpkin. Are you sick of it yet?

One thing I am sick of reading about is oatmeal. After all of the blog reading I have done over the past couple years, I never want to look at another bowl of oatmeal again.

Do you ever overdo it with certain foods or get super tired of foods that are blog “trendy”?

Tags: curry, falafel, La Naris, pumpkin, recipe, Sheldon Wine, Vegetarian, wine

Anyone else feel caught between two seasons? Don’t get me wrong, I love this time of year, especially the warm afternoons and chilly, great-for-sleeping weekends, but I find it a tough time to get dressed and a tough time to plan meals.

I always wake up freezing, dress too warmly, and by mid-day am too hot. Or I plan a meal that is perfect for a summery day, only to be eating chilled soup on a dreary evening.

Last night this was not the case. We woke up to the perfect day to sleep in, but alas we had work. I was freezing all day, went to the farmers market in the rain, and had my mind set on an evening with a hot, spicy, veggie curry, Shipyard pumpkin beer, and maybe a little Travel Channel ghost show. 🙂

The market is also trapped between summer and fall, and that is a very good thing.Squash, heirloom tomatoes, and honeycrisp apples in the same place might just be heaven.

autumn squash local shallots

image flowers from Friendship Farm

The colors of the market splashed across Copley Square against the gray, rainy backdrop like an abstract painting. It was quite beautiful and made me feel SO much better than I did inside my office.

honeycrisp apples

I bought a ton, a head of broccoli, some shallots, a bag of apples, a few acorn squashes, an heirloom tomato the size of my head, the sweetest corn I have ever eaten (raw!), and some spicy peppers for my curry.

heirloom tomatoes

heirloom tomato


acorn squash

We had a very veggie dinner, starting with chopped heirloom tomato with a simple dressing of balsamic vinegar, olive oil, shallots, and black pepper. After eating some of the corn raw, I roasted the rest with olive oil and added a tiny bit of sea salt at the end.


The curry contained one whole red onion, roughly chopped, 6 carrots, a head of broccoli, a green bell pepper, acorn squash, and some hot peppers, seeds and all.

To prep the veggies, I simmered the onions on their own in a tiny bit of olive oil so they would soften and sweeten up. While doing this I roasted the acorn squash at 400 for about 20 minutes. Everything else got tossed into the big pot, then covered in a can of coconut milk, a couple spoons of red curry paste, a bit of lemongrass paste, Burmese curry powder, and cayenne pepper.

curry veggies

It was so simple, yet so delicious and comforting. I enjoyed a bowl of curry alongside my summery tomato salad and corn and a Shipyard brew.

I needed a quiet night in. It was a very trying week. Luckily I have a fun weekend trip ahead, heading on a blogger road trip to Vermont to take some baking classes at King Arthur Flour! It should be a very exciting weekend!

And next week is Boston Wine Week and then the Newport Mansions Food and Wine Festival, my favorite event of last year. Too many fun things happening, too little time!

Do you feel like you are still savoring summer, or have you made the leap to fall?

Tags: curry, farmers market, Food, recipe, squash, vegetables, Vegetarian

I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to post this delicious meal, but I am really excited about it and think you will love it. Back in May I had the very exciting task of creating a recipe to pair with Travessia Vidal Blanc. At the same time, my friend Raija had JUST finished grad school. Since I was in the mood to cook and celebrate and had some great wine samples for pairing, we had a last minute celebratory dinner.

We started out with a little Veuve Cliquot purchased at the Healthworks Boston Wine Exchange tasting.

Veuve Cliquot image

For our dinner, I moved on to the Travessia Vidal Blanc. This white is incredibly light and refreshing with some delicious peachy flavors. At the winery, Marco adds strawberries to the Vidal Blanc, and after the wine has had the strawberries in it for awhile, it is amazing.

For dinner, I started with a REALLY ripe mango. I had to stop myself from eating all of the mango as I chopped it. So juicy and delicious.

fresh mango

I added another one of my favorite flavors, spicy jalapeno, including the seeds.

mango and jalapeno

I mixed those with a couple of other favorite ingredients, cilantro, ginger, coconut milk, lemongrass paste, and curry powder.

Simmered for a bit to allow the flavors to mix and mingle 😉

cocnut milk, mango, cilantro

And then added some big, sweet sea scallops. The result? A creamy, flavorful coconut curry scallop dish.  It had a little bit of spice that went REALLY well with the Vidal Blanc.


It was a light, summery dinner with a perfect, local wine. I am pretty excited to say that Marco had recipe cards printed up with my recipe on them and is distributing them in the winery in New Bedford. If you get down there, make sure to grab one, along with a couple of bottles of Vidal Blanc!

I am off to California tonight. What are you all up to for the weekend?

Tags: cilantro, coconut curry, coconut milk, curry, Food, food and wine pairing, recipe, scallops, Travessia, Veuve Cliquot, Vidal Blanc, wine

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