Bully Boy

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I can’t believe that two years have passed since I made my first visit to The Urban Grape, the then-brand-new wine store in Chestnut Hill. Fast forward two years, and store owners TJ and Hadley are not only celebrating the store’s anniversary, but they are full speed ahead planning the Urban Grape South End. They’ve done an amazing job of creating not just a store that houses great wine, beer, and spirits, but a place where people want to hang out. Their events are always a blast, and when I found out they were having an anniversary party at the Hotel Indigo in Newton, I was literally the first person to RSVP.

I made it back from the Cape with about an hour to spare before the party, went home, got ready, and was on-the-go again, ready for a pool party on a perfect early June evening.

The Hotel Indigo restaurant, Bokx 109 features the Bokx pool, a fabulous outdoor party space more reminiscent of Miami than Newton! It’s definitely a hidden gem. Hotel Indigo

The Urban Grape stocked the party with tasting tables from their favorite distributors and producers who poured at tables surrounding the pool area. For a complete list of wines, beers, and spirits poured, you can visit the Urban Grape blog.

Hotel Indigo pool

As guests arrived, we were handed Scharffenberger sparkling wine to kick off the festivities. I’ve been a fan ever since our visit to Scharffenberger this spring.

Scharffenberger sparkling wine

Other tasting tables included Slane Castle whiskey, a favorite of ours.

Slane Castle whiskey

And a few tables featuring wines from different distributors. Standouts for me included the Gosset Champagne and Grgich Hills Fume Blanc.


Bully Boy

Local favorites, the guys from Bully Boy distillers were there pouring a delicious, summery drink with their white rum. Love their spirits and the labels!

Bully Boy

We also tasted our first (but definitely not our last) High & Mighty beer. We loved the super fresh and refreshing Beer of the Gods, but I think my favorite was the Fumata Bianca, a smoky beer with a hint of bacon flavor. The High & Mighty table also happened to be one of the most fun; it certainly drew a crowd!

High & Mighty Beer

It was so fun to get together with other bloggers, to run into old friends, and to celebrate the success of a couple who has worked really hard to build a creative, fun store that has brought so many people together. The Urban Grape is definitely doing local business right, and I can.not.wait until the South End location opens. We might move in. Winking smile

Tags: Boston, Bully Boy, cocktails, events, hotels, Urban Grape, wine

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