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When last week’s plan of healthy eating turned into dining out, events, and takeout every night, we were left with a fridge full of produce that we needed to eat in a short space of time. Smoothies and chips took care of the kale overload, but we had a bunch of other healthy ingredients to use up. With temps falling, soup seemed like the perfect idea, and in just a short amount of time, a vibrant veggie soup came together.


The ingredients:

4 cups broccoli florets, roasted at 400 for 20 minutes

3 cups baby spinach

2 cups sweet peppers, roasted at 400 for 20 minutes

1 cup white onion, chopped and sautéed in olive oil until soft

4 large potatoes, boiled until soft

Coconut milk – enough to make it into a soupy consistency

handful fresh cilantro



So Delicious Coconut Milk

Once the veggies were roasted and the potatoes were cooked through, I added it all to my Ninja blender with some curry powder, garlic, cumin, and chili powder and pureed until nice and smooth.

potatoes and spices

I returned it all to the pot and simmered it on low until we were ready to eat.

creamy vegetable soup

We each had a big bowl topped with Greek yogurt to add some protein and creaminess to it. For being just a bunch of vegetables and a few other ingredients blended together, we both thought the soup tasted like something you’d find at a nice restaurant. It was a great green color, packed full of nutrients to keep us from getting sick, and an easy way to avoid wasting food, something I absolutely hate doing. I’m trying to be more careful with grocery shopping, only getting enough for what we need and also trying to stay home more. It’s not been too hard in this frigid weather!

It’s time to meal plan for yet another week; what do you have on your menu for next week?

Tags: broccoli, coconut milk, Food, healthy, peppers, potatoes, recipe, soup, spices, spinach, vegan, vegetables, Vegetarian

It has certainly been awhile since my kitchen has seen any cooking action. Between the heat, events, dinners out, and a wonky appetite, I have avoided cooking in favor of eating something, anything I didn’t prepare.

It was time to get back into it with a little help from my friend Pinterest. I found a recipe for cheesy broccoli bites and decided to make my own take on it.



4 cups of chopped broccoli

1 cup (dry) of red rice, soaked overnight and cooked until al dente

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

1/2 cup Italian bread crumbs

3 eggs

red rice

shredded cheese

This recipe is simple; just mix everything together, preferably with your hands, and form balls with the mix. Pop the broccoli bites into an oven that’s been preheated to 375, and bake for 20 minutes.

broccoli bite mix

Once the broccoli bites are done, they will be a little bit larger due to the melty cheese. This is not a bad thing.

broccoli bites

Serve with a creamy honey mustard sauce, mine is about 1/4 cup Greek yogurt, 1/4 cup brown mustard and a blob of honey. Enjoy!

homemade honey mustard

These broccoli bites would be a fun and not-too-indulgent treat for a party or for dinner with a salad. I bet bacon would be a nice addition. . .

We love appetizer style meals, and these made for a fun dinner.

What do you do when you lose your cooking mojo?

Tags: appetizer, broccoli, cheese, dinner, Food, Pinterest, recipe, snacks, Vegetarian

Have you ever had soba noodles? Made from buckwheat, these gluten-free noodles are a nice break from regular pasta. I spotted them in the grocery store and decided to pick them up after recently reading that some studies have shown buckwheat to lower both glucose levels and cholesterol, in addition to containing protein and magnesium. I like a pasta that packs a nutritional punch!

Soba noodles are the perfect base for a stir fry, and staying with my healthy vegetarian theme of the week, I made a really delicious meal with them last night.

soba noodles with vegetables

It started with half a box of Annie Chun soba noodles, which I cooked according to the package instructions. Basically, boil them. Winking smile

soba noodles

In a pan on the side, I steamed up a mountain of broccoli and carrots in a little bit of water. I like my veggies to have a bite to them, so I didn’t cook these for very long. There’s nothing worse than mushy veg!

broccoli and carrots

I wasn’t really sure where I was going with the sauce, so I just started pulling random ingredients I thought would go well together: sriracha, naturally, tamari soy sauce, red curry paste, and coconut manna which is a blend of coconut oil and butter and is incredibly yummy, right out of the jar!

spicy noodles and sauce

I also grabbed my trusty tube of cilantro. I love buying fresh herbs, but they tend to wilt and wither quickly. These gourmet garden herb tubes keep the herb flavors fresh and bold for quite awhile, and a few squeezes of this cilantro REALLY brightened my noodles.



I also grabbed some sesame seeds for a little bit of crunch.

sesame seeds

To put it all together, I drained the noodles and placed them atop the vegetables. Then I added a few dashes of tamari, about two tablespoons of sriracha, a few squeezes of cilantro, a couple scoops of coconut butter, and a pinch of curry paste. Stir it up, and serve!

soba noodles and vegetables

We were instantly fans of this dish. My husband just kept saying how good it was, and I actually finished an entire bowl. There were so many flavors going on, but they all worked together very well. I love Asian-inspired flavors most of all, and I will definitely be trying this combination again with other ingredients.  Not too shabby for something thrown together!

I adore cilantro, coconut, spicy chilis, lemongrass, etc. What are your favorite flavors, things you can’t get enough of?

Tags: broccoli, carrots, Food, recipe, soba noodles, vegetables, Vegetarian

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