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When I decided I wanted to make homemade focaccia, I knew it had to be an easy and quick recipe. As I have mentioned in earlier posts, this week has been insane, and while I am taking on more freelance projects, I do still want to make some great home cooked meals and to continue blogging twice a day.

After a little bit of googling, I found the Easiest Focaccia Recipe on

easiest focaccia recipe

You’ll note the tab for Bodyrocks TV on the bottom of the image. If you want to feel badly about yourself, this is a good place to start. I clicked the site away and made bread instead.

This bread only has a few ingredients, flour, sugar, water, yeast, oil, and salt.

focaccia ingredients

I followed the recipe and started by mixing the yeast and sugar with some warm water. Bubble bubble. I love the smell of yeast. It reminds me of bread and Champagne. Smile

yeast and sugar

Getting the dough together was very easy. I just added the flour to the yeast mixture, then slowly mixed and added water in until it became dough.

focaccia dough

Them I set it on top of my heating oven to rise, a trick I started using this winter when my house didn’t seem warm enough for dough to rise. Thirty minutes later, my dough looked like it was on its way to being bread. I stretched it out, coated it in a little olive oil and salt, and set it to bake at 475 for about 15 minutes.


It came out nice and golden brown, chewy on the outside and soft on the inside. This bread would make a nice base for a thick crust pizza. And it was a fantastic sandwich bread.


What is your favorite sandwich?

Easiest Focaccia, adapted from

  • 1 teaspoon white sugar
  • 1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast
  • 1/3 cup warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  1. In a small bowl, dissolve sugar and yeast in warm water. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the yeast mixture with flour; stir well to combine. Stir in additional water, 1 tablespoon at a time, until all of the flour is absorbed. When the dough has pulled together, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and knead briefly for about 1 minute.
  3. Lightly oil a large bowl, place the dough in the bowl and turn to coat with oil. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place until doubled in volume, about 30 minutes.
  4. Preheat oven to 475 degrees F (245 degrees C).
  5. Deflate the dough and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface; knead briefly. Pat or roll the dough into a sheet and place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Brush the dough with oil and sprinkle with salt.
  6. Bake focaccia in preheated oven for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on desired crispness. If you like it moist and fluffy, then you’ll have to wait just about 10 minutes. If you like it crunchier and darker in the outside, you may have to wait 20 minutes.

Tags: baking, bread, easy recipe, focaccia, recipe, sandwich bread

Goes great with this  Guinness Beef Stew recipe!

I tweeted that it was ugly, but the end result was authentically perfect. With today being St. Patrick’s Day and having an Irish husband, I may feel a little extra pressure to make something as close to home as possible. Earlier in the week I made Irish stew, and we eat Kerrygold butter and cheese like it’s going out of style, but I thought a St. Patrick’s Day breakfast of brown bread and Kerrygold butter would be a nice start to the day. Too bad I was like a total zombie this morning and slept liked I was drugged until 9:00! I literally could not open my eyes this morning and kept drifting back to sleep which never ever happens.  Still, the sentiment was there, and I think he took some bread to go.

The recipe I used was from Food and Wine and could not have been easier. The entire recipe is at the bottom of the post, and I would highly recommend making it if you are into wheat breads.

King Arthur Flour

Any good bread starts with good flour, and I used King Arthur All Purpose and Whole Wheat Flours. Ever since our trip to King Arthur, I have only purchased their flour.

The recipe also called for buttermilk. I didn’t have any in the house, and it was absolutely pouring, so I made my own using the milk called for in the recipe and a few spoons of white vinegar. It works like a charm.


The other wet ingredient was one egg, whipped up in a little cup. Side note, I got these little cups at Crate and Barrel years ago, and I love them.


I first mixed together all of the dry ingredients, then slowly worked in the milk and egg. The dough was kind of a mess and took me a little while to get it into one piece. I was a little sad at this point. But I went ahead and made the cross in the bread for whatever reason the Irish do this.

P.S. I looked it up, and here was what I found:

There are several theories as to the significance of the cross in Irish soda bread. Some believe that the cross was placed in the bread to ward off evil (the devil) or to let the fairies out of the bread. However, it is probable that the cross is used to help with the cooking of the bread by allowing air circulation so that the bread rises better.

Obviously it’s for the fairies. Glad I know that now, and I am glad I put the cross in so that we didn’t eat them. Smile

brown bread

I wished for a little bit of luck, put the loaf into the oven for 50 minutes, and out came this:

brown bread

It’s kind of bumpy, but it actually is pretty close to what you would see by the dozens in an Irish bakery

Irish brown bread

When my husband got home, he was absolutely delighted. A man who probably wouldn’t notice if I moved the furniture to opposite sides of the house noticed that I remembered to put the cross in the bread Smile

Irish brown bread

Even more exciting, it had that nice crust on the outside and was cooked all the way through. I was a little worried that because of the thickness it would be doughy in the middle. Not so!

I love baking recipes with just a few ingredients like this. It was a great rainy day activity!

But it’s not raining anymore! It is an absolutely gorgeous day here in Boston. Our windows are open, and I am going to try to jam work/job hunting into the evening and maybe a little over the weekend in order to take advantage of the sunlight. I need Vitamin D!

Is it beautiful out where you are? What’s on tap for the weekend?

Irish Brown Bread from Food and Wine, Recipe by Cathal Armstrong

  • ACTIVE: 10 MIN
  • SERVINGS: makes one 8-by-5-inch loaf
  • FAST
  1. 3 cups whole wheat flour
  2. 1 cup all-purpose flour
  3. 1 teaspoon baking soda
  4. 1 teaspoon salt
  5. 1 1/4 cups buttermilk
  6. 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  1. Preheat the oven to 375°. Butter an 8-by-5-inch metal loaf pan.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk both flours with the baking soda and salt. In a small bowl, whisk the buttermilk with the egg; stir into the dry ingredients with a wooden spoon until a rough dough forms.
  3. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured work surface and knead until smooth. Form the dough into a loaf and put it in the prepared pan. Bake for about 50 minutes, until the bread has risen about 1/2 inch above the rim of the pan. Once unmolded, the loaf should sound hollow when tapped on the bottom. Let cool to warm or room temperature, then slice and serve.
Serve With

Irish farmhouse cheeses.

Tags: baking, bread, brown bread, Food, food and wine, Irish recipes, recipe, Vegetarian

Mayor Menino, Governor Patrick, and everyone else with an interest in people in Boston being happy, listen up. We need a year-round indoor farm market. And I don’t mean Cumberland Farms. I know, I know, it’s in the works, but it needs to happen without any feet dragging or typical Boston miles of governmental tape.

Don’t you agree with me, Boston readers? Ok, I will finish my tirade there.         Join me for a few minutes, won’t you, on a tour of downtown Napa’s Oxbow Public Market.

With all of our trips to Napa and Sonoma, we have never spent much time downtown Napa, but as I booked a hotel room I couldn’t cancel for the Napa Marathon, we were kind of roped into it. This turned out to be a very good thing. After a smooth but very long flight, we drove from San Francisco up to Napa, stopping at an adorable farmer’s market in Marin food lunch, then went straight to Napa for some sightseeing.

Oxbow Public Market, a few blocks from our hotel, was at the top of my list.

Oxbow Public Market

Oxbow Public Market is, in some ways, a smaller version of San Francisco’s Ferry Building, a perfect size for the downtown Napa neighborhood it is in. It hosts artisans and vendors of all types, and you could easily do most of your food shopping inside.

Oxbow Public Market Oxbow Public Market

There was a butcher shop with some beautiful looking cuts of meat and a spice shop, Whole Spice Company, where I picked up some ghost chili powder.  Devil

Whole Spice Company

Then there was the Oxbow Cheese Market with a massive case of cheeses, wine, and fresh baked bread from the Model Bakery.

Oxbow Cheese Merchant Oxbow Market Bread

All of the wandering around the market worked up a little bit of hunger, so we stopped for a few minutes at Hog Island Oyster Co.

Hog Island Oyster Co

The square bar was light and airy, and it was a nice place to take in the entire market.

Oxbow Public Market

We split a Bison stout and both downed a ton of water (we had been wine tasting right before).

Bison Stout

Stout and oysters, perfect together! These were Hog Island sweetwater oysters, and they were perfect for me, nice and small, briny but also a little sweet. I ate them with mignonette and a little hot sauce.

hog island oysters

hog island oyster

Before we headed out of the market we passed through the other side for a few photos and samples. The Olive Press has a space where they sell their award-winning olive oil. You may remember The Olive Press from the generous giveaway they did on my blog last spring.

The Olive Press

Citrus olive oil = Red heart The Olive Press makes some incredible quality oils. I really wish they had a store in Boston!

The Olive Press

I spent the rest of the time wandering the Oxbow Market wishing I could eat more! I was full from our farmers market lunch and oysters, but I could have definitely eaten one of everything here!


Oxbow Public Market

Obviously, I would recommend a visit to Oxbow Public Market if you ever get to Napa. I am planning on going back a couple of times before we leave Napa for Sonoma.

Do you have a public market in your city or town? If you could have one, what businesses would you put in it?

Tags: Bison stout, bread, cheese, Food, ghost chili powder, Hog Island Oysters, Napa, Oxbow Public Market, oysters, Travel

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