box wine

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Box wine makes another appearance! You may remember a post a few weeks ago where we tried our first wine in a box, Duca Del Frassino Garganega Pinot Grigio from Bin Ends. Well, close to a month later, it still tastes pretty good.

Duca Italian Wine in a Box

I was whipping up a cod recipe last night, and I decided to make the sauce using the Duca. It was a good idea. 😉

I started with some cod filets that I picked up at Trader Joe’s. I prefer to buy fresh fish, but with our schedules it often ends up going uneaten. So once in awhile we keep some frozen fish on hand. I thawed 2 cod filets over night, and they were ready for roasting when I got home from my run.

cod filets

I rubbed them with a bit of olive oil and ground black pepper, then popped them in the oven at 405 degrees until they were flaky. Sorry, I was doing too many things to pay attention to the actual amount of time! Cod is one of those fishes that you just have to test.

While the fish was cooking, I started browning some of my beloved Kerrygold butter. When that started to look a little brown, I tossed in very thin slivers of garlic, about 2 cloves’ worth.

browned butter, Pinot Grigio, garlic

Then I VERY CAREFULLY added 1/2 cup of the Duca del Frassino. It really bubbles up so I added it one tablespoon at a time. It was a little scary.

green beans

Off to the side some green beans were blanching. I boiled some water in our electric tea kettle (best invention EVER!) and poured it over the green beans. They cooked for maybe a minute before I drained them. I like my veggies crunchy!

roasted cod with brown butter, garlic, and wine

When the fish was flaky and the butter browned, I plated the beans and topped them with cod, butter and wine sauce, and then some lemons.


Total prep and cooking time, under 30 minutes. This was another easy, mostly healthy meal that tasted awesome. We paired it with a glass of the Duca. I must say it was a good introduction to box wine! Next time I would brown the butter much more as I did for the scallops I made last week, but other than that it was perfection. Butter is SO good.

How is your week going so far? Halfway to the weekend!

Tags: box wine, butter, cod, Food, green beans, Pinot Grigio, recipe

Oh yes. On our last trip to Bin Ends we just happened to taste some wine, and one of those wines happened to come from a box, and we kinda sorta liked it.

Wine in a Box Garganega Pinot Grigio  

Here’s a little info I found about this wine (source)

Cantina di Soave, which has been producing premium wines since 1898, incorporates 110 years of winemaking experience with cutting-edge viticultural techniques. “As the wine market continues to evolve, we recognized that the fastest growing category was missing its crown jewel—the world’s first Italian box wine,” said Enore Ceola, Managing Director of MW Imports, importer of Duca del Frassino (a Division of Mionetto USA, Inc.). “These wines represent our mission— to showcase premium Italian wine from the Venezie that over-delivers on quality, taste and appeals to today’s discerning wine consumer.”

Duca del Frassino Garganega/Pinot Grigio Tasting Notes

Duca del Frassino Garganega/Pinot Grigio, light straw in color, offers hints of white flowers on the nose followed by crisp, well-balanced flavors of stone fruits. This luscious, fruit-forward wine is a perfect aperitif, but also pairs well with seafood and light pastas. Garganega [gahr-gah-NEH-gah] is the dominant grape in Soave, the region’s signature white wine.

For $16 for 3 liters, this wine is a steal and an excellent summer barbeque option. It truly does have a lovely floral nose with some apple-y notes and a hint of peach. I think it would go really well with barbequed grilled chicken and salads, and it would be a great, inexpensive option. I am not sure exactly where I am in the boxed vs. bottled debate, and I am certain I won’t be drinking ALL of my wine out of a box, but it was fun to be able to try this. The BEST part about the Bin Ends experience for sure!

I normally try to spend some time pairing up our food and wine, but last night I just wanted to throw something quick and healthy together for dinner, regardless of its pairing with wine. I don’t know about you, but I have had an AWFUL allergy week, and all day yesterday I felt like I was half asleep. A rainy cold day did NOT help.

So I whipped up one of my favorite combos of flavors, a mixed bean coconut curry with some Trader Joe’s frozen edamame.

Trader Joe's edamame

The sauce contained a can of coconut milk, a big bunch of chopped cilantro, a bit of grated ginger, lemongrass paste, and curry powder. I added a dried bean mix, which had been soaked for a few hours and was also from Trader Joe’s.

Coconut Curry Sauce

I let the mixture simmer for about an hour, then added some pineapple for sweetness. On the side, we had our first corn on the cob of the summer, topped with Kerrygold butter, of course.

Corn on the Cob

Corn Cobs

It was yummy and filling,and although I was really tempted to just order some pizza based on how I felt, I am glad I pulled this together. Real food is easy, and it almost always feels better. Almost 🙂

What do you do when you REALLY don’t feel like cooking?


New England residents, don’t forget to check out my Olivia’s Organics giveaway!

Tags: box wine, corn, Garganega, healthy recipes, Pinot Grigio, Summer wine, vegetarian recipes, wine, wine and food

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