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Clean Eating

Now that the Christmas holidays are over, I am back from vacation in Ireland, and I have a few days off of blogger events, our focus has turned a little more to “clean” eating. I sometimes wonder, when I am writing a lot about wine, big meals, events, and baked goods, if people think I am just on one big unhealthy eating spree after another.

In reality, about 90% of our diet is pretty healthy, but there are definitely those times we overindulge and don’t feel great as a result. My renewed focus is on eating foods that provide us with tons of energy; I do have the Napa Marathon in less than a month, in addition to a few exciting work-related things keeping me busy.

For me, clean eating is not about choosing the foods lowest in fat or calories, but it is about adding as many nutrients as possible into what we eat for each meal while also making sure things taste delicious.

blueberry oatmeal

Most days, though I don’t photograph it Smile I eat oatmeal for breakfast. I have many variations, but it usually starts with a fantastic Trader Joe’s mix of barley, oats, and rye, mixed in with Silk Vanilla Almond Milk (the only almond milk I can drink on its own, SO good!) and topped with some sort of fruit and/or peanut butter. Part of my clean eating goals is adding antioxidant-rich foods into the mix, so we stocked up on frozen blueberries this week. Oh, how I long for fresh blueberry season!


Breakfast is usually a one-two punch. I follow my oatmeal, maybe an hour later, with a green smoothie. Depending on the day’s activities, I may or may not add almond butter and oats to the smoothie, but a typical day includes almond milk, banana, microwaved spinach, a little bit of water, and a glug of flax seed oil.

spinach smoothie

My favorite peanut butter is from Trader Joe’s. Their Valencia Peanut Butter with Roasted Flaxseeds is roasty and a little bit salty, making it perfect for my smoothies but also an AWESOME topping for vegetables, along with some sriracha.

Peanut Butter with Roasted Flax Seeds

And speaking of Trader Joe’s favorites, their Organic Flax Seed Oil is, as I have mentioned above, is not only a key ingredient in my smoothies for those Omega 3’s, but it has become my all time favorite moisturizer. My skin is AWFUL in the winter, extremely dry and dull, and putting this oil on twice daily, including on my face, has made my skin feel so much better. I swear by it.

organic flax oil

Lunch can be pretty random. In the case of yesterday, which is when I photographed all of these meals, I went for a 20 mile run. After I run, I am often nauseous, and eating can be difficult. Yesterday, all I wanted were nachos, so I whipped up some healthy ones using Trader Joe’s flaxseed tortilla chips (seeing a trend here with TJ’s and flax?!), a bit of shredded Kerrygold cheese, Greek yogurt, homemade salsa, jalapenos, and hot sauce. the nachos didn’t stand a chance and sadly did not make it into a photo Smile I was just happy to have an appetite after running for so long!

For dinner, I always try to have a good mix of vegetables and protein. I don’t always succeed; there are definitely nights where roasted potato wedges and ketchup are all I can muster. But with the warm weather we have been having, and inspired by all of the gorgeous salmon we ate in Ireland, last night’s dinner was a super energy salad, dubbed such because of all of the healthy fats in it.

super energy salad

This beauty featured baby spinach, avocado, red onion, and smoked salmon, topped with a lemon juice, olive oil, and sea salt dressing.

super energy salad

It was delightful. When it is warm enough out, clean eating means lots of salads with great, varied toppings so they never get boring. I can not wait until salad season!

And what would a great, healthy dinner be without an antioxidant-packed glass of red wine? I love Pinot Noir with salmon, and a small glass of Michel-Schlumberger Dry Creek Valley Pinot Noir was just the thing to pair with the meal.

Michel Schlumberger Pinot Noir

What is clean eating to you? Did you make any changes to your eating habits at the New Year, and have you continued them?

Tags: antioxidants, blueberries, clean eating, flax, flaxseed oil, Food, green smoothies, healthy eating, healthy food, healthy recipes, oatmeal, Pinot Noir, recipes, salad, smoked salmon, spinach, Trader Joe's, wine

The same PR agency that contacted me about Secrets of a Skinny Chef also sent along a copy of The O2 Diet by Keri Glassman. Anything with the word diet in the title makes me skeptical, but I decided to give it a read anyway. After reading through this book, I think that it should be renamed The O2 Lifestyle or something similar as it is not a diet, and I would hate for people to avoid its wealth of information thinking that it is.

The 02 Diet calls itself the cutting edge antioxidant-based program that will make you healthy, thin, and beautiful. Simply put, it is an excellent explanation of which real foods from nature are good for you and most importantly WHY. Its the way that we should be eating, and the way human beings originally ate before the dawn of things like TV dinners and low fat everything. The thing I loved most about this book is that it truly goes through a variety of natural, antioxidant-rich ingredients and tells you exactly what they do for you. Its not just “eat kale because its healthy”, but it tells you exactly what nutrients are found in kale and the contributions those nutrients make to your body, such as slowing the growth of some types of cancer cells and slowing the rate of age-related muscle damage.

The book lays out foods for a slimmer body, foods for an amazing appearance, foods that fight cancer, boost immune function, and strengthen bones, and foods for a healthier heart and focused mind. And these foods include things like dark chocolate, pecans, avocados, and oh yes red wine 😉

In addition to going through a very large variety of nutritious foods, The O2 Diet addresses the concept of ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity)value, basically, as the book states “a scale that measures how well the components of food mop up the free radicals in the bloodstream”.

The O2 Diet plan starts off with a 4 day cleanse. Again, the word cleanse is kind of off putting, but this cleanse is really something that you can sink your teeth into. It includes daily scrambled eggs, salmon, green tea, and a good portion of fruits and veggies. You won’t be hungry. Following the cleanse, the book offers a 2 week long meal plan to get you started. The diet already includes a number of foods that I have been eating including Greek yogurt, almond butter, salmon, and blueberries, but it also gives a large variety of recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner options that have high ORAC values, dishes such as salmon chowder, chicken mole, chickpea and cauliflower curry, and a blackberry thyme margarita.

To help you follow the eating plan, the book even includes grocery shopping lists. It would be easy to either bring the book in your bag to the store or to copy the lists down to make sure you aren’t missing anything.

Finally, The 02 Diet includes a plan for eating out or on the go. They show actual menus and point out which options are best and how you can increase the ORAC values of a restaurant meal by making simple changes like asking for salmon grilled instead of seared.

In addition to all of this, the book addresses topics such as sleep and exercise AND using all of these fun ingredients in homemade beauty products.

I have already started incorporating some of the book’s nutritional suggestions into my diet, and I plan on following the eating plan, starting with the cleanse period, after the marathon is over. I want to be in a good space to focus on the plan, and right now with my training, blogging, work, and other things, I am all over the place!


I’ll leave you with a photo of the daffodils that I bought on Sunday at Trader Joe’s. I NEEDED some color during the non-stop monsoon that we had in Boston, and at $1.49, this bunch did the trick!

Also, just a reminder that my ALLY Foundation raffle ends THIS WEEKEND. To encourage entries, I have changed the raffle pricing. $10 gets you 2 entries, $15 gets you 4 entries, and $20 gets you 6 entries.

The prizes?

$100 gift card to Williams Sonoma

A mixed case of wine from Wine Cellar of Stoneham

A custom granola blend from me & goji

One month membership to all Healthworks Fitness Centers

A private tour and tasting for 10 at Westport Rivers winery

Visit htttp://  for information on The ALLY Foundation and on my Boston Marathon fundraising!

Tags: antioxidants, book review, healthy eating

new restaurant
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