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Happy 5th anniversary to my husband! I know it sounds cliché, but I truly can not believe how the time has flown by since that beautiful Friday night on Boston Harbor where we were married in front of our closest friends and family. Five years later, I still love everything about our wedding and would do it all over again the exact same way, with the addition of new, great friends.

Last year I shared our  West Coast of Ireland engagement story and the year before our Boston yacht wedding, and this year I thought I would tell you a little bit about how we met and share some pictures through the years.


When I graduated from college I got my first job at Brigham & Women’s Hospital. I absolutely loathed it; nothing against the hospital, but it was not what I wanted to be doing, and I don’t like anything related to hospitals. Every day made me cringe when I walked through the ER doors to get to my office, and pretty much every day brought fresh tears when I dealt with sick patients who passed away. Awful.

That is, until the summer after I started, when a colleague and friend started chatting with a new employee from another department. My colleague happened to be from Northern Ireland, and soon enough, I heard her new friend’s accent and realized he was Irish as well.

Well, I have always loved an accent and had loved Ireland since my first visit as a child and fell deeper in love when I studied abroad in Galway.

The new employee started visiting our office more and more frequently, and I can clearly picture to this day the moment where our eyes met for the first time.

I also remember when we were properly introduced, and I shook his hand just after getting a cold yogurt out of the fridge, the condensation and temperature making for a cool and clammy first touch. And the time when he came to “visit my colleague” who he knew was on vacation, to find me stuffing my mouth full of calamari.

He married me anyway. And I learned that calamari is not office-friendly food.


I found these two pictures in an old album. They are from our first trip to Ireland together in February 2004. I took my first ever teeny-tiny plane ride on a four seat plane with Eric’s dad and his friend. It was terrifying and exhilarating. I should show those photos. . . we could see the ground and the ocean the entire time. It was surreal.

We also celebrated our first Valentine’s Day at one of my favorite Galway restaurants, now closed, followed by watching a play that my brother in law was in.

I fell asleep during the play (jet lag!) which gave me enough energy to go to the Kingshead pub after.

Kingshead Galway

Three years’ worth of Boston fun and travel all over brought us to August 18, 2006.


And five years later, here we are!

Tonight we are celebrating at a Bethel Heights wine dinner at Legal Seafoods, and I can’t wait!

Have a great day everyone Smile

Tags: anniversary, Boston, Ireland, wedding

Happy 4th anniversary to my wonderful husband! Four years ago, we had the most magical wedding which I recapped on our last anniversary. Our wedding was small, casual, elegant, and intimate, just the way we wanted it, and we may even do it again next year. 🙂

Lots of people ask how we met, so I figured that instead of another wedding recap, I would bring you back to where it all began. . .

My first year out of college, I moved to Boston and got a job working in the Heart Failure clinic at Brigham & Women’s Hospital. (More info on that here). My now husband had just come to America from Ireland and was temping at the hospital. It was literally love at first sight across the office counter when we first saw each other, and I just had to meet him. The first time I shook his hand I had just gotten a yogurt out of the refrigerator, and my hand was cold and wet 🙁

Before we even got to go out, he got a job in IT, his field of expertise, in New Hampshire, and I didn’t get to see him at work anymore. Through a friend, he got my number, called to set a date, and we first went out at Maggiano’s followed by drinks at the Top of the Hub. So cheesy 🙂

Two years and many trips to Ireland later, we were back on one of my favorite beaches in Ballyconneely in the West of Ireland. The beach first became a special place to me in 2004 on our first trip to Ireland together. It was where I scattered my father’s ashes, and it is a place I visit every time I go to Ireland no matter what.


It is one of the quietest, most serene places on earth, and we were just looking out to sea when my husband spun me around, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. At the same time a fish leapt out of the water several feet into the air and made a huge splash on the mirror-calm bay. I took that as a sign that we were not alone 🙂

AND I said yes! 🙂ballyconneely

And so, the day after a fun Irish rehearsal dinner at the Banshee in Dorchester, we got married on August 18, 2006. (How YOUNG do I look?!)


Boston Harbor

Tonight we will celebrate at Craigie on Main, one of my favorites and perhaps with a drink out somewhere after, but most of all I am looking forward to the Newport Winefest and some relaxation this weekend. It’s only Wednesday, and I am tired!

If you are married or engaged, what was your engagement like? If you aren’t, do you have a dream proposal?

Tags: anniversary, Ireland, Travel

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