
You are currently browsing articles tagged Advertising.





Making it officially official. I am excited today to launch the website for my Marketing Communications business:

Pop! Marketing Communications

I’ve already been fortunate to do Marketing and Social Media work for a variety of great clients, and now that I have established a business, I hope to be able to provide Marketing solutions for many more businesses. Sooooo if you know anyone, especially in (but certainly not limited to) the wine, food, or travel industries, send them over to (which, like my blog, was designed by Sarah at dodeline design, super talented an wonderful to work with!)

And while I am self-promoting, my official contract with Foodbuzz ended on 7/31, so I have ad space available!

Celebrate Wine Wednesday with a little bit of bubbly. . . Pop! 😉

Tags: Advertising, Communications, Marketing, social media

new restaurant
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