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Have a good Saturday? I hope so! I certainly did. It involved sleeping late, Mad Hectic overnight oats, dog walking at the MSPCA, lunch at Bukhara with an old friend, shopping at Trader Joe’s and Prosecco on the deck. Not too bad for a hot and sunny day, no?

Today I am up on the Cape in Truro attending the Coastal Wine Trail Kickoff event. I love local wine, and I have literally been looking forward to this event since last year.

So today’s post involves a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I hope you don’t mind 😉

First, a favorite, refreshing summer thirst quencher, strawberry-lemon water. Not lemonade, this spa-like drink is literally a pitcher of ice water with slices of strawberries and lemon. The flavors infuse the water, and then you get to eat the strawberries at the end. This is also delicious with cucumbers and lemons. Water infused with some natural flavor is a summer must-have in our house.

strawberries and lemons  

Speaking of summer beverages, I have so many summer wine recommendations that I thought the weekend before Memorial Day would be a perfect time to get started. There was of course my Duca del Frassino boxed wine from Wednesday’s post. I stand by my post in that I think that this is a perfect wine for your Memorial Day barbeque.

If you are looking for a good red that goes well with barbequed meats and the like, I love Zinfandel. I am a red wine drinker year round, and Zinfandels offer that ripe, jammy, fruit forward flavor that has some good body but is still light enough to have with summer dinner. My favorite Zinfandel is from Zichichi Vineyards in the Dry Creek Valley of Sonoma.

Here’s a not so great photo from our last visit to Zichichi. It is a great winery to visit if you are ever in the Dry Creek Valley of Sonoma. I don’t think Zichichi wines are available outside their winery, but I also like Rodney Strong Knotty Vine Zinfandel and DeLoach Forgotten Vine Zinfandel.

Zichichi Winery

2008 Zichichi Old Vine Zinfandel Dry Creek Valley Villa Carlotti Prosecco from Trader Joe's  

I also just discovered a value Prosecco, Villa Carlotti Prosecco, at Trader Joe’s last weekend. Yay for free samples! This Prosecco is about $5 a bottle, and while it is certainly no Veuve Cliquot, it is a yummy bubbly that pairs perfectly with chopped strawberries. It would be perfect for a girls’ night in or a summer brunch.

Prosecco and Strawberry Cocktails   Prosecco and Strawberry Cocktails

I have a bazillion other wine recommendations for summer wines, but I will spare you constant wine chatter. . . for now.

Back to food.

As I mentioned in Friday’s post, part of the Healthworks Blogger Bash swag bag of magic was a bag of Mad Hectic oatmeal, something I have seen around the blog world, and I was SO excited to try it. I am JUST back from an oatmeal hiatus. I really overdid it last year and couldn’t look at oatmeal for awhile! But right now I am loving cool, overnight oats. I mixed about 1/2 cup of my regular oats and grains with this Mad Hectic almond pecan oats mix, soaked it all in some organic milk, and the next morning had overnight oat perfection, which I topped with cacao nibs.

I love the flavor that the Mad Hectic oats brings to the mix! It was nutty and a little like butterscotch! Really yummy, and 840 mg Omega-3 per serving doesn’t hurt either! This kept me filled up through dog walking, all the way to lunch at Bukhara, and I am rarely full. Overnight oats it is!

Mad Hectic Oatmeal Mad Hectic Oatmeal nutrition stats

Finally, I present you with last night’s dinner. We thought about going out, but decided that Prosecco and strawberries went quite well with veggie burgers on “British Muffins” (Trader Joe’s name for them!) and salad topped with tomatoes sauteed in reduced balsamic. Sometimes a relaxing night at home is what a blogger needs.

veggie burgers and salad

After the Coastal Wine Trail kickoff, my night will be devoted to the final episode of Lost.

Who’s with me? What do you think will happen, or what do you want to happen?

Tags: easy meals, Food, oats, prosecco, salad, Sonoma, summer, veggie burgers, wine, Zichichi, Zinfandel

So. much. fun. Last night we attended the Gordon’s Vino Voyage on the Spirit of Boston yacht, and I can not wait to go on the next Vino Voyage in September! Earlier in the week, the forecast was a little glum, and I was worried that the Vino Voyage might be cold, rainy and not so pleasant. The evening turned out to be quite the opposite, very sunny and while a little chilly, perfectly comfortable and lovely. I walked from my office in Back Bay all the way to the Seaport where I met my husband outside of the boat.

Spirit of Boston Gordon's Vino Voyage

We lined up and each received a Gordon’s tasting glass.

My obligatory wine glass shot

And then proceeded to the welcome reception on the top deck to soak up the rays, listen to live music, and to start tasting some delicious wines.

Vino Voyage Live Music

The food display was beautiful and included lots of cheese, veggies, hummus, crackers. I love when events offer some healthy choices. It was nice to kick the evening off with some spring fresh asparagus to balance out the cubes of delicious dill cheese that I enjoyed!



Vino Voyage Cheese and Fruit

Gordon's Vino Voyage Crudite

The welcome reception featured Graham Beck sparkling wines. You may remember that I loved the Graham Beck rosé when I attended a Morton’s wine event a few weeks ago. Sipping on a glass of sparkling rosé with my husband on a boat on a sunny evening in Boston while munching on fresh veggies and cheese is not a bad thing. Not at all.

Vino Voyage

I have a feeling you will be seeing more Graham Beck wine in my summer posts 😉

Graham Beck Sparkling Wine Brut and Rose

The hubby and I chatted for awhile and had the chance to catch up and relax after a crazy week and a weekend apart. Then we met up with some bloggers you may recognize. . . Elina and Tina! Tina actually has an awesome gig working for Gordon’s, and when I read about the Vino Voyage on her blog, I knew I had to be there! I wanted to attend the last one, but we were actually just back from Napa!

Boston bloggers Healthy and Sane, Travel Eat Love, Carrots N Cake

After awhile we all headed downstairs to the inside part of the boat. Table after table of wine was set up for tasting. There were also a few buffets set up with tummy filling food, a good idea when there are 250 wines available!

We visited many of the tables, and I definitely found a few favorites. I really enjoyed the Kenwood Chardonnay. It was not at all oaky, just a crisp, apple-y wine with a lovely finish. Another great summer wine!

I was also happy to try the Valley of the Moon Pinot Blanc. We had a wonderful visit to the Valley of the Moon winery last September, and I already knew that I was a huge fan of their Zinfandel. The Pinot Blanc was delicious as well!

Kenwood and Valley of the Moon wine

Of course I found the Mionetto table, as I tend to do at wine tastings 🙂 I love Mionetto prosecco. It is a delicious wine and priced very reasonably, so it is perfect for any old weeknight OR a special occasion! I had never tried the Mionetto Sergio Rosé, but I absolutely loved it. A little floral on the nose with lots of little bubbles, this is a sparkling wine with a bit of creaminess to it. It is just lovely.

Mionetto Prosecco

I also enjoyed the wines presented by Vineyard Road. I may be a total nerd, but I loved that they had maps of the regions represented on display. I like to know exactly where my wine is coming from!

Wine Region Maps Vineyard Road table

Vineyard Road had a Sicilian wine, a 2008 Zabu Nero d’Avola which was fantastic. I am all about Sicily lately! I won’t bore you with all of the wines that were my favorites. . . maybe in a separate post. Writing about wine is fun! 🙂

The Vino Voyage provided a great selection of wines with a lively atmosphere. There was definitely some dancing going on later in the evening!

Gordon's Vino Voyage Dance Floor

This event was very well organized and planned out. There was plenty of space available for the crowd, and I was able to speak with the wine company reps at every single table. For me, that is the best part of wine tasting. I can drink wine at home, but being able to ask questions about the wines, the winery, and the wine region is a lot of fun and makes the event. There were many times last night that we were the only ones at particular tasting tables.

I hope to be able to attend some more Gordon’s events in the future, especially the next Vino Voyage. If you are in the Boston area, join us next time!

Ok, now that the fun part of my day is over. . . I am off to write copy. I will be back with the winners of The Olive Press and Honest Tea giveaways a bit later.

HAPPY FRIDAY everyone! 🙂

Tags: Boston, Food, Gordon's Liquors, Spirit of Boston, Vino Voyage, wine, wine cruise, wine tasting

Last night I had the opportunity to attend yet another great event at the  Morton’s Back Bay location. The Uncorked series gives attendees a nice glimpse into the wines of the evening, and last night featured my favorites, Champagne and sparkling wine. On the menu, a Lunetta Prosecco, an Iron Horse Vintage Brut, a NV Graham Beck Brut Rose, and a 2008 Moscato d’Asti.

wine tasting notes

Lisa from Ruby Wines gave us a nice background on Champagne, the bubbly made only in the Champagne region, which is about an hour outside of Paris vs. the Method Champenoise which creates sparkling wine in the same method of the Champagne region but can not be called Champagne because it is made outside that region.

Some of her explanation I had heard before, but I never knew about the dead yeast that results from the fermentation in the Champagne bottle and the process by which the dead yeast is removed. It was so interesting to learn even more about the process of making Champagne, and Lisa described it in a way that was interesting and understandable while we sipped some quality wines.


Iron Horse Sparkling Wine

She also showed us how to open a bottle of bubbly. She pulled this off without even a pop, and not a drop was wasted!

Lisa from Ruby Wines

Morton’s provided fabulous food pairings for the wine, as usual. With the Lunetta Prosecco, we enjoyed Morton’s fresh crab cakes which are pretty much 100% crab, no fillers here! Delicious, sweet, and meaty, these paired well with the pear flavor of the Prosecco. Lunetta Prosecco is a great value wine that is easy to drink and like many sparklers, goes GREAT with food!

Mortons' Crab Cakes

Our second wine was Iron Horse Vintage Brut. My first thought? This tastes like Sonoma. I love Iron Horse. Their sparkling wine is toasty, with a lovely sweetness to it. It has been served in 5 White House administrations, and it is actually listed as an icon of Americana. This was probably my favorite wine of the evening and brought me back to my birthday dinner at Scopa in Healdsburg :).

Sparkling wine

We were served a tuna tartare which I photographed the last time I tasted wine at Morton’s. The tuna was as delicious as I remembered! We also had a bit of bruschetta with perfectly reduced balsamic, syrupy and sweet, and delicious with the salty cheese, crust bread, and juicy tomato.


Our 3rd wine was a South African Rose from Graham Beck, a lovely shade of pink and made of 50% Pinot Noir and 50% Chardonnay, this wine was very tasty, and I love that Graham Beck is still a family owned winery headed up by a passionate winemaker. Visiting South Africa is definitely in our future.

Graham Beck Brut Rose

The final savory course was mini burger sliders which I didn’t try since they were made from beef. My friend thoroughly enjoyed them, and I loved how adorable they were!

Mortons' Sliders

The final wine and food pairing of the evening was a Moscato d’asti with an intense apricot flavor, and a New York style cheesecake topped with fresh and fragrant strawberries. This dessert bubbly was sweet and paired very well with the richness of the cheesecake.

Cheesecake with Strawberries

Morton’s offers nothing but quality events, and this was no exception. I was SO happy I was able to attend and look forward to their next Uncorked event which features Tuscan reds. If anyone is interested in attending, I will be there and would love to taste wine with you! To register, just visit their website: 

For $40 you get a few great portions of delicious food, several glasses of wine, and some great insight into the wine of the evening.

I can’t wait until the next event!

Have you attended any fun events recently? I would love to hear about them!

And don’t forget to enter my Cabot giveaway! AND I have another giveaway starting on Thursday so stay tuned!

Tags: champagne, dessert, Food, food and wine, food and wine pairings, Morton's, sparkling wine, wine

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