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Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes! I really had no idea what I wanted to do for my birthday, mainly because I am completely spoiled and had the option of doing many different things. We pondered a weekend trip to Martha’s Vineyard, but we both really wanted to watch Ireland kick England’s butt in rugby, so we stayed in town. My husband offered up a spa day or a drive to Newport, brunch, etc. I didn’t feel like doing any of those things for some reason.

I wanted to have a simple day that involved some fresh air, movement, food, and shopping at Whole Foods, and as a result we made some fun new discoveries. We hopped in the car in the late morning and headed down toward Hingham, MA which is about 20 minutes from Boston. Our destination was Wompatuck State Park.

Wompatuck State Park

I am constantly amazed at the abundance of beautiful outdoor spaces on all sides of Boston. You really don’t need to drive far to go for a hike, and we really enjoyed the level, easy trails of Wompatuck State Park. There were lots of families and cyclists, and everyone seemed to be in a great mood, grateful for the beautiful sunshine.

Wompatuck State Park

This would be the ideal place to hike if you weren’t looking for a strenuous workout because it was mostly flat. We walked for about an hour and would have walked for longer except I got hungry.

Wompatuck State Park

While Wompatuck State Park is a place I would visit again, we decided on our walk to try to do a different New England day trip throughout the spring, summer, and fall to see what else we can discover.

Wompatuck State Park

Since we were down in Hingham, we decided to check to see if the Hingham Lobster Pound had opened for the season. The Hingham Lobster Pound features some of the freshest seafood around, and we got lucky in that they are open a few days a week for the season!

Hingham Lobster Pound

Hingham Lobster Pound

This place is true New England and has been on this spot since 1958. It’s tiny and gets packed in the summer; in fact there were a lot of people eating there even yesterday. We apparently weren’t the only winter-weary ones!

The platters are huge, and with the sweet smell of fresh sea scallops in the air, we decided on fried scallops with fries and coleslaw. I truly love coleslaw.

Hingham Lobster Pound

We ate in the car overlooking the ocean. In just a few months, this beach will be filled with people, but we got to enjoy it almost all to ourselves. There was one man, laying out on the sidewalk in just a Speedo. . . I kid you not. It was about 35 degrees.


After lunch and breathing in some sea air, the hubs wanted to check out a boat broker in Hingham which happened to be in the same area as Alma Nove in the Hingham Shipyard. Alma Nove is the restaurant of Chef Paul Wahlberg, brother of Donnie and Marky Mark but also very well respected chef with a beautiful new restaurant.

Alma Nove Hingham

I’d been wanting to visit Alma Nove for some time, and while we were completely full of fried food, I still had some room for a little bit of bubbly. And the folks at Alma Nove were warm and welcoming enough to allow us to sit on their patio with our drinks. The hubs had the Sam Adams Brick Red, a beer I tried on a Sam Adams tour last year.

Prosecco Sam Adams Brick Red

With the fire pit on and the patio glassed in by walls, we were actually completely warm and cozy. There was some great music playing, and it was one of those moments that is so relaxing that you never want it to end.

Alma Nove Hingham

Hingham Shipyard

The rest of the day included some splurges at Whole Foods and Fresh Market. We had dinner plans in Boston, but I decided I wanted to make some snacks, listen to music, and drink bubbly at home. I’ll have a post on our spread coming soon. I am very lucky that my husband planned on a fancy dinner, but it just felt right for me to hang out and relax at home.

When the weather is good, there is seriously nothing better than a New England weekend. Am I right?

I am working on a list of places to visit throughout the summer and would love to hear your thoughts AND to get together for Boston-area day trips as well. I feel lucky to live in such an amazing place.

Hingham Lobster Pound on Urbanspoon

Alma Nove on Urbanspoon

Tags: Alma Nove, birthdays, Food, hiking, Hingham, Hingham Lobster Pound, New England, scallops, Travel

Abby Park

After our Blue Hills Brewery adventure last Saturday, we decided to make a South Shore day of it with dinner at Milton’s Abby Park. Like many suburban restaurants, Abby Park graced us with the convenience of a parking lot, a little luxury that is always a nice surprise.

Even though we were there for a fairly early dinner at 5:30, the restaurant was starting to fill up, and while we didn’t have a reservation, we were seated but told that our table did have a reservation for 7:30. We both knew we were in the mood for appetizers and drinks and figured we had plenty of time.

Abby Park

The inside of Abby Park is really nice, dimly lit with lots of dark wood, a large square bar that was completely full of people, and tables sprinkled throughout the upstairs and in a smaller room downstairs. We had a cozy table for two, and while it felt a little close to the other two top next to us, being a little crowded on a Saturday night is to be expected. Although, when they people sat down next to us, they introduced themselves and said they were having dinner with us. Ha. Ha.


Ever the fan of bubbly, I started with a glass of Prosecco while the husband had a Blue Hills IPA in the spirit of our Blue Hills Adventure.

As predicted, we decide to share two salads and two appetizers for our meal. I started with the grilled Caesar salad. Ever since my first grilled Caesar salad at Diavola in Geyserville, CA, I have ordered this dish whenever I see it on the menu. I am huge when it comes to temperature and texture contrasts, and the mix of cold and hot, crunchy, and soft bits of lettuce are pure salad love for me. The creamy dressing was garlicky and smooth, dotted with briny bits of white anchovies (optional), and crunchy, buttery croutons. I wish I could say that I shared this entire head of lettuce with my husband, but he didn’t get more than a bite. It was SO good.

grilled caesar salad

He ordered the roasted beets salad with feta and pistachios. The bite of beet that I had was sweet and cold with a hit of feta and a pistachio which brought up a discussion about why we don’t buy pistachios more often. I decided it is because they are addictive, and we would eat them all in 10 minutes. Winking smile

BLT pizza

For our hot courses, we split the BLT&C Pizza which was phenomenal. It sounds kind of weird, but it brought together cheddar cheese, bacon, fresh juicy tomatoes, lettuce, and a chive mayonnaise. I can not wait to order this pizza again.

We also shared the lobster dip with flatbread which was very good, but not good enough for me to stop eating the pizza, for the most part.

We decided against dessert as the meals we had were really filling, but I will return for the chocolate bread pudding.

The service at Abby Park was really great. The restaurant manager (or owner) was around checking in at tables really frequently, maybe a little too frequently. By the crowds inside the restaurant and those in the small waiting area and bar, you could tell that Abby Park is a local favorite for families, groups of friends, and couples out for a nice date. As you would expect, the prices were reasonable, less than those in the city. Sometimes going out in the burbs is just the laid back experience we are looking for.

If you live in the city, do you often get out to the suburbs for restaurants? If you live in the suburbs/country, do you get into the city often?

Tags: Abby Park, Abby Park review, dinner, Food, lobster dip, Milton, pizza, restaurant, salad

One brand-new Formaggio Kitchen AnnexAmanda Hesser, Jody Adams, Joanne Chang, Barbara Lynch, Ana Sortun, and lots of homemade dishes from New York Times recipes made up my Friday night. Throw in great blogger friends, lots of laughs, and a little bit of bubbly, and you have a night to remember.

Red White Boston and Formaggio Kitchen brought food-lovers, bloggers, and the power elite of the Boston food world together to meet with Amanda Hesser and to celebrate the release of Hesser’s new book, The Essential New York Times Cookbook: Classic Recipes for a New Century.

RSVP to the event required attendees to choose a dish that has appeared in the New York Times, in Hesser’s book or in a past New York Times cookbook, a task that gave us plenty of options which, in turn, became a little overwhelming for me. Because it is the holiday season, I decided on the     Corn Bread-Sausage Stuffing. Before heading to the event, I spent an afternoon in the kitchen, listening to Christmas music, enjoying the sounds and smells of the holidays as I made my stuffing.

corn muffins Corn Bread Stuffing

I did plan on making my own cornbread, but as I was unexpectedly away earlier in the week , I cheated a little by buying corn muffins. The day before I made the stuffing, I tore the muffins into quarters and left them uncovered so that they would get slightly stale. When it was time to get cookin’ I gathered all of my ingredients. I followed the recipe and actually doubled it for the crowd. The only changes I made were subbing walnuts for pecans and  spicy chicken sausage for pork sausage.

celery, onions, garlic

Corn Bread-Sausage Stuffing

Since the entire recipe is online, I won’t rehash the process here, but I will recommend this dish if you were looking for something with a little zing for your Thanksgiving table. You could always make it vegetarian by crumbling veggie  sausage patties into it!

With a hot pot of stuffing in my arms, I hopped on the train to Central Square where I met Alicia and then Megan to travel to the new Formaggio Kitchen Annex.

After a bit of driving, we arrived at the Annex, sort of tucked away on a side street amongst warehouses and dark parking lots.

The Annex, a spacious room with a huge cheese refrigerator and a massive stock of olives and other gourmet treats, will serve as the space for Formaggio Kitchen’s mail order business and will also host some classes.

Formaggio Kitchen Annex

Formaggio Kitchen

Formaggio Kitchen Annex

Formaggio Kitchen Annex

The Essential New York Times Cookbook

We arrived a little early which gave us a chance to check out the venue, catch up with Justin and Leah, and to meet Amanda Hesser in person before the crowds arrived. Despite her fame and accomplishments in the food-writing world, Amanda could not have been more lovely, gracious, and easy to talk to. Hours later, and after meeting over 50 people, she even remembered our names! It is always nice to find that someone you admire so much is not just talented but also a really nice person.

As the crowd trickled in, the tables lining the Annex walls filled with homemade treats made by attendees. Alicia made a Savory Bread Pudding, and our baker Megan made a Chocolate Pumpkin Layer Cake.

Savory Bread Pudding Chocolate Pumpkin Layer Cake

A table set up with wine, beer, and punch was busy all night long.


fruit punch

Items ranged from a variety of delicious dips to an amazing Moussaka (made by Jody Adams, we spied) to the Eggplant Involtini that we staked out after seeing Barbara Lynch put it on the table.

Blue Cheese Dip, Cucumber-Goat Cheese Dip, Florentine Dip Amanda Hesser potluck

It was a great night of meeting new people like the ladies from Just Add Cheese and catching up favorites like Kathy and Amy from Boston Sports Woman.


After a quick detour to Megan’s house to play with her adorable dog and to toast lots of exciting news with some Prosecco, we all headed to meet Megan’s fiancé at Trina’s Starlite Lounge.


All in all, it was an inspiring night filled with great foodies, food, and friends. For information on upcoming Red White Boston events, check out their website or sign up for their daily wine intel email!

Do you have a favorite classic recipe?

Tags: Amanda Hesser, cookbooks, Food, New York Times, potluck

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