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One down, four more to go! I hope you all had a good Monday. Thanks to a relaxing Sunday evening watching Bottle Shock, a cute film about a wine showdown between early Napa Valley wines and the French wine establishment and drinking our own delicious domestic vino, Belle Vallée Pinot Noir (one of the best Pinot’s I have ever had, very round with lots of dark red fruit flavor and a long, lingering finish), I slept well and faced the day with lots of energy. It didn’t hurt that my boss was out of the office and I was able to really get through a lot of my work. I am thankful for bearable Mondays!

As I write this my husband and brother in law (and most of my Facebook friends!) are rockin’ out to U2 at Gillette Stadium. I gave up my ticket at the last minute because I had to work too late tonight and because apparently the people who went last night were in traffic until past 2 am. I would never be able to function if I stayed up that late on a work night!

In lieu of going to the concert, I worked a little late, went for a 6 mile run, and decided to have a nice relaxing evening at home with the girls. . . Smuckers, Scout, and Gossip Girl of course 🙂

On my run home I stopped to get a few groceries and refueled with something new:

Sunkist Lights pomegranate cherry smoothie

This drink was really good. It smelled and sort of tasted like a cherry popsicle. It is all natural and boasts  good amount of antioxidants and vitamins. Like with most juices, it was a little thick for me, and I definitely preferred it with seltzer water.


When I returned home, I had a whirlwind of activity in the kitchen. I like to try to make work lunches at the same time as dinner so that there is one clean up and when I am done I am really done. Since I already have a few portions of sweet potato oats at work for breakfast, I concentrated on making a filling, healthy lunch:



Romaine lettuce with roasted red peppers, radishes,and pickles, later topped with some tuna mixed with light mayo,chopped white onions, and chopped pickles

Once lunch stuff was put away, I moved on to dinner. Tonight’s menu featured homemade Thai curry shrimp and veggies over whole wheat couscous.

I started by chopping a bunch of garlic, ginger, and hot peppers and sautéing them in olive oil.

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Once they were sizzling and fragrant I poured in a can of coconut milk and added two scoops of Thai red curry paste.


In a separate pan I thawed out some frozen vegetables, broccoli, onions, mushrooms, and string beans. I tossed the shrimp into the coconut and curry mixture and cooked them very slowly. Then I stirred in the vegetables.


The end result was delicious, but next time I would double the amounts of ginger, garlic, and red pepper. I loved the coconut flavor of this, but I think a little bit more of a kick would have been nice! Cooking is definitely the best part of my day! I had so much fun thinking up and putting together this meal and even more fun eating it 🙂 I bought my first apple cider of the season, so I am going to have a glass of that with some of my mom’s apple pie for dessert. Off to enjoy some bad TV.

Have a great night!

Tags: Food, Napa, wine

I hope you all had a chance to get out and enjoy this gorgeous day! I drove home from NJ, did a 45 minute stationary bike ride while catching up with DVR, then headed straight to our back deck with a book.

My long run this week was again on Thursday after work. I am really finding that while I still have daylight, a weeknight long run works perfectly. It frees up the weekend big time and usually allows me to sleep in a little. Thursday’s run was another 110 minute adventure. I got slightly lost on my way to Charlestown and then made my way home through Boston’s North End, Seaport area, South Boston, and then along the beach with the sun going down. I think I would give this run about 20 points for effort, considering the stress of the day, but by the end I was complete mush without a care in the world! Can you say runner’s high? It’s pretty rare for me, but I felt awesome after this run.

But not at all hungry. Before my long runs, I always think about post-run eating, but after I run the last thing I want is food! Thursday it took me until about 9 until I wanted dinner, but it was a good dinner indeed.

It was all about using up stuff we already had.

Quesadillas with Joseph’s flax, oat bran, and whole wheat flour tortillas filled with leftover Shaw’s brand vegetarian baked beans and some mozzarella cheese.


Topped with homemade guac, salsa, serrano peppers, and Oikos plain Greek yogurt

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This was the best salsa I have ever made! I used a half of a can of chopped tomatoes we had in the fridge, 3 cloves of garlic, 1/4 white onion, a habanero pepper from my deck, and 4 pickled serrano peppers. Yum. I actually thought about this salsa all day at work on Friday, I loved it that much!

My guac was simple and creamy, made with an avocado, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 serrano pepper, all whipped up in my mini food processer.


Not too heavy, but full of fiber and protein and lots of great flavors, this was the perfect post-run, weeknight meal!

Don’t forget to nominate your favorite blogs for the Food Buzz awards! I had a great time nominating all of my favorites last week 😉 Make sure to check it out!

Over the weekend while picking up groceries, I bought a huge bag of organic carrots, only to realize when I returned home that our lovely cat/house sitter had purchased and left a big bag while we were away. What to do with loads of carrots?

Well, we didn’t have much spinach, so it has been a week of orange monsters! Vanilla soy milk, 2-3 carrots, a huge peach, a scoop of natural peanut butter, and some ice. It has been nice to change up my morning smoothie a bit, and the carrots are sweet and delicious in addition to offering vitamin goodness.

The weather and bounty of carrots had me thinking about some soup, so I decided to make one of my favorites, carrot coconut curry soup.

This soup takes about 15 minutes to make and requires few ingredients. Everything (as it usually is in my recipes!) is to taste, and anything in the recipe can be swapped for something else if one desires.


Carrots, I used about 12, chopped then tossed in the Cuisinart until pureed
Broth, I used the leftover organic no-chicken broth, but I have used chicken broth in the past
One full can of coconut milk
2 cloves garlic, pureed with the carrots
Thai curry paste and red pepper flakes to taste


So easy. . . dump the pureed carrots into a pot with some olive oil and as much curry paste as you like. I love the spicy and lemongrass flavor that the red curry offers, so I added about 3 TBSP. I waited until the carrots were sizzling, then poured in about 4 cups of the broth. Stir frequently to blend the liquid and carrots, then slowly stir in the coconut milk. Let simmer as long as you like, at least 5 minutes, but longer is better!

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We ate this with another delicious dish, salmon with rosemary from our deck and red potatoes that I roasted in olive oil for about 15 minutes at 400 degrees, then tossed in the salmon pan with rosemary and butter. Roasted potatoes finished in sizzling butter. . . mmmm. Served with a Belgian Abbey Abt  beer12 it was the perfect meal for a chilly fall evening with the sun going down earlier and earlier. . .

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I have never been so glad to see the weekend in my life. This week was horrificly awful for me at work. . . and hubs lost his job today. Believe it or not, he has not been this happy in a very long time. . . and I am a teensy bit jealous of the freedom. He is trying to get me to take some time off to do some wine tasting in Australia. It’s tempting to say the least. 🙂

I am going to NJ this weekend to visit my 2 year old goddaughter and to have a big fall turkey dinner with my family. I need some hugs from mom! Hope you all have a great Saturday 🙂

Tags: Food, wine

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