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Before I get to my best lunch ever I just want to share what arrived for me in the mail today:



Yes, in the flesh, that is a coveted application for the 2010 Boston Marathon, now filled out and ready to be sent by overnight mail tomorrow. I am a little weepy just looking at it! There is just so much tradition and excitement that surrounds this amazing race, and I am so excited to be running it again. Its not going to be easy as I have a long training road ahead and I am way behind where I want to be on fundraising. I hope to do a raffle soon, but I will first need to have items donated so it is not a complete loss for me financially. As soon as I have more information you know I will be posting here!

I have been trying to eat as many healthy, homemade meals as possible in the days leading up to my travel marathon this month. Lunch this week has been one of the best one pot dishes I have ever made.

Inspired by one of my favorite Indian dishes, Chana Masala, the recipe was fairly simple:

4 cups chickpeas, soaked overnight

2 cans diced plum tomatoes with basil

2 cups thinly sliced potato slices

1 shallot, minced

5 cloves garlic, minced

1 TSP curry powder

1/2 TSP crushed red pepper flakes

1 TSP cayenne pepper

Generous shake of freshly ground black pepper

Pinch sea salt

Pinch freshly ground cinnamon stick

Making this dish was as easy as combining all of the ingredients and cooking slowly until the potatoes are soft. You can let it simmer as long as you want, as the flavors only get more intense and the smell beats any scented candles you could ever buy!


The sauce was rich and spicy and while it is not the same as Chana Masala, it quelled my Indian food craving for now and provided a delicious,  vegetarian, protein filled, hot mid day meal for me each day this week.

Guys, I have a crazy schedule coming up. I will be leaving Friday to work in Arizona for several long days, then home again for two days and off to Ireland. And there is lots to do both at home and the office in the meantime!

I hope you are all having a great week. Hump day is over, and it is smooth sailing to the weekend! (Unless you are working all weekend like I am!)

If you are like me, you have followed the holiday feasting with a big craving for some fresh, crunchy vegetables. I knew exactly what I wanted, some sort of vegetarian lettuce wrap, and so I came up with the below mix which was dinner on Sunday and has been an appetizer every day since! I love lettuce wraps because they are fun to eat, and the possibilities for adding healthy ingredients are endless.

I started with my last can of black beans. From here on out, I am going to do my best to use dried beans, but I wanted to use this can up, and it was quick. I drained it, rinsed it, and placed it in a pot with 3 cloves chopped garlic and 1/2 TSP chili powder. I set it on low heat and just let it simmer as I prepared the super easy other parts of the dish.

Fresh romaine lettuce leaves were the base.


When the beans were hot, I scooped them on to the lettuce leaves, then topped with shredded cheddar cheese laced with spicy habanero peppers. I topped it with Trader Joe’s peach salsa, a completely addictive, smoky, peachy delight.


Drizzled with habanero oil and rolled up into neat little packages, these offered warm, cold, crunchy, spicy, and sweet in each bite. They were also surprisingly filling. Just three of these, which contained about 1/2 cup of beans, filled me up for a couple of hours. I am already brainstorming a million other ideas to use for lettuce wraps! Inexpensive, easy, healthy, and versatile!

Do you have a go to healthy meal that makes you feel like you are “healthifying”?

Tags: recipe, Vegetarian

Well, the snow certainly arrived! It took until past midnight last night, but when it started coming down, it didn’t stop until we had about a foot. The morning was so lovely and quiet.

I started out by baking Trader Joe’s apple spice bread which was a warm, apple-y pre-shoveling treat with a couple of cups of Irish breakfast tea. If you are having overnight company over the holidays or need a quick dish to bring to a brunch, I would definitely recommend this bread mix. It is easy enough for non bakers like me!


We spent some time this morning just lazing around, which was SO nice. With only two work days this week, I know I am in for a nightmare. When we were ready, we bundled up and shoveled our driveway, sidewalk, and stairs, then helped our neighbor shovel his driveway so that he could get inside to watch the Pats game 🙂 I love our neighborhood.

Now I am ready for some fun. Last week I was contacted by a public relations firm representing Mezzetta offering to send some holiday recipes and samples. You may remember my love of Mezzetta products from the Foodbuzz Festival. Their many products include roasted red peppers, pepperoncini, and olives stuffed with all sorts of mouthwatering things like jalapenos. They were kind enough to send me roasted red peppers and olives stuffed with jalapenos. You saw the red peppers in last night’s Brussels sprouts, a holiday side that will be sure to please even the pickiest veggie eater. The olives, well I failed to photograph them because I singlehandedly finished the jar in about a day and a half 🙁 So firm, salty, and delicious, and the jalapenos really added the spicy punch that I LOVE in my food. It was like Mezzetta knew exactly what I liked!

Speaking of roasted red peppers and other deliciousness, I thought I would just share a few easy homemade ideas that you could easily use this week, some that I have used and some recommended by Mezzetta. 

Creamy roasted red pepper dip- Roast a head of garlic (see how in this post). Place 3-4 cloves of garlic in a food processor with 1/2 large jar of roasted red peppers. Puree until thoroughly blended, then add 12 ounces of whipped cream cheese,ricotta, or goat cheese and continue to blend until you have a lovely, creamy reddish pink dip. Serve with toasted pita triangles, crostini, or vegetables.


Spiced, toasted almonds- take two cups of raw, whole almonds, and toss them with olive oil, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, and sea salt. Spread evenly on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees, keeping an eye on the almonds to make sure that they do not burn.


Ideas from Mezzetta for a 20 minute miracle party:

A martini bar with a variety of drinks, sweet, savory, spicy, and traditional, with garnishes like olives, onions, and maraschino cherries. If you saw my Foodbuzz Festival posts, you will see the gorgeous Sweet Pepper Martini that Mezzetta prepared at the magical tasting pavilion. I pretty much guarantee that if you make this for your holiday party, it will wow your guests and make them feel like they are at a fancy martini bar.


Make me a crostini bar:

A variety of spreads like the roasted red pepper dip above, baked goat cheese in marinara, or lemon artichoke parmesan spread allow guests to mix and match their favorite toppings with crunchy crostini, crackers, or baguette slices.

Ultimate antipasti:

As easy as opening a few jars of olives, artichoke hearts, pickled veggies and laying them out festively with different cheeses and/or types of meat, an antipasti provides something for everyone.

There are many recipes for holiday and everyday foods and drinks over at the Mezzetta site, so check it out!

Are you entertaining this week or next? What’s on the menu?

Here are some past posts that might be helpful to you!

Wines for Every Occasion


Party Planning 101

In addition to my Christmas excitement, I am also getting pumped for the New Year. I start it out with a trip to Arizona, then 10 days in Ireland immediately after. I am also signed up for two classes so far at the Boston Center for Adult Education, their celebrity chef series and a champagne/sparkling wine tasting class. AND I am going to be taking a wine class online at The Wine Spectator School. My goal? To take 12 food or wine related classes in 2010. There is so much to learn!

We are trying to decide whether or not to go out tonight to get out of the house for a bit. I hope you are all staying warm and safe in this wintry weather. Get ready for a short week!

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