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Thanks to Karena for passing the Blogger Secret Ingredient (BSI)  honor on to me! Check out her site for last week’s winner and secret ingredient!

I have seen BSI posts here and there but have not  followed them 100%, so I am looking forward to catching up on all of the previous posts, which you can find links to below.

What exactly is Blogger Secret Ingredient? (Thanks again Karena for the roundup!)

  • The host picks an ingredient, preferably one that is in season, readily available and not too expensive.
  • The host links back to all the other previous weekly hosts.
  • Participants create a unique recipe using the BSI and e-mail (or comment and link to) the host their recipes.
  • You do not need to have a food blog to participate, and you do not have to submit a photograph (though, it’s preferred so I can show everyone your fabulous creations).
  • If you don’t have a blog, you can e-mail the host ( directly and it will be posted on the blog.
  • The host reviews recipes Sunday evening of each week and picks a favorite.
  • The winner is posted Monday morning and receives a prize of the host’s choice.

What is this week’s Blogger Secret Ingredient, you ask? Drumroll please. . .


coconut milk

Coconut milk! I use a lot of coconut milk in the winter. It adds a nice flavor to soups and curries making them feel a little more “gourmet” than just regular old broth does.  I look forward to seeing what you all come up with for this week’s Blogger Secret Ingredient. The prize? A Trader Joe’s snack pack yet to be determined but that will definitely include deliciousness!

If you need inspiration check out BSI from past weeks:


Week 64: Chicago Marathon Val – Mushrooms

Week 63: Biggest Diabetic Loser – Cheddar Cheese

Week 62: A Fit and Spicy Life – Balsamic Vinegar

Week 61: Peanut Butter Fingers – Nutmeg

Week 60: Jenn Eats Nutritiously Now – Garlic

Week 59: Home Cooked Em – Cinnamon

Week 58: The Balanced Broad – Flax

Week 57: Cookin Fanatic – Blue Cheese

Week 56: Foodie in the City – Ricotta Cheese

Week 55: Savvy Eats – Maple Syrup

Weel 54: Sound Eats – Dried Fruit

Week 53: Mega Nerd Runs – Acorn Squash

Week 52: Healthy Tipping Point – Pancake Mix

Week 51: Live, Laugh Eat – Almond Butter

Week 50: Balance, Joy and Delicias! – Cauliflower

Week 49: Healthy San Diego Living – Chickpeas

Week 48: Thought 4 Food – Yogurt

Week 47: London Foodie in New York – Chocolate

Week 46: Johnstone’s Vin Blanc – Oats

Week 45: Guilty Kitchen – Figs

Week 44: Ordinary Recipes Made Gourmet – Peanut Butter

Week 43: The Sophisticated Gourmet – Brown Sugar

Week 42: My Kitchen Addiction – Lime

Week 41: Nutmeg Nanny – Coffee

Week 40: Chaya’s Comfy Cook – Broccoli

Week 39: Healthy Delicious – Plums

Week 38: Zoe – Feta

Week 37: ChezWhat– Potatoes

Week 36: Cinnamon, Spice & Everything Nice – Blueberries

Week 35: Girlichef -Greens

Week 34: The Ungourmet – Watermelon

Week 33: Bread + Butter – Bell Pepper

Week 32: Burp and Slurp -Corn

Week 31: Say Yes to Salad – Kabocha

Week 31 1/2: Simply Fabulous Now – Cherries

Week 30: Thinspired – Bananas

Week 29: To Be The Whole Package – Almonds

Week 28: Kristas Kravings – Lemon

Week 27: From French Fries To Flax Seeds – Coconut

Week 26: Plentiful Plants – Avocado

Week 25: Training Fuel – Eggs

Week 24: Dinner at Christina’s – Cabbage

Week 23: Hey What’s for Dinner, Mom? – Strawberries

Week 22: One Bite at a Time – Basil

Week 21: Just Sweet Enough – Black Beans

Week 20: What I Ate Yesterday – Kale

Week 19: What’s for Dinner – Orange

Week 18: BranAppetit! –Spinach

Week 17: Tales of Expansion Dates

Week 16: Biggest Diabetic Loser – Zucchini

Week 15: Sweet & Natural –Peppermint

Week 14: bella eats [and runs] – Ginger

Week 13: Coffee Talk – Walnuts

Week 12: For the Love of Oats – Pumpkin

Week 11: Trying to Heal – Sweet Potatoes

Week 10: The Inner Workings of a College Graduate – Eggplant

Week 9: Itzy’s Kitchen – Pears

Week 8: The Fitnessista – Cranberries

Week 7: Tri to Cook – Lentils

Week 6: Rhodey Girl Tests – Polenta

Week 5: Eating Bender – Butternut Squash

Week 4: Care to Eat – Apples

Week 3: On a Lobster Placemat – Mushrooms

Week 2: Hangry Pants – Tomatoes

Week 1: sportsnutritionliving – Quinoa

Please don’t forget about my raffle to raise money for The ALLY Foundation! Each entry is a $10 donation on my fundraising page: The prize is a $100 gift card to Williams Sonoma! The ALLY Foundation is doing incredible work protecting us from violent sex offenders, and I am proud to be running the 2010 Boston Marathon for them. Anything that you can donate will help!

Tags: bloggers, contest, Food, recipes

I am taking a little break from vacation posts to talk about getting back on track after overindulging. While away, I did go on two good runs including a hill workout and a 13 miler. I also ate my fair share of butter, chips with garlic sauce, fried fish, scones, Czech bread dumplings, wine, and beer. I enjoyed every last bite, but by the time I returned to Boston, I was craving some serious veggie love. Veggie love in the form of curry with everything we had left in the house, plus a few extras.

I started my first day back at work with fresh orange juice and a pile of fruit in a company wide meeting. I followed that with a spinach, beet, chickpea, cabbage, and pepper salad, then more salad from another company meeting. By the time I got home I wanted something “real”, something with a bit of heft and depth to it. Curry is always the answer.


My Kitchen Sink Curry included a little bit of everything:

1 can coconut milk

1/2 can water

2 cups dried lentils, soaked overnight

1 cup cubed butternut squash

1 cup corn

2 apples, chopped

1/2 cup leftover green beans

4 large carrots, chopped

close to one head of garlic, finely chopped

1 shallot, finely chopped

2 large spoonfuls of red curry paste

2 teaspoons yellow curry powder

1 teaspoon crushed red pepper

freshly ground black pepper to taste



The fun part of this random mix was layering the flavors. After chopping everything, I heated the garlic and shallot in olive oil and half of the crushed red pepper until soft. Then I tossed in the firm ingredients, the carrot and apple, for about 5 minutes, before pouring in the coconut milk and all of the other veggies. I added the spices and curry slowly through the cooking process, strengthening the flavors. The smell of the bubbling mixture was intoxicating and filled the entire house.


The rich, spiciness of this dish was just what we needed to kick start our normally healthy lifestyles again. I am feeling better already!

What do you do to get back on track after holiday indulgences?

Tags: curry, recipe, vegetables, Vegetarian

Hello from Galway Ireland! I am sorry for being MIA for so many days. I really miss blogging, but I am having trouble getting wireless on my laptop and my in laws computer just broke. So you will have to wait for a full Ireland and Prague recap until I get home to Boston tomorrow!

Since the winter seems to be sticking around, I thought I would re post a guest post I did for On a Lobster Placemat awhile back.

If you have read my blog recently then you already know that I was chosen  to run on Team ALLY for the 2010 Boston Marathon. This will be my 3rd Boston and 4th marathon (the other being Bermuda with Team in Training), and one of the things I love most about this marathon is that the training takes place in winter. This same “perk” is the very thing that turns many people off of running spring marathons. Why do I love getting up in the dark, subzero temperatures to run for hours? Well I don’t love that part, but what I do love is the immune boost that training outdoors through the winter gives me. I am not a medical professional, so my experiences are not based on any scientific research, but the years that I have trained for a spring marathon have gone by without any illness at all, no coughs, colds, strep, or the usual bronchitis that has plagued me in years past. Perhaps it is the physical fitness that keeps my immune system kickin or maybe the amount of fresh air that I get in contrast to my more indoorsy counterparts. Whatever it is, it seems to be a natural way for me to stay well.

There are many ways that I stay well over the winter, and as I generally avoid taking medicine, they are all natural. (Absolutely nothing wrong with medicine, by the way, I have always just been one to suffer through headaches and such!)

1)   Eat like you do in the summer. . . most of the time.
Obviously for most of us, access to fresh fruits and veggies declines and/or becomes pricey once winter hits. The temptation to eat heavy stews and mac and cheese can be hard to resist on those endless cold dark nights, and of course there is room for those things in a healthy diet. But I try to keep eating as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Most stores carry an abundance of frozen varieties that can be used in crunchy warm stir fries, or thawed and topped with hot oats for a body and soul warming meal. Continuing a vitamin rich food intake is number one for me, especially when work gets busy and the holidays hit.

2)  Supplements
Everyone has their own opinions and experience with supplements, but I swear by drinkable ones such as Emergen-C and Amazing Grass powders. Trader Joe’s Super Red Drink Powder is my recent favorite. I really think it has saved me this winter! They boost my energy, serve as great snacks, and offer nutrients that I may need a bit more of.

3)  Water

Just because you aren’t sweating doesn’t mean you can drink less! Water is key to keeping your entire body working properly, including your immune system, and keeping the toxins in your body on the fast track out of you! I have been guilty many times of not hydrating well after an outdoor winter run because I am not thirsty, and I have paid for it! Make sure to be conscious of your fluid intake; that cranked way too high office heat takes its toll!

4. Hand washing
While really obvious, this one is so important! We all need to be reminded, especially in a year with flu levels expected to soar. My office has already seen its fair share of sick days, so I try to wash my hands multiple times a day in addition to the obvious ones. Keeping your phone, keyboard and desk clean and disinfected also make a huge difference.

5. Take a break!
I recently asked my readers what comforts them when they get sick, and so many of the things they do and eat could be done before you get sick. Make sure to take a break to curl up and watch a DVD or make yourself some amazing hot soup and go to bed early. Being run down makes it easy for germs to have their way with us, so be easy on yourself.

If you get sick there are lots of ways to cut the life of the illness short and to make sure you remain as comfortable as possible.

1)  Listen to your body, and listen well. It may tell you to take a sick day or to skip a couple of days at the gym. It knows best, and you will bounce back stronger!

2)  Try some natural relief: saline spray is miraculous for a stuffy nose, and my cure all broth (chicken or veggie broth with sautéed garlic, chilis, and ginger, heated to a drinkable temp) soothes the throat, clears the sinuses, and makes you sweat it all out. If all else fails, my in laws in Ireland give me a hot whiskey. It helps you get all of the sleep you need! 🙂

3)  A short, hot bath or shower with some dried lavender or lavender soap, followed by bedtime in the warmest pile of blankets you can find

Hopefully some of these tips will help to keep you strong and healthy throughout the winter. Do you have any other winter wellness tips that you swear by? Please share! 🙂

Tags: health, wellness

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