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Do you ever make a meal out of sides? Whether at home or at a restaurant, I tend to like side dishes and appetizers way more than committing to a full meal. I often make meals out of side dishes and little bits of this and that; I find it satisfying, a good way to sneak in a variety of nutrients, and also a good way to use up leftovers and to avoid waste. I have been loving a few simple sides lately and thought that since they all utilize delicious summery ingredients, I would share them.

I borrowed the first concept from a recent amazing dinner at Myers + Chang. Jazz up your corn on the cob with sriracha butter. Simple cook your corn however you normally do, boiled, grilled, whatever method you like best. Once nice and hot, add the corn to a baking dish with a few pats of butter and a couple of teaspoons of sriracha. It is such a simple idea but it is oh-so-good.

corn with sriracha butter

Summer also means tomato season, and I love to dress flavorful tomatoes with a simple drizzle of a really good olive oil, a pinch of sea salt, and a grind of black pepper. The flavors all work well together and really bring out the best in each other. It is a perfect option for someone like me who often arrives home STARVING and needs to eat something right away. Better a bowl of tomatoes than a bag of chips, no?

heirloom tomatoes

A couple of weeks ago in my first Wines from Where post, I mentioned that in addition to some great Assyrtiko wine, I also received some other Greek treats. They included a jar of Santorini capers and a crown made of vines. Because of the winds and loose soil on Santorini, the vines are trained to grow in a crown shape. The extras were a nice touch, and since I love cooking with capers (see Mezzetta caper recipe here), I put on my chef’s hat and got to work with one of my farmer’s market finds.

patty pan squash, capers

Thinly chopped pattypan squash, olive oil, garlic, and capers, all sautéed together until the squash was soft. Then I topped it with a little bit of feta, and voila, another side that actually is pretty filling as its own little meal.


I love how brightly colored summer foods are!

Boy, being back in the office after a long weekend is tough. It makes me even happier that we are leaving for Napa and Sonoma later this week for a long weekend!

How do you ease into the work week again after some time off?


I try to schedule fun things and a couple of relaxing evenings that week. I find that packing really delicious lunches or making a lunch date with a friend also gives me little things to look forward to if I HAVE to go to work 😉

Tags: Food, recipe, summer, vegetables, Vegetarian

My weekend kicked off to a great start last night. After what felt like a forever work day, I spent some time wandering and shopping the Copley Square Farmer’s market. It was the perfect way to decompress; you really can not go wrong with lots of sunshine, fresh flowers, and local fruits, veggies, cheeses, and baked goods! Oh how I love the farmer’s market!

Copley Sq Farmer's Market zucchini and squash

One of the things I love about local food is how, before our eyes, the options change and grow, especially as we launch officially into summer. So many of these things were not available a few weeks ago!

Atlas Farms Organic Tomatoes Atlas Farms sunflowers

I really wanted to stock up, but since we are away all day Saturday and I had dinner plans tonight, I just bought some of these adorable UFO-shaped Patty Pan squash. I plan on stuffing them with some sort of mixture, feta, garlic, and olives maybe?

pattypan squash Copley Farmer's Market pattypan squash

Copley is such a great place to be on a warm summer Friday! The flowers are certainly different than they were in this photo.

Copley Square flowers Copley Square Boston

After some more wandering and shopping, I reached my final destination for the evening, Vlora Mediterranean Restaurant. Earlier in the week I had been invited by the ladies from We are not Martha for a blogger get together to meet Erica from Itzy’s Kitchen. Erica went to high school with Chelsee and Susie, and she was in town to visit family, so it was the perfect opportunity for them to reconnect and for the rest of us to meet her. Besides, do a bunch of Boston food bloggers need an excuse to get together? 😉


I had been to Vlora once before for Restaurant Week and enjoyed a really delicious lunch, so I was excited to return. Since I was a little early, I sat at the bar and ordered a Prosecco which was dry and bubbly, ideal for the summery night. Vlora has a great wine selection and a beautiful, airy Mediterranean decor.

Vlora Boston wine

While waiting at the bar, I met Erica and got to see Bridget again.

Vlora Boston

Soon enough, we were all seated at a comfy long table with lots of natural light. Perfect for taking photos! It seems like bloggers ALWAYS have something to talk about! It’s a great community to be a part of.

Vlora and Boston bloggers

Vlora was kind enough to let us sample some of their favorite dishes before we ordered. There was the watermelon and feta, an Albanian dish that combines sweet watermelon with salty, creamy feta, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and parsley. I would return to Vlora for several plates of this alone, it was so good, so simple but completely flavorful and delicious.

Vlora watermelon and feta

We also tried the trio of pies which each had a different filling, yogurt, spinach and feta, and tomato and onion. I had the yogurt pie which was flaky and filled with a creamy seasoned yogurt.


We also had arancini, pan roasted zucchini with garlic yogurt, and grilled octopus which was meaty and scrumptious. Everything was so simple and reminded me that good food doesn’t always need a million ingredients, they just need to be good ingredients.

image image

I grabbed a few photos as the sun was setting, and the blue light’s in Vlora’s atrium made for a kind of cool effect.

We then ordered more food, of course. I ended the night with a perfect vegetarian moussaka, layers of eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, potato, Swiss cheese, and tomato, served with garlic yogurt and cucumber sauce.


I had so much fun chatting with Colleen and her sister Meg who is going to be married in Ireland in a week and a half (jealous!). I also spent lots of time talking with Alicia and finally had the chance to meet Naomi.

All in all it was a great night. The food at Vlora is awesome, and I really want to try about 20 other menu items, so we will definitely be going back. And the company was fantastic. I loved meeting Erica and now want to go to Charleston, and it was great to see all of the others. Seriously, we should plan a Boston food blogger conference. Anyone want to co-plan with me?

I have The ALLY Foundation Pink for a Change gala in Newport this evening, so I should be back with some beautiful Newport mansion photos. I am also cooking up a fun giveaway for the week ahead.

Later gators!

Vlora on Urbanspoon

Tags: blogger meetup, bloggers, Boston, Copley Square Farmer's Market, Farmer's Markets, Food, Vlora, wine

First things first, the Siggi’s winners are: 

Raija, Jenna, and Magic of Spice

Congratulations! Please email me your contact info so I can get you some coupons for free Siggi’s yogurt. Yum.

I am sorry it took me so long to get around to pulling the winners of the giveaway. What a week! I am so happy that it is Friday. After a delicious but veerrrrrrrrry slow dinner at Bergamot last night, I knew that I could only take so much more this week. . .

Thankfully, I have a truly wonderful blogger for today’s Friday Foodie Feature, Jean from The Delightful Repast. I love her responses to the feature questions, and I am excited about her blog and look forward to seeing how it grows!


How long have you been blogging?
I should have started blogging long ago, but I resist technology. My friends think it’s a wonder I use a modern contraption like the gas stove! It wasn’t until February 15 that I started my blog.

What is your favorite thing about blogging?
As a freelance magazine writer, my articles must adhere to the magazines’ requirements. As a blogger, my posts can just flow out of whatever is on my mind at the time. A tightly focused magazine article may not have room for me to squeeze in anything about, say, the importance of eating seasonal, local, organic food that has been grown, harvested, produced and distributed in a socially, as well as environmentally, responsible way. Or about the importance of families sitting down to the dinner table together.


Least favorite?                                                                                     Narrowing down the possibilities is difficult. A lot of the things I make are outside the theme of my blog. The Delightful Repast’s subtitle is: A Tradition of Good Food ~ Comfort Food with Flair. So I try to stay with that theme. Another challenge is keeping it conversational. I tend to slip into the much more formal magazine-style of writing; it’s what I’m used to.

What has been your most fun blog post to write?
Well, I’ve really enjoyed the ones where I’ve talked about my grandmothers–one Southern, one English. My great grandmother even got a mention in my “Cream Gravy” post. But I must say I really had “fun” with two very early posts (before blogging had become work!). I recall having so much fun setting up the photos for these two. And with the “Enough Already with the Garlic!” I was smiling just thinking of the controversy it could stir up if enough people read it!

Where do you see your blog this time next year?
At that point, The Delightful Repast will be 16 months old. And it WILL be–I’m not going to drop out! I see my blog having thousands and thousands of regular readers by then (long before then, I hope!) and editors everywhere clamoring to have me write for them.

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?
I wish I had started sooner, before there were a gazillion food blogs!

Remember, if you want to be a featured foodie, just email me at traveleatlove (@)!

This weekend I have a blogger meetup, The ALLY Foundation Pink for a Change gala, and a day of REST.

What are your weekend plans?

Tags: blogger, Food, foodie

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