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Our travel style seems to be one giant tasting spree, and Sonoma County is the perfect place for sampling bites and sips here and there rather than having huge, lengthy meals. On our most recent trip to Sonoma, I attended some great events for work and also had some free time to do some great eating. Below are just a few photos from our whirlwind week in Sonoma.

Healdsburg Shed shrub

On the Savor Healdsburg Food Tour we went on last summer, we fell in love with Healdsburg SHED and I couldn’t wait to return for more refreshing shrub drinks and to do some shopping for a picnic. The day we visited was over 100 degrees, and a strawberry shrub was the perfect way to cool down. We filled a basked with cheese and meat, cookies, and other items and brought them to the new winery of Two Shepherds for lunch with the winemaker. Luckily, he had a bottle of my favorite rosé ready.

Shed Healdsburg picnic

Willi's Wine Bar

My media tour day included an incredible lunch at the much-loved Willi’s Wine Bar in Santa Rosa. The owners are the sweetest, and their food is just amazing. We shared small plates like local heirloom tomatoes and mozzarella and the most incredible smashed avocado toast. I dream about this meal and can’t wait to visit Willi’s again.

avocado bruschetta

Mexican food is a must-have in California, and we found ourselves seeking out tacos just about every day. Our favorite is still El Sombrero in Healdsburg. Their tacos, guacamole, and hot sauce are possibly my favorite foods ever

tacos in Sonoma

El Sombrero Mexican food Healdsburg

One of the events I attended, the Big Bottle Barn Party, featured all sorts of delicious little bites, like mini omelets and Bloody Marys and cherry pie pops on sticks. It was one of the best parties I have ever been to!


mini Bloody Mary

Wine and food pairing options have become more prevalent in Sonoma County since our first visit many years ago, and the tasting at Ram’s Gate brought out the best in the food and the wine. Tasting is by appointment only, and their Palate Play truly demonstrates the art of food and wine at their best.

food and wine pairing at Ram's Gate Another of the unique experiences I was lucky to have was another tasting in the high country at MacMurray Ranch. Perfect Pinot Noir was paired with small bites like strawberry gazpacho and some of the best views ever.

strawberry gazpacho  MacMurray Ranch

MacMurray Ranch, the scene of Taste of Sonoma , offered some of the best food of the weekend. The area where we were working had a beautiful spread, including cheese and veggies galore This may have been the best cheese display I have ever seen.

gorgeous cheese spread

We discovered some new Sonoma County favorites on our date night in Healdsburg where we sipped a tomato water amuse bouche and feasted on Portuguese cuisine at Cafe Lucia and had late night cocktails and sliders at Bistro Ralph. Healdsburg is one of the best places ever for a walking, tasting night out.

tomato water shooters at Cafe Lucia

chourico platter at Cafe Lucia Healdsburg

Bistro Ralph On our last day in Sonoma, we made a trip to The Barlow, which I absolutely loved, for some wine tasting and beer and snacks. Woodfour Brewing was a recommendation from friends, and it was a delicious stop. A sour beer and some of the best pickled veggies I have ever had made for a great afternoon snack. If you get the chance to go to Woodfour Brewing, just do it.

Woodfour Brewing

crab cocktail


All good things must come to an end, and so we had to make our way back towards San Francisco, but not without a stop in Sausalito for seafood and cool breezes. It was amazing how much cooler it was than Sonoma. Salito’s Crab House was a great spot for seafood and bubbly. We had crab cocktail and a platter of sizzling shrimp and mussels with a garlicky butter while gazing out at the sea, looking for seals and coveting boats.



seafood in SausalitoSalito's


Northern California has so much to taste, I could easily spend a lifetime there enjoying the food, wine, and outdoors. Until we meet again. . .

Tags: Dining out, Food, Sonoma, Travel, wine country

Just order everything, is the advice that I would give for those thinking about visiting the newly opened Townshend restaurant in Quincy. Its location is a little odd; it’s in the same building as my doctor, so my arrival brought back less-than-stellar memories of having malaria this winter and feeling wretched, but once inside the actual restaurant, the space is bright, rustic, and lovely and lacks that doctor’s office smell.

Our group of four was seated at a table next to the window, where we could view the comings and goings of Quincy, which is a busy place! We started with cocktails, mine the Brooklyn: a simple and delicious mix of rye and orange bitters, served nice and cold.

Rye and Orange Bitters

We were all hangry and decided we needed appetizers in addition to entrees.

beet salad

The beet salad with whipped ricotta was one of my favorites. It was so simple but so well done, and it made me feel healthy after constant indulgences of late.


Arancini nestled in a flavorful tomato sauce were stuffed with peas and guanciale, a delightful, rich pairing.

grilled asparagus

Roasted asparagus with bacon cream was heavenly. Seriously, I always want my asparagus this way.

burrattaBurrata with spiced honey and toast was another crowd favorite, and our server kindly brought us extra bread for the burrata and all of the other bits of sauce left on the appetizer plates. We weren’t leaving a drop of anything behind!


For  my entree I went with the seared trout with fingerling potatoes, grilled spring onion, and chorizo. It was perfectly cooked, just falling off of the crispy skin, and so full of flavor. It was exactly what I wanted.

I also had a few bites of the hanger steak my husband ordered. It was tender and garlicky, served with a crispy potato rosti, which was like a really crispy hash brown.

hanger steak

We shared a bottle of Gruener Veltliner with our dinner. I am normally a big fan of Gruener, but this one was very acidic to me.

landhaus mayer gruner


amaro digestif

Before we left, we were treated to little splashes of Amaro as a digestif. It was just another small touch in already excellent service to end the night. We really loved our experience at The Townshend; it was one of the best meals we have all had in recent months, and since all four of us eat a lot, that’s saying something!

Did you try any new restaurants over the weekend?

Tags: cocktails, Dining out, new, Quincy, Restaurants, wine


As I mentioned in my Oyster Club post last week, our trip to Mystic to check out Inn at Mystic was largely influenced by friends’ recommendations. The Engine Room was another must-visit, according to many people, so we made a point of visiting for Sunday brunch. Mystic is a beautiful town, and it turns out it is great for eating and drinking too!

Engine Room Mystic

The Engine Room is a big, open, light-filled space, simply gorgeous. It’s in a former marine engine repair room and features lots of wood and windows and even a DJ at brunch. So much fun.

Also fun? The Bloody Mary bar order form. I usually go for an Irish coffee or mimosa at brunch, but I loved this form and all of the options. I like my Bloody Mary extra spicy with lots of pickled veggies. I wish I had also gotten the bacon.

Bloody Mary brunch

bloody mary bar

My drink was delicious and garlicky, a nice way to start the day. Roasted garlic and the pickle made this drink like a meal!

eggs benedict

Brunch was all about the brisket! He ordered the Benedict served on brisket and cornbread while I went for the brisket sandwich with crunchy slaw and a yummy potato salad. It was not easy to finish because of the amount of food, but that brisket was so tender and delicious. This was a stick-to-your-ribs sort of brunch, and we left feeling ready to take on the day.


The Engine Room is a great spot, and I imagine all of the other meals and cocktails they serve are as good as brunch. I only wish they were closer!

Tags: brunch, Connecticut, CT, mystic, Travel

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