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One of the things I have been focusing on while recovering from my flu, especially now that I can eat, is replenishing my body with whole foods. Having seen a few vegan Sloppy Joe recipes around the blog world. including Veganomicon’s Snobby Joe recipe, and with an abundance of dried lentils and beans in the house, I decided to bust out the slow cooker for my own version of  a Sloppy Joe.

Working from home is amazing. I was able to start my recipe out by soaking two cups each of yellow lentils and black beans two times before actually starting them in the slow cooker.

black beans and lentils

While they soaked the second time, I mixed up a flavorful sauce that included 1/4 cup organic maple syrup, a tablespoon mustard, and a can of tomato paste.

maple syrup, tomato paste, mustard

I also pureed 1/2 a Vidalia onion, two habanero peppers, and four cloves of garlic into a nice paste.

onions, habaneros, garlic

When it was time to get cookin’ I threw all of the ingredients in my slow cooker. The beans and lentils were added to a few cups of water, plus the sauce and veggies. I mixed it thoroughly, then put the lid on and cooked on high for four hours, checking to make sure there was enough liquid to soften the lentils and the beans.

vegan sloppy joe

Before I left for a night of fun blogger events, I put the slow cooker on warm and left whole wheat rolls next to it for my hubby. I also left instructions that there was potato salad and cabbage slaw in the fridge; the slaw recipe is amazing, and I will be able to share it in a few weeks when it is launched in a new recipe app.

I decided to forego the roll when I got home, eating two bowls of the Sloppy Joe with the spicy slaw. The contrast between cold and warm, crunchy and soft, spicy and somewhat sweet was perfection. Though not at all fancy or complicated, this meal really “got” me. I could eat it again and again.

vegan sloppy Joe's

So I had another bowl Smile

As foodies I am sure we all feel the pressure to eat really interesting things at times. What is your favorite super simple dish?

Tags: beans, cabbage slaw, easy recipe, lentils, recipe, sloppy joe, slow cooker, snobby joes, vegan, veganomicon, vegetables, Vegetarian

Miracle Broth

Old Man Winter, I am lookin’ at you. Never in my life have I had two major illnesses in one year. The endless snow and below-freezing temperatures in this relentless winter are surely to blame.

After a few days of feeling achy, feverish, stuffy, and with a deep cough, I finally made my way to the doctor’s yesterday, where it was determined I have a virus that could leave me feeling down and out for 10-14 days. No antibiotics, just rest, fluids, and over the counter medicines. Boo. Every inch of my body hurts from the inside out.

I am incredibly grateful that I already decided not to run the Napa Valley Marathon. Otherwise, this would definitely have finished me. I guess what’s meant to be. . .

I feel pretty awful, and other than meds that knock me out, I knew there was only one thing to make me feel better yesterday, my Miracle Broth. This is not for the weak of palate, but it can definitely be tweaked for those of you who are spice-phobes.


The Miracle Broth is four simple ingredients, habanero, ginger, garlic, and organic vegetable broth.



Basically all you need to do is finely chop a few cloves of garlic, a habanero pepper, and a knob of peeled ginger and to cook them in two cups of veggie broth until nice and warm.

vegetable broth

Allow to cool enough to drink, and then sip slowly, reheating as needed. It will make you sweat, clear your sinuses, soothe your throat and might even spark a missing appetite. In the past couple of days I have not eaten much, pickles, a carrot, a cookie, and some tortilla chips, and the broth brought me back to life enough to eat dinner.

And then go back to bed.

I hope you are all avoiding this nasty flu or whatever it is. And I hope spring comes soon!

Do you crave certain foods when you are sick?

Tags: cures for the common cold, garlic, ginger, habanero, vegetable broth, winter flu

In keeping with the week’s simple and healthy theme, I decided to unearth some of the many dried beans I keep in the pantry for a comforting soup. Though Friday’s weather made it seem like spring was near, I couldn’t get warm this weekend and needed something hearty that could bubble away on the stove while I was working.

black beans

I soaked about two cups of dried black beans in plenty of water overnight, then drained and rinsed them before prepping the rest of the soup ingredients.

I smashed six cloves of garlic and minced them, then added the garlic to some olive oil, starting it on low heat.


To the garlic, I added my soup’s secret ingredient, Howard’s Hot Pepper Relish. I love the sweet and spicy flavors of this peppery relish, so I put in three heaping tablespoons.

Howard's Hot Pepper Relish

Howard's Hot Pepper Relish

Once I could smell the garlic starting to cook up, I added the softened beans, two cups of water, and half of a bag of frozen sweet corn.

organic sweet corn

I brought everything up to a boil, then brought the heat down to low, letting the soup simmer for over an hour, checking to see if water was needed. You will want to eyeball it and taste the beans to make sure they are cooked all the way through.

black bean soup

To make the soup an even more complete meal, I cooked up some al fresco spicy jalapeno sausage, sliced it into small pieces, and added it to the soup.

spicy chicken sausage

And finally, I added a dollop of Fage 2% Greek yogurt to the top of the soup. This would definitely be fine without the chicken sausage for a vegetarian soup, maybe even with some quinoa or brown rice added to bulk it up.  Delicioso!

I am in a serious weather funk. I can’t warm up, even when I am dancing to my Ke$ha Pandora station or lifting weights, and I feel tired all of the time. I just want to open the windows and to be able to sit in my house without my coat! Can it be spring yet?

Hot pepper relish is a condiment that I love to have around the house. What is your favorite condiment?

Tags: beans, black bean soup, black beans, chicken sausage, cooking, corn, dinner, easy recipes, fiber, garlic, healthy comfort food, healthy eating, healthy recipes, hot relish, Lunch, peppers, soup, vegetarian soup

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