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Beef Stir Fry

Howdy! How’s your week going so far? My work load has stabilized so it’s at the point where I have enough but I am not completely frazzled, and for once in my life, I am actually enjoying that. I have been taking advantage of my flexible schedule to squeeze grocery shopping and running in mid-day, and overall I have been just enjoying work and feeling good. That’s more than I can say for the two weeks prior, however, when the below beef stir fry was made.

There were a few weeks where things were absolutely go-go-go from 7 am to 10 pm. I secretly love being on the move mentally like that, but it killed my appetite and made me stop caring about food. What’s a blogger to do when cereal will suffice for dinner, but there is food that needs to be made? Make food for the man of the house, that’s what!

My mom always really hooks me up when I visit, filling my car with coolers and bags and all sorts of goodies. I found some stir fry beef, peppers, and onions in my haul, and I decided to make my husband a healthy beef stir fry that was quick to make, not interrupting my workflow and productivity.

I love dishes like this because they can be made with whatever you have. Here’s what our stir fry entailed:



1 package of stir fry beef

2 tablespoons of tomato paste

1/2 cup red wine (I used a 2006 Fitch Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon from the Alexander Valley, where I am going in just over a month, yipeeeee!)

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

4 cups chopped bell peppers and onions

stir fry beef

yellow bell pepper

The stir fry was just a matter of chopping veggies and sautéing them with the meat in a bit of olive oil. I did want to do something flavorful, so that’s where I put on my thinking cap.

peppers and onions

Beef and red wine love each other, do they not? And I love this Fitch Mountain Cab. I spared about a cup for hubby’s dinner. Winking smile

Fitch Mountain

Once the beef was cooked almost all the way, I added the garlic, tomato paste, and wine and let it all simmer. Does that make it no longer a stir fry? I don’t know if that changes the name, all I know is that it smelled a-mazing. And he loved it for dinner and lunch the next day, so my job was done.

beef stir fry

How do you adjust your eating habits when your schedule gets crazy?

Tags: beef, dinner, Food, healthy, vegetables

I folded this week. On a gray, dreary Tuesday, I headed into town for a meeting (another new project, yay!), and on my way back to my home office, got soaked by a chilly September rain. I knew then that I would have to admit that my beloved summer would be coming to an end. And I realized the 15 different types of tea I have stocked up will come in handy. I also knew I needed soup that day.

Enter the joys of a well-stocked house. I pulled out a bag of frozen butternut squash to thaw.

butternut squash

I also grabbed an apple (thanks, Mom!), a can of coconut milk, and a a piece of onion.

soup ingredients

To make the soup, I started by cooking down the onions in some olive oil in my beautiful Le Creuset French oven. I can’t believe it will be a year old soon!



To the onions I added the diced apple, butternut squash, a shake of garlic powder and about a teaspoon of curry powder.

butternut squash

And some homemade turkey stock, the rich, flavorful result of my mom’s weekend turkey dinner. I love making homemade stock, and I am freezing much of this for my winter cooking and as a cure for those inevitable illnesses. This recipe could easily be made vegan by using veggie stock or water in place of the turkey stock, but I did love that extra bit of flavor.

turkey stock

To finish the soup, I used both my immersion blender and food processor. I was in the mood for a creamy soup, and the coconut milk definitely made it so. A few shakes of crushed red pepper, and we were good to go!

butternut apple soup

This soup would have been really great with some crème fraiche as well. It was the perfect combo of sweet and spicy, and it was definitely a good way to ease into fall. I am still expecting a few sunny boat days before it gets too cold though. Don’t let me down, Mother Nature.

Tags: butternut squash, coconut milk, Food, soup

My blog is fixed! The below post was meant to post last Friday after a truly dreary week. Over the weekend, with lots of crazy work stuff and the anniversary of 9/11 happening, along with my blog being down, I got to take some time to let go, not really by choice, but it was kind of nice and reminded me how great my life is. It’s something I am trying to remember every day, and I am really happy to be back blogging.

I am loving the below recipe, which will be perfect for these chillier nights.


Well, despite my best efforts to ignore the change, summer seemed to slip away this week, bringing unnecessary rain and cold. The downside? Rain and cold. The upside? It was a perfect time to do some slow-cooking of something I had a major craving for, pulled pork. The vegetarian in me is always surprised, but I do love well-spiced pork, cooked for a day, falling apart in a spicy sauce.

I picked up a pork roast at Market Basket over the weekend and put the rub on over 24 hours before cooking. My rub was a mix of all sorts of things: cinnamon, cayenne pepper, Tyler Florence’s brown sugar pork rub, garlic powder (lots!), My Spice Sage BBQ seasoning, black pepper, salt, and red pepper flakes.

dry rub

Once the spices were mixed, I gave the roast a good rub, liberally coating it with the mix. It smelled amazing.

dry rub

On cooking day, I pulled out the pork, already hanging out in the slow cooker bowl. To the slow cooker I added a can of Gosling’s ginger beer (also perfect for cocktails) and a whole can of tomato paste.

ginger beer

I also chopped up a small handful of the beautiful local peppers I bought for my cod dish. I’d done a quick pickle to preserve them, and they added a bright, spicy, and vinegar-y touch to the pork. I also poured in about 1/2 cup white vinegar.

pickled peppers

The ginger beer and tomato paste broke down into a rich, spicy sauce with a hint of sweet and made for some of the most tender pulled pork I have ever had.

pulled pork

We ate it atop salads with a homemade peach salsa, mountains of cilantro, and Greek yogurt, and again the next day in Tortilla Land tortillas with the same toppings. It was the stuff that chilly fall Sundays are made of, and I will definitely be repeating this recipe.

pulled pork

Annnnd I am glad that the weekend is going to be warm and sunny. I refuse to acknowledge the end of summer until the boat is in winter storage.

Are you still with me in summer, have you moved to fall or are you feeling somewhere in between?

Tags: cooking, Food, pork, recipe, salad

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