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Is it really Monday already? Raise your hand if you are just not ready to face the week. I kind of feel like the weekend never happened. The initial plan was to do some boat work, which we did, and it was glorious. Seriously. It started out feeling like winter, but by mid-afternoon on Saturday, we were working hard to take the shrink wrap and frame off and to finally open the cabin after so many long months. It was amazing to be back on board, even without water underneath quite yet.

The plan after that was a date night and a lazy Sunday before having friends over for a Rioja tasting, but my husband was asked to babysit very early Sunday morning. Out the window went our date, so cooking up something delicious was the next best thing.

As you know I often use cook books for inspiration rather than to follow recipes by the book, and Saturday night was no different. I grabbed one of my favorites, a book  from Sally Bee, The Secret Ingredient and found a recipe for Healthiest Ever Lasagna. I changed it up ever-so-slightly making it likely a little less healthy, but overall I think it packed a good punch of protein and nutrients. We both had two servings for dinner, I packed the rest for weekday lunches, and on Sunday morning I made another lasagna, so yeah, it’s good.

I totally eyeballed everything, so I apologize for not having exact measurements. I used the following ingredients and ended up with enough filling for two lasagnas. I love when that happens.


Lasagna filling

lean ground turkey (about a pound)

baby bella mushrooms, crumbled (about 4 cups)

carrots, chopped (about 4 cups)

large yellow onion, chopped

4 cloves garlic, minced

2 cups chicken broth

1/2 cup red wine – I used a Coteaux Sauvages Rhone blend from Michel-Schlumberger because it was opened already. It’s an amazing wine, and it cooked down , giving the lasagna great flavor

12 ounces of canned chopped tomatoes with juice

5 teaspoons tomato  paste

a few pinches of ground oregano, basil, and black pepper

Lasagna sauce

1 cup skim milk

flour and butter for the roux

a cup shredded aged cheddar

Giovanni Rana no-boil lasagna noodles (from the fresh pasta section of the store)

Michel Schlumberger Coteaux Sauvages

To make the filling, I started by cooking the onions down in a tiny bit of oil, then layering in the carrots, garlic and turkey until the turkey was browned, then mixing in the rest. This filling may seem like it has a lot of liquid, but it simmers for about 45 minutes, resulting in a rich, thick, and aromatic mix. I am kind of glad it’s still cool enough for recipes like this.

While the filling was simmering, I made a quick white sauce for the topping. First up was a roux of flour and butter which I cooked until nice and brown, adding skim milk and stirring away until nice and blended. I added a pinch of nutmeg and then started to layer my lasagna, topping it with the white sauce and then the shredded cheese.


I popped it into the oven at 400 for about 20 minutes, finishing with 2 minutes under the broiler on high to get the cheese bubbly and brown. Gorgeous.


We really, really loved this dish. The wine and mushrooms added a ton of flavor, and it was filling. I often find myself hungry after dinner, but this was really satisfying. It was healthier and cheaper than going out to dinner and resulted in great lunches for the week. You can’t beat it.

Making lunches and breakfasts ahead of time and eating well are two big goals for this week. Last week was kind of chaotic getting used to a new schedule, and I felt like every day all I could think about was crashing in bed. Hopefully this week will bring some extra energy.

What are your mini goals for the week?

Tags: dinner, Food, healthy, lasagna, recipe

I’ll be honest. It has been quite awhile since I cooked anything new or exciting. First I was away in New Jersey and then I was eating loads of pasta and other carbs plus lots of kale smoothies, prepping for the Boston Marathon. Once the marathon was over, I had almost no appetite, and when I did, I was starving and eating pretzels, chips, pudding, and other snacks or takeout.

After a week of that, I not only started to get bored with my eating, but I also realized that without the training, I need to adjust the way I eat. I am also going to be in and out of a new office for awhile, so eating real meals and planning is going to be key.

On Monday night, I decided to get back in the kitchen with a new ingredient I picked up at Trader Joe’s, Just Almond Meal. My original plan was to add it to yogurt for an extra boost of protein, and I did that for breakfast. After spending some time googling, I also decided to make a pizza crust.

almond meal

Pizza crust made with almond meal is gluten free and has a nice amount of protein. Making the crust is easy, just 2 cups of almond meal, 3 eggs, a few drops of olive oil, and a pinch of salt. I added some garlic powder for seasoning, mixed it all up, and then formed it into a pizza on an oiled pizza pan.

almond meal

To dry the dough out, I baked it for about 6 minutes in a 425 degree oven. The recommended temperature is 350, but I was roasting perfect Brussels sprouts at the time too.

While the dough got nice and dry for the toppings, I chopped leeks and melted them down in some nice brown butter. I also made a quick pizza sauce with canned plum tomatoes with basil, salt, and a pinch of sugar.


When the dough was dry, I topped it with the sauce, goat cheese, and leeks. I cooked it for about 15 minutes, until it was brown at the edges and the cheese was melted.
gluten free pizza

I served the pizza with roasted Brussels sprouts that had been drizzled with honey. I was trying to recreate the Russell House Tavern sprouts. Mine were good, but not that good.

Brussels sprouts

The pizza? It was delicious. It definitely had a hefty crust that filled me up quickly, but I really enjoyed how buttery it was and how easy it was to make. The toppings were perfect. You can’t go wrong with leeks and goat cheese! I didn’t tell my husband about the crust until he finished and was raving about the pizza. We were both pleasantly surprised at how good this nutrient-rich option was. I’ll definitely be using almond meal to make crust and other baked goods in the future. But don’t worry, I am not going all Paleo on you, just mixing things up a bit.

Have you tried any new-to-you ingredients or cooking methods lately?

Tags: brussels sprouts, dinner, Food, leeks, pizza, vegetables, Vegetarian

Where has this week gone? Just when you don’t want a certain Marathon Monday to get here too quickly, the week becomes crazy busy and flies by!  This week has been pretty great; I am busy with work and that’s always a good thing. Even better, I got to spend the day with tapas and Spanish wine on Tuesday, working as the “Media Maven” for an event with Tapeña Wines. This type of work is pretty much what I would love to do all day, every day. By the end of the day and after two events, I was exhausted but fully charged and talking my husband’s ear off.

The first event was a small media event at Kika Tapas in Kendall Square. This was my first time at Kika, and I absolutely loved it.

Kika Tapas

The interior is very different than sister restaurants Tapeo and Solea. It’s a modern twist on the more traditional tapas bar, decked out in red, white, and black, round booths, and lots of light.

I joined a representative from Freixenet USA and another blogger for lunch and to taste wines from the Freixenet family.

We started off with the Freixenet Cordon Negro and Brazilian cheese bread, which had a cheesy, nutty flavor that went really well with the cava.


We also had one of my favorites, the baked goat cheese in tomato basil sauce with a basket of bread for dipping. Molten goat cheese with tangy tomato sauce and fresh bread is something that I could eat all day.


Another tapas favorite, patatas bravas, were also part of our order. These did not disappoint with their spicy, salty sauce and creamy aioli.


The second wine we tasted was one of my all time favorites, Gloria Ferrer Sonoma Brut. Gloria Ferrer was one of the first places we ever visited in Sonoma and one that we always return to. Their wines are all fantastic, and the Sonoma Brut and Va de Vi hold special places in our hearts. Since bubbles are a great friend to food, they were a wonderful choice for a variety of tapas, including these sizzling garlic shrimp, another must-order for me.


Our feast also included pork loin with blue cheese and mushrooms and lamb meatballs in truffle cream sauce. The meatballs were pretty incredible.


Our meal and tasting also included two Tapeña Wines, the Garnacha and Tempranillo. I like both, but I LOVE Tapeña Garnacha. Fruity, spicy, and delicious, this wine is almost too easy to drink. And to make it even better, it retails for under $10.


Several people in the restaurant stared at our table full of wine bottles and food; it certainly isn’t every day you see three people with four bottles of wine at lunch. We were just tasting, promise!

After lunch I had some time to run a few errands before heading to Tapeo for the main event, a Tapeña Meet Up.



Tapeo and Tapeña put on a fun evening filled with wine, prizes, and delicious tapas.

Tapeña Wines

This time around, we were sipping on Tapeña Verdejo in addition to Tempranillo. As someone tweeted at me after the event, the Verdejo is perfect for a sunny patio. It’s bright, acidic, fun, and perfect for seafood and summer.

Tapeña Wines

I spent the night mixing and mingling with guests; if you came, thank you so much for being there! I hope you had a good time. We had a great crowd, and some great food and service from Tapeo.

Tapeña Wines


Working the Tapeña was truly one of the most fun projects I have had in my consulting career, and it really made my week. Things aren’t always easy in this chosen path of mine, but moments like this definitely make it worth it!

How is your week going so far? Do you get a long weekend this weekend? I obviously am taking a long weekend. . . but I am not necessarily looking forward to it!

Tags: blogger events, Boston, events, Food, Freixenet, Gloria Ferrer, Tapas, Tapeña, wine

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