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Happy Friday, and Happy Birthday to my husband! Grill 23 is where we will be celebrating tonight, followed by a weekend of who knows what. We may go to Martha’s Vineyard or hang out on the boat or just have a low key weekend at home. The weather and our levels of tiredness will decide that for us.

When we are in the mood for a low key, close dinner, Harp + Bard in Dorchester is a really fantastic option. It’s within walking distance of our house, has a great selection of beers and cocktails and a huge food menu, along with a friendly staff and comfy vibe. When my family came to visit a couple of weeks ago (for an absolutely fantastic weekend), we decided Harp + Bard would make a great place for the whole family.

cranberry cosmo Since there were so many of us, they seated us in the back room, which ended up having for ourselves the entire night. The front room and bar were busy, but we enjoyed being able to talk and let the kids walk around a little where we were. I started with a cold Cranberry Cosmo, its icy tartness just what I wanted after a long day at the Children’s Museum. . . if they sold cocktails, I think they would make a mint!

We started with two favorite appetizers, Buffalo Chicken Dip and Fried Pickles. The dip is molten hot, spicy, and tangy, served with crispy chips. It’s a major indulgence worth every calorie.

buffalo chicken dip

I could eat fried pickles all day every day. These are nice and salty and crunchy, with a cool and creamy ranch dipping sauce. Why can’t healthy foods be this addictive?

fried pickles

For my entrée, I decided to go with something homey and New England-y, the lobster pie special with mashed potatoes and carrots. What surprised us all most was how delicious the carrots were. They were cooked in a little bit of chopped garlic, and we were pretty much fighting over them. I will definitely be trying to make carrots like this.

lobster pie The lobster pie contained an entire sweet lobster in a light sauce with a buttery crumb topping. It was heavenly and really added to the home-style, neighborhood  feeling of the restaurant.

lobster pie Though I was completely stuffed from appetizers and dinner, I had to have a bite of the pizza. Harp + Bard has won awards for their pizza, and I can see why. It’s a nicely seasoned, thin crust pie, perfect for eating at the bar with a cold beer.

Harp + Bard pizza We’ve eaten lunch and dinner at Harp + Bard many times, and we have enjoyed every item we have tried. It’s one of those places you always feel welcome, and the menu is big enough that you can always try something new.

Have you discovered any new neighborhood favorites?

Tags: cocktails, Dining out, Dorchester, Restaurants



No Kid Hungry

Amidst all of the sadness and uncertainty of the past week-and-a-half, there were some bright moments that really made things feel a little normal again. Taste of the Nation is one of my favorite events of the year, I actually thought about not going this year, but I was happy I celebrated this amazing cause instead of spending another night glued to the news.

Taste of the Nation has a very important goal, No Kid Hungry, and they are doing incredibly important work across the country to reach that goal.

Share Our Strength’s Taste of the Nation® is the premier culinary benefit dedicated to making sure no kid grows up hungry. Each spring and summer, the nation’s hottest chefs and mixologists donate their time, talent and passion at nearly 40 Taste of the Nation events across the United States and Canada, with one goal in mind: to raise the critical funds needed to end childhood hunger in America by 2015.


Share our Strength

I didn’t know that school breakfast is free to all Boston Public School students, but I was glad to hear it. It does make you realize though, that kids don’t go to school every day or year-round. So many are wondering where those meals are going to come from when they are not in school, and that just breaks my heart. Once again, Boston’s supportive culinary community came together to do good, and it’s never felt as healing and helping as it did this year.

This year’s Taste of the Nation Boston was held at a new location, the Cruiseport Boston at Black Falcon Pier. Beautiful sea views, plenty of light, and a grand space made for the best Taste of the Nation yet. Here are just a few of the favorite tastes of this event.

Trade Boston

{Garlic Soup from Trade – hot and comforting, just the cure for a dreary, cold day}

One Hope sparkling wine

           {One Hope California Brut Sparkling Wine – with both citrus and brioche notes and plenty of bubbles, this bubbly is outstanding, and even better, $3.00 a bottle goes to Share our Strength.}


{Cheese Gougeres, AKA Bistro – I have the recipe for these and keep meaning to make them, perhaps when life evens out a bit.}

crispy tuna tostada

{Crispy Tuna Tostada – Highland Kitchen}


{Polenta, greens, chickpeas and all sorts of good stuff – Tavolo – I have always been a fan of Chef Chris Douglass and the work he’s done in Dorchester. Chef Douglass’ restaurants are both in the Ashmont area of Dorchester, home to Martin Richard, the youngest Boston Marathon bombing victim. When I saw Chef that night, I just wanted to give him a hug; despite being in a place of so much hurting, he was there to help.  I <3 my neighborhood. }


{Raspberry Rhubarb Shortcake – Flour Bakery – Chef Joanne Chang’s baking is delicious, and her warm smile is infectious. It’s always wonderful to see her, whether at Flour or at Myers + Chang.}

In addition to the above, I also loved the oysters served up in the VIP area of the event. If you’re an oyster and sparkling wine lover, it’s definitely worth it to go the VIP route. It also makes it easy to grab a table or a couch to do your chowing down.

Taste of the Nation offers such a tasty variety of bites from the best chefs around, and the driving force behind it is crucial to our nation’s future. There’s a reason it’s one of my favorite events of the year, and I can’t wait to support it again next year. Share our Strength has many opportunities to help throughout the year, and I hope that this is the year I become more involved with this lifesaving organization.

I was provided a complimentary ticket to Taste of the Nation but was not required to write about it. All opinions are my own.


Tags: Boston, events, No Kid Hungry, Share our Strength, sparkling wine, Taste of the Nation, wine

I say it time and time again, but the best part of blogging, by far, has been the friends I have made. There are so many people I’ve met that I may never had encountered otherwise, and I am thankful for it every day.

Over the past few months, I’ve had some great dinner dates with blogger friends; these “supper club” dates are definitely something I look forward to. On our last get together, we finally tried Estelle’s, the latest from Boston chef Brian Poe.

Estelle's Boston

This comfort food-centric establishment was perfect for the night we visited. Despite it being officially spring, snow was falling outside, and I think we were all a little disgruntled with the weather. A great beer selection, cozy atmosphere, and good friends were the perfect remedy.

I was excited to see that one of the many beers Estelle’s serves is Boont Amber Ale, from the Anderson Valley, one of the places we visited on our last wine country vacation. (We’re going to Sonoma in 10 days. . . the thought literally has me wanting to jump up and down on my desk.)

Boont Amber Ale

I love Anderson Valley Brewing Company beer just as much as I love the great wines that come from the region. It doesn’t hurt that it is gorgeous up there.

As we often do, we ordered a bunch of appetizers to share. Estelle’s menu has so many delicious sounding items on it; I am eager to try them all. Being a lover of all things pickled, I love the platter of pickled veggies and a pickled egg. I could easily eat this for my entrée next time.

pickled vegetable plate

My photos didn’t all come out great, but we also enjoyed massive slabs of cornbread, hushpuppies, deviled eggs, and a chopped salad. Obviously, by the time my entrée, a shrimp po’ boy came, I was pretty much stuffed. After a few bites for dinner, this made a perfect Thursday lunch.

shrimp po boy

I also stole a couple bites of the husband’s fried chicken. Fried chicken rarely equals my mom’s, but this was really great. The mac and cheese on the side was the perfect comfort food.

fried chicken

I balanced out all of the fried food with some garlicky greens. I can’t get enough of these.

garlic greens

Though we were all stuffed, we decided to share an order of red velvet whoopie pies, because they were there. How can you pass up red velvet whoopie pies? The restaurant overheard that it was my birthday the day before, and kindly brought the dessert out with candles.

It was a sweet end to a really warm and welcoming meal. Estelle’s is a great place to grab a beer and a bite and a welcome addition to the South End.

red velvet whoopie pies

Tags: Boston, comfort food, Dining out, Food, Restaurants, Southern food

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