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Galway with evening setting in- 11 pm in summer

Galway with evening setting in- 11 pm in summer


Spanish Arch Galway

Spanish Arch Galway



Hello again! I hope that you are all having a fab Sunday and looking forward to a short work week! I know the next few weeks will be intense, but even if I work from home on Friday, it will be nice to mix things up a bit. A Bin Ends Fine Wine Flea Market post will follow tomorrow – because it was an awesome event from which we purchased 12 bottles!


Tonight’s review is of one of my Galway, Ireland favorites. As I have posted in the past, I have spent quite a bit of time in Ireland and especially in Galway, and I definitely have the places I go to again and again. There are so many Galway eateries and drinkeries that I crave, but tonight is devoted to McSwiggan’s. My first experience with McSwiggan’s was 8 years ago, when my roommates and I would drink there and occasionally steal rolls of toilet paper from the closet in the restroom so we wouldn’t have to buy it ourselves. Illegal yes, classy no. I apologize for this behavior, but it was what it was, and I admit to it.:( Young and stoopid.
Anyway, I am going to go past McSwiggans as a drinking establishment for now. It is one of my fave date night spots in Galway and boasts some amazing food, including THE BEST VEGGIE CURRY EVER.

The last time we ate at McSwiggan’s was about a month ago on a trip to Ireland for the hub’s Masters program. It was relaxing for me, because while he was meeting with advisers, I was spa-ing. On our final night, we took the fam out to dinner to one of our favorite spots. The interior has been revamped a few times in the years I have been going, and now it is pretty swank while maintaining a lot of the old Irish charm, including the tree that goes up through the building.

courtesy of

courtesy of

Deciding on what to order at McSwiggan’s is difficult for most, but for me, the decision to order the veg curry is easy. I crave it every time I am home in the states and plan to eat it every time we visit Ireland.
We ordered a bottle of Clare Valley Aussie red for the table when we arrived, and our lovely server also brought a big glass of the white for us to try. My sister in law couldn’t make up her mind on a starter, and when she chose the Thai Salmon Cakes, the server brought the Pate Maison for her to try as well. Such great service!

I of course ordered the veg curry, but tried the salmon cakes, and they were delicious! One thing I love about new Irish cuisine is that there are all sorts of flavor influences, and the sweet and spicy chili of these cakes, matched with the freshness of local Irish salmon, was perfect.

We were given several baskets of bread for our table of 6, and I had one piece while waiting for my beloved entrée. When it finally did arrive, I once again marveled in its mix of veggie goodness, accompanied by a yogurt sauce and naan bread. This dish is huge, and I probably brought about ¾ of it home. It is so full of veg that it just makes me full after a few bites. The yogurt sauce is to die for.
The hub always splurges here and gets a steak with the cream cheese garlic potatoes. I have tried to make these at home, and while the outcome has been yummy, nothing compares to the garlicky-cheesiness of these potatoes. They are really in a class by themselves, and I would recommend going all the way to Galway for them 🙂

Favorite city ever (photo courtesy of

Favorite city ever (photo courtesy of

Needless to say, we NEVER make it to dessert at McSwiggan’s but I bet it would be amazing. We normally end up at a nearby pub for a pint and some music, only to return a few hours later to veggie curry leftovers – genius!

I have SO many more Galway photos and recommendations, and I plan on sharing all of them in the future. For now I will be uploading my shots from the Bin Ends Flea Market today and look forward to writing more tomorrow!

Buenas noches 🙂

Tags: Dining out, Food, foodie, Galway, Ireland, McSwiggans, Vegetarian, wine

Happy Tuesday! It is the millionth rainy day in a row here in Boston, but I am feelin’ good. I honestly have not felt this good in a very long time, and despite an 11 hour work day, a 3 mile run, a neighborhood watch meeting, and some cooking, I still have a ton of energy. Ummmm thank you Amazing Grass. I bought a tub of the Chocolate SuperFood today, and I am looking forward to an Amazing Meal smoothie in the morning with coconut water, blueberries, spinach, and frozen pineapple. I am obsessed!

Cupcake 2

Cupcake in bed - perfect!

Cupcake , perfect with a Chocolate SuperFood drink 😉

For tonight’s post, I thought I would share some just for fun food photos. I am getting sleepy and will be dreaming of all of the lovely things I will be eating this week 🙂

Perfect easy soup ingredients

Perfect easy soup ingredients


Over the weekend and despite the fact she was sick, my mom gave me a bunch of groceries to bring home, including chicken stock and lean chicken breasts, which we don’t normally stock but were happy to have on hand after a busy weekend. I tossed loads of chopped garlic, half a white onion,  a can of green chiles, chopped tomatoes, black beans, frozen TJ’s pepper blend, and a bunch of spices into a pot and simmered all afternoon as I worked. The hub was very surprised when he arrived home soaking wet and cold. Soup can really make the day better, especially when paired with TJ’s garlic naan and a Beck’s Dark.

Some of the goods

Some of the goods

On my run home from work, I stopped at the grocery store and picked up some fun stuff. Blueberries were on sale 4 for $5. Holy smoothies this week! I also grabbed more almond milk and some Vita Tops to try. I read so much about them on other blogs, that I was craving them this morning! I haven’t tried them yet, but I am sure I will let you know.

We also picked up some Beck’s Dark. After writing my post on Vienna, I was craving a good dark beer and thinking of good times at the pubs and the Hofbrauhaus in Munich. I am ready for some travel soon.

Speaking of which, we booked tickets to San Francisco for Labor Day weekend! My first trip to CA! I am so excited and now we just need to decide, out of 4 nights, how many do we spend in the city and how many in Napa? I welcome suggestions lovely foodie readers.

I am off to do some reading and then watching the Real Housewives of NJ Reunion. You can take a girl out of Jersey. . .


Buenas noches!

Tags: beer, Food, Health Food

TGIF!  Seriously, the weekend could not have come fast enough! I had a pretty rotten day- some work stress, got soaked on my way in this morning, and my poor mom was diagnosed with Lyme disease. She is going to be ok but is on some heavy medicine and in a lot of pain. Good thing I was planning on visiting this weekend.

The highlight of the day was the arrival of my Amazing Grass samples! I am planning a review later this weekend, but let me tell you that I have already had the chocolate Amazing Meal, and it was DELICIOUS. I will be going online later this evening to buy a tub! Thank you to Teri from Amazing Grass. I am really looking forward to trying more of their products.

I will be off to NJ for the weekend and not posting tomorrow, but I hope you all have a fab weekend. Below is a review of a great new Boston restaurant. Enjoy! 🙂


After my lovely weekend on the Cape, the hub and I decided to catch up over dinner, and for some time now I had been wanting to try Stephi’s on Tremont, the sister restaurant to the famous Stephanie’s on Newbury, a fabulous place for food and cocktails. Stephi’s is closer to our home, in Boston’s South End, a neighborhood that I LOVE and luckily get to walk through every morning on my way to work.

I have mentioned in the past that the South End is a foodie paradise. I certainly have my favorites – (Petit Robert anyone?)but I also want to try a million other places in the area. I chose Stephi’s for this sunny Sunday night because 1) from walking by, I could tell I would love the interior 2) the menu looked lovely and comforting but also offers a bunch of entrée size salads. After a weekend of indulgence with the girls, I wanted something tasty but healthy too.

We made a last minute reservation on Open Table and arrived at Stephi’s right on time. The hostess knew who we were right away- neat. We were taken to a cozy corner booth and met our server for the evening. I can’t remember his name, but he was fantastic. So attentive, friendly, and knowledgeable about the menu. He kept an eye on us from afar but didn’t intrude at all.

There were several menu items that I wanted to try. I started with a glass of  cava and the hub got a Pinot Noir from MacMurray Ranch in Sonoma County. I loved my cava, but being that it was a chilly night, I had a sip of the Pinot and it was amazing. I hope that we get to visit MacMurray Ranch when we can finally book a trip to CA! It was so earthy with some very nice dark red fruit undertones. After a trip to Portland, OR last summer, I am loving West Coast Pinot Noirs and look forward to trying more.

Our server brought us a delish little loaf of bread that was wrapped in wax paper. We wondered where the butter or oil was, and it turned out to sort of be ON the loaf. The bread was hot and the crust was almost croissant-like. Needless to say, we finished it off. It was the perfect portion to eat while we waited for our meal.

For my entrée I decided on a salad, the Asian Yellow Fin Tuna Salad:
seared sashimi grade tuna with chilled udon noodles,
charred hot cherry peppers, shredded carrots, cabbage
and cucumbers, bean sprouts, spicy peanuts,
toasted coconut and sweet chili dressing

It was perfectly fresh, crisp and flavorful. The coconut and chopped peanuts were a perfect accent to the veggies and the seared tuna. I love some noodles in a salad; they add such a satisfying element. I was completely full after eating about half. The rest was a lovely lunch on Monday!

The hub ordered the LOBSTER SHEPHERD’S PIE.
poached maine lobster layered with homemade corn pudding, garlicky spinach,
caramelized onions, english peas and fresh roasted corn served with creamed corn gravy
topped with chive mashed potatoes

Can we say delicious New England comfort? Normally this would not likely be a meal we would order in June, but if you live in the Northeast you probably know that its been gray, rainy and chilly for over a week. The night was cool, and this dish was decadent.

We ended up too full for dessert and took a walk to the dog park nearby to get some activity in. We may have picked up a red velvet cupcake from the South End Buttery on the way home, but I will post about that on another day . . .

Tags: Boston, Dining out, Food, foodie, Gourmet food, South End, wine

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