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Summer Fridays mean CSA pickup for us! This is our first year choosing a CSA over farmers market finds, and we have decided to go with Red Fire Farm because we loved their organic approach and pickup location in Cambridge between our jobs. As corporate frankenfarming takes over more of our food supply and makes us so much less healthy as a whole, we’re happy to support young farmers and healthy land. The people growing our food are not only steward of the land but stewards of our health, and we are going to try to prepare and eat everything they grow with love.

We were more than a little excited to peek into the first week box of our 20 week CSA. It was full of green things, very welcome after a long winter. Our CSA box included strawberries, green garlic, several types of lettuce, a parsnip, broccoli, cilantro, and radishes. It all looked and smelled so earthy.

Red Fire Farm CSA

Red Fire Farm CSA

Now that Friday nights are CSA nights, they are also date at home nights, time for cooking and drinking good wine and relaxing after a busy week. Our first CSA and its green garlic inspired me to make a simple pesto.

green garlic pesto

I added a large handful of fully cleaned green garlic, bulbs, greens and all, into the Ninja blender, along with a few glugs of olive oil. On top of that, I added parmesan cheese, a half cup of walnuts, salt, pepper, and a little garlic powder, since green garlic can be mild.

green garlic pesto

I blended it all into a nice paste, adding oil as I went along, and used the green garlic pesto to top bowtie pasta, shrimp, and our CSA spinach and broccoli.

green garlic pesto

We washed it down with a lovely Chardonnay from our North Fork trip and paired it with the end of our Orange is the New Black season two binge.

Friday nights at home with our fresh, organic CSA veggies have never been better. I can’t wait to see what summer brings.

Are you shopping at local farmers markets or participating in a farm share or CSA?

Tags: CSA, farm to table, farmers market, Food, summer, vegetables

Happy Friday! I am late to the blogging game this morning because I stayed out until midnight last night! Crazy, right? I had a great dinner with a few friends, followed by drinks out, a movie shoot sighting, and finally a taxi ride home to get some sleep. . . but definitely not enough. I am pretty tired this morning, but last night was just what I needed. A recap of dinner at Coppa will come soon!

I am thankful to work for myself today! I crammed a ton of work into the early part of the week so I can take a little time off this afternoon to enjoy the nice weather.


So, I was having a great week in the kitchen. I discovered a new vegetarian favorite and some quick, easy ways to sneak veggies and tofu into a dish. I was on a roll and couldn’t wait to whip up the garlicky greens frittata I had been dreaming of.

It started out fine with a giant bowl of kale. Mmmmm green. I haven’t been able to stand the sight of a green smoothie lately, so I was definitely looking for other ways to get my greens. Do you ever just randomly go off things you usually love?


Or maybe I am weird? Disappointed smile 

Anyway, I started out with a big bowl of kale, using my veggie scissors to chop it into manageable pieces, hoping that they would blend nicely with a bunch of eggs, garlic, and olive oil for a beautiful frittata with a nice crust on it.


Next up was the garlic, six large cloves, smashed then chopped oh-so-finely and mixed with the kale and a glug of olive oil.

kale and garlic 

I sautéed the kale and garlic until sizzling and then added six large eggs mixed with black pepper and a little olive oil.

kale frittata 

Not enough eggs or oil, too much kale Sad smile  My beautiful frittata was thin, stuck to the pan, and cooking way too quickly. The only way to save it was to scramble it up and make a big pile of kale and eggs.

Luckily, I wasn’t serving this for anyone else but the husband and me, and it tasted amazing. The kale was a little spicy, something I notice every now and then with kale. I love it!

kale scrambled eggs

I’ve learned my lesson; next time I make this I am baking it and putting it under the broiler to get the golden crust. You can’t win them all, but it was at least still edible! This would make an awesome, healthy-ish brunch dish along side a spicy Bloody Mary!

Have you had a disappointing kitchen experience lately? What is on your calendar this weekend?

Tags: eggs, healthy, kale, recipe, Vegetarian

Phew. . . feels good to have the Monday after a holiday over with, doesn’t it? I had a great day! It started with a good workout and ended up being a quiet work day listening to Christmas music and getting a lot done. I am grateful for good work days. After work, the weather was raw and rainy, and I wanted something warm and comforting. Polenta was the perfect choice. I decided to make it with toasted walnuts, gorgonzola cheese, and roasted garlic. Ingredients 1 tube of organic polenta 1/2 cup to 1 cup crumbled gorgonzola 5 cloves of roasted garlic (roast in skins at 400 until soft and easily squeezed from skin) 1/2 cup chopped walnuts, toasted in a dry skillet image image image image image gorgonzola I cut the polenta into discs and placed them in a pan of sizzling olive oil, then seasoned with ground black pepper.


My plan was to neatly top each disc with crumbled cheese, sliced roasted garlic, and walnuts, but that fell apart quickly. It didn’t look very pretty, but it tasted good!

polenta with cheese

I served this over a bed of romaine lettuce which, though I bought it only yesterday, is rapidly going bad. I don’t know if the lettuce was the perfect pairing for the polenta, but I hate wasting and wanted to use it up. It ended up tasting good and providing a nice crunch.


The mix of polenta, lettuce, and walnuts makes for a constant change in textures, and the gorgonzola and roasted garlic provide strong but complementary flavors. Polenta is another one of those ingredients that is extremely versatile and it sort of feels like a luxurious treat but only costs $2.99 for the entire tube. Next up, making my own polenta. . . but maybe not this week.

Tags: cheese, dinner, polenta, recipe

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