Cooking up a Storm

Edited 10/30/12 – Hoping everyone in the hurricane’s path is safe and sound. Sending thoughts and prayers to everyone affected. . .


Oh Sandy. . .you’ve really made a mess of things, and you haven’t even arrived quite yet. A run on bread and batteries, closings all over the place, and a threat to my flight home for the NYC Marathon on Wednesday. We will all be happy to see you go. I wouldn’t totally mind a marathon postponement though. . . I could do with another year of training.

espresso marinated steak

What to do when a storm is looming, it’s Sunday, and you are tired for too much Halloween partying? Cook up a storm!

In addition to a pumpkin chocolate chip bread, I also made a pretty epic dinner which included espresso marinated steak tips and tomato bread pudding.

To make the steak tips, I simply made six shots of espresso using my new Philips Syntia espresso machine and marinated the steak in it for about eight hours. About 10 minutes before cooking, I removed the steak tips from the fridge, dried them off and tossed them in a mix of cacao powder, chili powder, and hot paprika. I cooked them up on a very hot grill pan, and they were absolutely amazing. I had wanted to make steak marinated in coffee after our anniversary dinner at City Landing, and I was so happy with how this turned out. The coffee and cacao added a richness to the meat, and the coffee really tenderized it. The paprika and chili powder added a nice little kick.

cacao and chili powder

The second and even more amazing part of dinner was a savory tomato bread pudding that was inspired by my newest Wine Road cook book. I’ll share the complete recipe in another post; we’ll be eating this bread pudding for days, and I think it will only get better.

tomato bread pudding

If you’re in a storm-stricken area, how have you been preparing?

Tags: cooking, dinner, Food, Hurricane Sandy

  1. Daisy’s avatar

    My flight back out to Madison today was cancelled…..of course I would be scheduled to fly today.

    Sounds like you have been cooking AND baking up a storm. good for you, everything sounds delicious.


  2. Erica @ In and Around Town’s avatar

    Looks like you have been cooking some amazing things to munch on if you get stuck.

    I have not done much for preparation – Chili last night may be our cold dinner tonight if the power goes out!


  3. Michelle Collins’s avatar

    I made a big pot of sweet potato, kale and lentil soup last night, and we also stocked up on water!


  4. Megan’s avatar

    We’ve been cooking up a storm over here too… or I have… and then I’ve been feeding everyone. 🙂 We played board games and watched movies today with Jeff’s family. Not a bad way to spend a rainy Monday!


  5. Sues’s avatar

    Steak tips in espresso?! Yes, please!! I feel like I need a good week off from work to catch up on all my cooking and baking. Why isn’t that allowed??


  6. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    Love the sound of the savory bread pudding.. I always go sweet with that dish but clearly that’s not the only way to go! Hope your family in NJ is faring reasonably well. Ours in Princeton got hammered but not as badly as the coast…


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