Apple Cider Cake + Sweet Wishes to Delicious Dishings

I’ve reluctantly had to admit over the course of the last week that fall is beginning in just a few short days. The timing of the cool down could not have been better though, as it meant time for a little baking in honor of a special bride-to-be who happens to love fall and dessert.

Many of you know that Megan from Delicious Dishings is getting married very soon, and Jen from Beantown Baker has organized today as a virtual bridal shower to celebrate this exciting occasion.

I owe a lot of my baking adventures and confidence to Megan. She organized a trip to King Arthur Flour a couple of years ago, a trip that cemented our friendship, taught me some baking skills, and ended up being one of my favorite weekends of all time. We need to do it again!

It was after that trip that I started experimenting with making breads, rolls, and cakes. They’ve not always been as pretty as Megan’s baking art, but they almost always turn out delicious, even if we’re scraping them from the bottom of the pan.

To celebrate this virtual bridal shower, I decided to kick off fall with an apple cider cake. As usual, my poor cake looks like it survived an earthquake, but the sweetness of the apple cider, along with the spice of the cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice made it the perfect treat for a cool Sunday night.

apple cider

There are many recipes for apple cider cakes; I used this one from The Moonlight Baker, skipping the icing and opting for plain cake. I served it with a sparkling ice cider from our trip to Domaine Pinnacle in the Eastern Townships of Canada.

apple cider cake

This cake would pair perfectly with any glass of bubbles though, and since Megan and I love our bubbles so much, I raise a glass to her and Jeff, a beautiful Autumn wedding day, a dream honeymoon in Italy, and a lifetime of sweetness and happiness together. I can’t wait to see what the future brings for them.

  1. Megan’s avatar

    Aw! I love this post! And I love thinking back on that trip to King Arthur. You are an amazing baker… and this cake sounds awesome. I would love to find time to make it. Cheers!


  2. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    Such a great fall recipe!! I can taste the cider now. Megan would be proud of this cake, for sure 🙂


  3. Shannon’s avatar

    love fitting apple cider into baked goods, this is surely a winner 🙂


  4. Erica @ In and Around Town’s avatar

    Perfect recipe for you and Megan with the cake and the bubbles!


  5. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

    This is a lovely cake for fall!
    PS – It was so nice seeing you last night! xo


  6. Daisy’s avatar

    this post is so sweet!! your cake looks like it came out of that earthquake just beautifully!


  7. Jean | Delightful Repast’s avatar

    I love cakes like this. They go perfectly with a cup of tea (or two or three). Like you did, I’d definitely leave it plain. No need for frosting.


  8. Elizabeth’s avatar

    Your cake doesn’t look like it survived an earthquake at all! It looks fantastic! Wish I could have it for breakfast now.


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