Family Birthday Dinner

This week is going to be bananas. Weeks after weekends away are always a little off for me; the house is a mess of laundry and luggage, I didn’t get to cook all weekend, and I didn’t work on the weekend like I usually do.

This week just happens to also be chock full of meetings, events, and getting my body ready to run the Boston Marathon. I am exhausted already!

Luckily, I had a fantastic Easter weekend with my family, complete with a belated birthday dinner celebrating yours truly.

My sister hosted, and we kicked off with some playing outside with my niece and nephew while sipping on Gloria Ferrer Va de Vi, undoubtedly one of my favorite sparkling wines.

Va de Vi

Gloria Ferrer

table setting

My brother-in-law manned the grill, cranking out a feast of grilled sweet peppers (SO good!).

roasted peppers

He also grilled perfect filet mignons; you could cut them with a butter knife. I had a few bites; I don’t eat a ton of red meat, but these were too good to pass up!


And grilled shrimp, as I requested. Brushed with garlic and oil and quickly grilled, these were perfect and tasted like summer.

grilled shrimp

Dinner also included corn on the cob, baked potatoes with sour cream, and an ice cream sundae bar. A great meal paired with people I love the most is more than I could ever ask for.

In an unfortunate “twist” I was running around with the kids searching for Easter eggs on Sunday when I stepped into a hole and landed hard on the side of my ankle. Not the best timing! It’s throbbing as I write this, and I can only hope there’s enough ice and Advil in the world this week. Fingers crossed. . .

Now I am off to Newburyport for a long afternoon meeting and hoping to make it back in time for a last yoga class before the marathon, modified for my ankle, of course.

I hope to see some of you tomorrow at the TAPEÑA Meet Up at Tapeo!

How’s your week lookin’?

Tags: celebrations, filet mignon, Food, Gloria Ferrer, grilling, holidays, shrimp

  1. Elizabeth’s avatar

    I love how summery your birthday dinner was! Can’t come soon enough. I hope your ankle gets better soon!


  2. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    Oh dear -hope you can get SOME rest this week even though it sounds like a busy one!


  3. Daisy’s avatar

    i cant believe its almost time for the marathon! sending healing thoughts your ankles way. you are going to do amazing!


  4. Michelle’s avatar

    Sending you lots of good thoughts on your ankle!


  5. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    Oh no! I’m so sorry about the ankle. Ice. Lots and lots of ice!


  6. Michelle Collins’s avatar

    Sorry to hear about your ankle! Here’s to a swift recovery.


  7. Megan’s avatar

    That meal sounds amazing! We are grilling up some of those peppers tonight. I hope you recover very quickly!


  8. Sues’s avatar

    So exciting that the marathon is less than a week away! I hope you’re OK! I’ll be watching from outside my apartment right before Coolidge Corner 🙂


  9. Molly Galler’s avatar

    Sounds like an amazing meal! Ice cream sundae bar? Amazing! Sending you healing vibes for your ankle.


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