Okay, I’m excited. It’s a beautiful holiday weekend, Boston is absolutely BUZZING with positive energy, and I am running my 5th marathon on Monday. I could be nervous, but instead I am just feeling grateful for the ability to run, for the great (hot!) weather, and all of the support I have received along the way.

Going to the Boston Marathon Expo just got me even more pumped. I didn’t stay long; just enough to get inspired, feel super emotional, and eat every free sample I could get my hands on. Note: eating lots of sport gels washed down by lots of sports drinks makes you feel not-so-good.

Boston Marathon Expo


I do love these Nuun electrolyte drinks. They come in a handy tablet form, and they’re easy to break in half to have just a little oomph to your water, if that’s what you need.


I looked at this set-up, complete with treadmills, for a second and wondered why anyone who is running on Monday would want to try this. Maybe it’s for friends and families of runners. I KNOW what Heartbreak Hill has to offer.

heartbreak hill

It’s going to be a great weekend here in Boston, and I am super excited to be a part of it.

Boston Marathon Expo

As the title of this post says, I am #25159 if you are tracking runners. I am fundraising all the way to the finish. For more information on The ALLY Foundation and my fundraising efforts, please visit my Crowdrise page.

That’s all for now! I am off to enjoy a work-free weekend, focusing on relaxation and getting energized. Have a GREAT one!

Tags: Boston, Boston Marathon, running

  1. melissanibbles’s avatar

    Enjoy the rest and good luck on Monday! You’re going to rock it!


  2. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    GOOD LUCK! You will do great. Drink lots – and be sure to replace your salts!!


  3. Elizabeth’s avatar

    Good luck!!!! You’re going to be great 🙂


  4. Michelle’s avatar

    Enjoy this weekend. I know you’ll do great! P.S. Sorry for the text last night…I didn’t see the blog post! Bret and I both have to work on Monday but we want to be able to root you on remotely! xoxo


  5. Daisy’s avatar

    i am so glad you are in the highest of spirits and ready to rock this!


  6. paola’s avatar

    Congrats Meg, it’s amazing that this is your 5th! I still have to make my donation (difficult on phone) but I will and I’ll also be thinking of u on Monday. Go Meggo, gagaloo gagaloooo!


  7. Erica @ Inandaroundtown’s avatar

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Good Luck on the run!!!!


  8. Megan’s avatar

    Good luck, Meghan!!! So excited for you and already so proud of you!!


  9. Eric King’s avatar

    You can do it Meghan!! Enjoy the roar of Boston as it welcomes you back home! You got this 🙂


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