Your Best Advice or Inspiration

TGIF! We made it through the week, and I know you are excited about the weekend. Me too. It’s been a trying week. I probably sound like a broken record, but the whole working for yourself thing is often not a piece of cake, especially when it comes to a good ratio of work vs. earnings and savings. It’s a lot to think about on top of a very full work day. I’m not complaining. . . really. But I have definitely had my fair share of overwhelmed moments in February!


I know you have all been there, which is why I thought a post on advice and/or inspiration might be fun for a Friday.

I am and will always be the kind of person who takes things personally. I have gotten a LOT better and continue to grow, but I am, at the end of the day, someone who wants everyone around me to be happy all the time. Tough, but I can wear my heart on my sleeve, and that’s that.

So when I perceive someone’s tone to be not-so-nice in an email (very easy to do), my first instinct is to often to take it personally.

I don’t do that. I take a deep breath, walk away if I need to, remind myself it is business, and when it’s time to respond or act, I remind myself of some advice my mom’s dear, late friend told me when I was a teenager.

“You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”

Keeping this in mind keeps me on track not just to do a great job and to respond professionally, but even to throw in a little extra cheer or kindness. It doesn’t hurt, and you know what? At the very least it adds a little more positivity to my day.

I also get a bit of positivity every morning in the form of an email from The Universe. Call me crazy, but it’s one of these that actually helped me make the big leap to quit my job. Here’s my message today:

“When you finally get that call, meet that person, walk that walk, and live that dream, Meghan, do you think you’ll even care that there were a few dark and scary moments in a journey that made them all possible?

Trust me, you won’t even remember.”

Thanks, Universe. That’s a great way to end the week! 😉


What’s a great piece of advice or inspiration you have received that often pops up as you go through life?


  1. Michelle’s avatar

    Amen, sister! I’m learning to just breathe and to focus on what is in front of me…and not the piles of things that I have to do but haven’t done. It is tough but it is what is getting me through this week.


  2. Daisy’s avatar

    I love special, subtle messaged from the universe. happy friday, good luck on those taxes 😉


  3. eric King’s avatar

    I may be slapped for writing this but what works when I have to deal with a challenge or challenging minds is :
    if it is to be, it is up to me – thats it.
    10 2-letter words to remind you that you get what you give, you get out what you put in, and ultimately you could have the right answer, but delivering it wrong could be more detrimental than the wrong answer delivered well.


  4. Elizabeth’s avatar

    Oy, I read this first this morning and after a rough day yesterday, I did not have any words of wisdom. But I was definitely happy to hear some inspirational words. They can be so powerful


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I’m sorry you had a rough day! I hope you are doing better.


    2. Megan’s avatar

      I am always telling myself and others around me to think positively. That’s the best thing to do, in my opinion. Look on the bright side! Love this post.


    3. Raija’s avatar

      I stopped getting those notes from the universe for some reason!! I need to sign back up. Thanks for the great reminders. While you may wear your heart on your sleeve, you have a very big heart and so many of us have been lucky enough to benefit from your loving kindness. 🙂


    4. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

      I’ve had plenty of great advice but here’s two of my favorites: from my grandfather – to live life with kindness, perseverance, and humility. And from Oprah – to not focus on the things I don’t have, but instead to focus on the things I do have 🙂 Have a great weekend!


    5. Kelly’s avatar

      I can definitely relate to this post. I love the ease and convenience of e-mail, but I definitely think people can be meaner in e-mail phone than they would be on the phone. I have received some very interesting, often very unkind e-mails since I started teaching and I have to say I still have not improved a lot in not taking them personally. I tend to react immediately and then later calm down and realize it was either a misunderstanding or the person is crazy or they have a point but maybe didn’t need to say it that way. I am proud of all my responds to these e-mails which have always been professional and usually “kill them with kindness.” I almost always receive an apology from parents who often wrote the e-mail in a moment of emotion without fully thinking. I hope that some day in my career I learn to laugh at these e-mails, because they are definitely laughable… I don’t need to take things so personally! 🙂 Neither do you- so I like your plan of walking away for a bit!


    6. melissanibbles’s avatar

      I feel like everyone I know had a crappy week. I hope next week is better for us. I’m going to sign up for those universe emails. I need a cheerleader. Thanks!


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