15 Minutes to Yum


Could it be possible Nutella jars look even more beautiful in black and white? Could I possibly have any more work this week? Did you have a good Valentine’s Day?

This week has been absolutely insane with conference calls and new projects. Yay! But, it does get overwhelming to sort of always have to adjust to a new schedule. By the time work and running were done at 7:00 last night, the last thing I wanted to do was to cook. I did want to make something a little sweet and decadent for Valentine’s Day though. Once again I garnered inspiration from my Philadelphia cream cheese cook book (Thanks, Mom!), grabbing a savory recipe and turning it into my own sweet creation.

It involved three ingredients.

1 package refrigerated crescent rolls

4 ounces cream or Neufchatel cheese

As much Nutella as you like

Preheat the oven to 350.

Roll out the crescent roll dough into two rectangles on a lightly greased baking sheet.

Top one of the layers of dough with cubed cream cheese and dollops of Nutella. Honey and cinnamon would also probably be good.

Fold the second layer of dough on top of the first, and push corners down to seal the fillings in.

Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes.


Remove the dough from the oven once it is golden brown on the outside. Set aside to cool, the cut into desired servings. Be sure to heat any leftovers before serving so to achieve the below gooey consistency.


The dough ended up light, flaky, and buttery, and the sweet Nutella was cut by the creamy, more savory cheese. I love desserts with cream cheese or any sort of cheese. (Check out Emily’s Palmiers. I am making these ASAP!)

The end result is not too sweet and made for a dessert that appeals to lots of palates. It also makes an indulgent breakfast with an espresso. Smile

I don’t know about you, but I am ready for the long weekend already. What’s your best trick for getting through an exhausting week?

Tags: breakfast, dessert, Nutella, recipe

  1. Di’s avatar

    That looks AMAZING! Great idea. 🙂


  2. Raija’s avatar

    Are you seducing with Nutella photography now?


  3. Michelle’s avatar

    It isn’t a long weekend for me but I’m definitely looking forward to the weekend…especially hanging out with you!


  4. Erica @ In and Around Town’s avatar

    You had me at Nutella…I am obsessed, and this may be made in my kitchen this weekend! Delicious


  5. Megan’s avatar

    Oh yum. That is my kind of dessert. I just keep telling myself there’s a long weekend coming, and I’m plowing through. It helps to have fun plans for the weekend too.


  6. Ché @ Knight at the Restaurant’s avatar

    Your recipe is definitely something to get me through a long week…I really need to make that immediately, it looks so easy!


  7. Kim’s avatar

    i just printed this recipe out to make this weekend. wow, that is absolutely up my alley!


  8. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

    Love the title of this post. You know I’m a sucker for all things Nutella! This sounds fabulous!


  9. Michelle Collins’s avatar

    This looks incredible. Anything with Nutella in it is a winner in my book!


  10. Daisy’s avatar

    this has been THE most exhausting week ever, i feel you. this is such a fun way to incorporate nutella, love it.


  11. Julie’s avatar

    This is pure genious.


  12. Alaina’s avatar

    My vacation starts on Friday!! I’m off for a month. 🙂

    And these will definitely be made during that time.


  13. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    oooh that is VERY yum. WOW. Thanks for the link love to the palmiers! They are super easy and delicious!


  14. Elizabeth’s avatar

    Nutella and cream cheese, now there’s a combo I need to try


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