We Love Vermont

Our trip to Stowe last month was absolutely perfect and made us wonder why we don’t visit Vermont more often. There was so much to do, and even though we were there for just a weekend, I would say we fit a lot in.


We didn’t really plan a ton of activities for Stowe, but when we got there, we passed by quite a few attractions that made for a Saturday afternoon filled with a food and drink: a visit to the Cabot Coop store, chocolate sampling at the Lake Champlain chocolate store, followed by a visit to the Green Mountain Coffee store. I followed this trifecta with a beer tasting at the Trapp Family Lodge, making for a fun and tiring day.


Our first stop was some cheese tasting at Cabot. Since we were planning a sparkling wine tasting, I took my cheese tasting job seriously.

In the end the hot habanero, extra sharp cheddar, and horseradish made it into our basket. I live by the rule that there must be at least three cheeses in the house at one time.


Next up was a visit to the Lake Champlain chocolate store. We sampled (and purchased) Aztec hot chocolate and some fudge.

Lake Champlain fudge



And I fell head over heels for their milk chocolate praline crunch and dark chocolate disks. We may have purchased a lot of chocolate, but I figured we were helping the post-Irene Vermont economy, so it was okay.

Green Mountain Coffee

After getting hopped up on chocolate, we got our caffeine on at the Green Mountain Coffee Visitor Center and Café. Housed in an old-fashioned train station, the café smells of divine dark roast. It was toasty and warm, but unfortunately the visitor center portion wasn’t opened.

Green Mountain Coffee Visitor Center

Instead of touring the visitor center, we wandered around outside, getting a good dose of chilly air and loving the neat little train station touches. It reminded me of Anne of Green Gables; I was just waiting to turn a corner to see Anne and her carpet bag waiting for Matthew. Winking smile

Green Mountain Coffee

We made an afternoon of leisurely checking out these three local gems, and it was perfect. As always, I enjoyed bringing home some food gifts to remind us of our time away. We’re headed to Vermont again very soon, this time to Killington for a little skiing (him) and apres ski (me) and to spend some time with good friends. I am trying my best to not hate the winter. It’s not really working. I am ready for this.

How’s winter treating you?

Tags: Cabot, cheese, chocolate, coffee, Food, Green Mountain, Lake Champlain, snow, Stowe, Travel, Vermont

  1. Heather’s avatar

    I can’t believe you were able to reference 2 of my favorite childhood movies in one post – Anne of Green Gables AND Sound of Music.

    I have never been to VT but am dying to do so – Stowe sounds like a great first destination.


  2. Elizabeth’s avatar

    I just google mapped Stowe. Why is it so far??! I would love to go.


  3. Michelle’s avatar

    Great minds think alike! We stopped at Cabot and Lake Champlain as well…and brought home extra sharp and habanero cheddar! 🙂


  4. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    Great idea to make all these food-related stops! Sounds like my dream itinerary!


  5. Erica @ In and Around Town’s avatar

    I did not realize that each of those fabulous places were so close to Stowe – I only knew about Ben and Jerry’s – Cabot cheese though?? YES PLEASE!


  6. Daisy’s avatar

    vermont is an amazing state!


  7. melissanibbles’s avatar

    Sounds fun. You’d have to drag me kicking and screaming out of the Cabot cheese tasting though.


  8. Michelle Collins’s avatar

    Thankfully, we snowboard during the winter – which helps make the winter fly by. That doesn’t help when I’m having to clear snow off my car every morning, but…it helps. 😉


  9. Christy’s avatar

    Looks like a lovely and fun-filled trip!:) I do so love travels!;)


  10. Megan’s avatar

    I love Cabot horseradish cheddar. All cheese tasting should be taken seriously. 🙂


  11. Molly Galler’s avatar

    What a fun day of tastings! Cheese, chocolate, coffee – yes, please! Now I’m hungry!


  12. Colleen’s avatar

    I love love love VT! It looks like you guys had a great visit! 🙂


  13. Gail’s avatar

    So glad you visited Vermont again and chose 3 of my Cheddar favs! Just a thought, when you travel to Killington, the Cabot Quechee store is only 40 minutes away! Our farmers appreciate your support!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      We are headed up to Killington today, and I am definitely hoping to get to Quechee area!


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